Sunday, December 1, 2019

I asked a dumb question and two people wrote excellent answers. It's about the bible-thumping morons in Idiot America.

"If a scientific fact supported by thousands of evidences conflicts with the Bible, should the science be thrown out?"

No, the scientifically illiterate retard bible should be the one to be thrown out then, if it wasn't already blatantly obvious even before that, that there is no magic wizard man in the sky.

Yet so many dumbfucks will believe in a fairytale book with obvious flaws over reality and what all of the evidence points towards (garbage bible isn't real evidence, just like the story of princess and the frog isn't evidence, although I don't see what's stopping religious people from believing in that, since they already believe in equally stupid things, if not more stupid). Christianity (and the other religions) encourage ignorance, stupidity, scientific illiteracy, rejection of reality and dishonesty, amongst other things. It is a parasite which has no place in modern-day, just like any other superstitious nonsense.

-- Theodore


Creationists think so, as the responders to your question make clear.

Creationists HATE reality when it is in conflict with the ancient myths they believe in, and they try to refute the facts with arguments that show only how ignorant or how dishonest they are. One of your responders in particular always shows how dishonest he is because he keeps spouting the same dishonest arguments no matter how many times they are refuted.

I recently asked another creationist about the hundreds of billions of galaxies that astronomers have discovered in their telescopes, and he said that they were just computerized CGI fakes made in a conspiracy by scientists to undermine the Bible.

He did not respond when I pointed out that galaxies were first observed through telescopes early in the 20th century LONG before CGI programs were developed and LONG before computers were invented.

In any case, most creationists are too ignorant about science to make rational arguments against its findings. They, for the most part, go to creationist sources to lap up the deceit, misrepresentations, omissions of fact, and outright falsehoods they find there and regurgitate it here.

-- Lighting the Way to Reality

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