Monday, August 10, 2020

I asked a question. Here are some of the well done answers.

Why have millions of people thrown out Christianity, Catholicism, and Islam, and became atheists?


I think millions of people are just finally being honest with people around them and themselves. They are shedding a cultural norm that never reflected reality in their own lives.


Because ALL of those silly cults are ridiculous.

NONE of them have EVER been proven or substantiated with ANY legitimate evidence. NONE.

Besides, anywhere that education improves and increases, atheism also ALWAYS increases.


Better education. The realization that actually there are perfectly logical explanations for things that were once thought of as divine action. The realization that no supposedly benevolent god is doing a thing to help humanity.


Because they have become better educated. Education gives understanding to that which we never used to understand, so we used religion and mysticism to explain it. Most religions also rely on faith without any actual proof, as well as this idea of being infallible. What we once were not allowed to question, we now question, and the answers usually lead us away from religion.


That one is called the "realization of reality" least that's what I call it. The more one studies religions, the more clear it becomes that it is a scam. Most people, upon realizing that, leave the superstition behind.


I blame the Internet, all that knowledge and science-based facts are ruining it for Religion.


The most fucktard answer:

Because the Bible prophesies that in the latter times SOME shall DEPART FROM THE FAITH, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils, speaking lies in hypocrisy and having their consciences seared with a hot iron, etc. (1 Timothy 4: 1)

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