Friday, April 24, 2020

I never met a Christian who wasn't a stupid fucking asshole.

This is what I wrote for a stupid fucking asshole for Jeebus who wants to throw out evolution (the strongest fact of science) and replace it with his childish ridiculous magical creation fantasy. What a fucking moron. And there are millions of these assholes in Idiot America.

You science deniers are insane, not to mention hard of thinking. You have an incurable brain damage problem. You have zero curiosity because you want to know nothing about the science that makes you cry. You fucktards for Jeebus will waste your entire pathetic lives being completely wrong about everything. Even worse, you advertise your ridiculous fear of science. You advertise your total ignorance of science. You don't even know what science is.

I should throw out evolution which is supported by thousands of evidences from DNA sequencing and embryology, and thousands more evidences from numerous other branches of science, and replace all that science with your ridiculous childish magical creation fantasy (which has zero evidence because it's impossible). Nice try Mr. Fucktard.

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