Thursday, December 19, 2019

Here in Idiot America we have millions of Christian fucktards who are 100% certain the Noah's Ark genocide myth was real. I'm not making this up. Their evidence is in their moronic ridiculous bible. The stupid, it burns.

Genesis 6:19-20

And of every living thing of all flesh, you shall bring two of every kind into the ark, to keep them alive with you; they shall be male and female. Of the birds after their kind, and of the animals after their kind, of every creeping thing of the ground after its kind, two of every kind will come to you to keep them alive.


I asked this question:

Can you imagine the stupidity required to believe in the Noah's Ark genocide myth?

Some of the best answers:


It takes a gigantic detachment from reality and science. You would have to be one full-fledged retard that's completely delusional, brainwashed and dupable to even believe that 1% of the fairytale is even remotely possible. These anti-science christards are such a fucking joke, they will believe whatever transparently BS story that's in the bible (a fucking book not even worthy of being used as toilet paper) that demonstrates a pisspoor understanding of science, even for the time of the myths being written without even blinking an eye. Such a joke. They can't have that many brain cells, even combined. Religious magic nonsense is for the people who can't handle or understand reality. Religion is the exact opposite of science on virtually every account, and that's why morons gravitate to religion so much. Science deals with reality, religion deals with retarded fairytales. Science has the scientific method in order to sort out frauds (typically Christian retards trying to promote pseudoscience such as intelligent design) while religion rewards frauds with positions such as priests, pastors, etc, where gullible cócksuckers give them their money. Science educates us about the world around us, religion makes dumb people even dumber and more ignorant. Considering how genuinely moronic religion is, I also find it concerning how many people underestimate the sheer stupidity it takes to believe in such retardation, much of it which is a severe underestimation.


It's difficult to imagine that level of gullibility. You would think people would at least be smart enough to recognize a fable when they see one but apparently there are some with limitless credulity.


Well, it's not just stupidity. One has to also be grossly ignorant of all of the evidence that shows that it could not possibly have occurred.

That includes the fact that several civilizations went about their business without realizing they were supposed to be drowning when the mythical flood was supposed to have occurred.

Also, contrary to creationist claims that the mythical biblical flood caused the fossil record, there is NO way that the fossil record, which shows evolutionary sequences through the thousands of strata with no fossil of a species appearing in strata that were laid down before that species could possibly have evolved.

Example. You will NOT find one single fossil of any of the 5,000 present-day species of mammals, including humans, in any strata in which dinosaur fossils are found anywhere in the world. The only mammal fossils to be found in the same strata with dinosaur fossils are of relatively small, early types having no clear relation to present-day species. The present-day species do not start appearing in strata until those laid down LONG after the dinosaurs became extinct 66 million years ago.

If the mythical biblical flood had occurred, there would not be those thousands (actually even millions) of strata and there would be a mix of species together in no particular order, creationist BS about the fossil record notwithstanding.


Or the bible for that matter. The Noah's ark fable isn't even the worst one in the book.


To paraphrase Einstein - the universe and genius have limits. Human stupidity has no limits.


Yep. It's about as stupid as thinking socialism might work.


I agree, for any sober, sane adult, that is nearly unimaginable stupidity.


I don't have to imagine the stupidity. I WAS that stupid. Looking back, I only believed it because authority figures told me I should believe it, and I never questioned it. I got better!!


It's mostly due to having been told the story from the time they are very young - and never actually questioning the logistics of it, even when they get older.


It's almost certainly based on an older story of a king who floated some of his livestock down-river on a barge during a *localized* flood. Someone took a bit of poetic license with it, and 'voila' - 'Noah's Ark'.


I have always wondered about that even when I believed in God. Who cleaned up all the poop? Why didn't the animals kill each other? What kept them from cross-breeding. Why didn't they eat Noah and his crew?

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