Friday, April 24, 2020

Lots of Christian fucktards at the Wall Street Journal. The stupid, it burns.

A normal person, aka atheist, wrote this comment:

Re "And he has had mercy: Jesus teaches ..." If such tales make death and separation easier, fine. Santa Claus, rain-dancing, all sorts of stories have been created in the course of human history. All sorts of elaborate rituals, temples (tax-free of course because they're "special"), tabernacles and apparatus and garments, gilded books, and extensive music. Lots of smart people buy it, not me.


A Christian fucktard wrote this bullshit:

I feel sorry for you and the hardness of your heart, but all things are possible with God!

I trust and pray that when you are lying on your deathbed, the Lord's mercy will soften your heart and open your mind to his Son's saving grace, for the Lord loves and embraces a repentant sinner, even up to the moment of our last breath.

May you someday experience the Peace of the risen Lord!


This is what I wrote for the stupid fucking asshole who hides in his "everything is magic" fantasy world:

You feel sorry for someone who accepts reality instead of insane religious nonsense? Why?


Imagine the breathtaking stupidity required to believe in the magical resurrection of the Magic Jeebus Man. Christians are fucking morons.

"Lord loves and embraces a repentant sinner, even up to the moment of our last breath."

Idiots for Jeebus make stuff up and then they call their insane bullshit a fact.

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