Rank and file creationists pretty much have little or no intellectual curiosity; more than that though, they display profound, willful ignorance, which makes them ideal gullible followers --they simply parrot what they've been fed by their creationist "influencers"--of whom there are two basic types: 1) opportunistic capitalists, who can pull in big bucks with their creationist museums and Ark Encounters and their book deals and movies, and 2) the cynical, ambitious ideologues, whose aim is political power.
For the latter, organized creationism is not about learning anything--about nature, science, or even religion. It's an ideological movement whose main interest is control over the education system, as well as the larger society. It has now been incorporated into a larger dominionist movement, aimed at replacing the Constitution with the fundamentalist evangelicals' own perverted version of Sharia-like law. They want to take us back to the 14th Century.
-- Ted K
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