Friday, December 27, 2019

At the Wall Street Journal one year ago there was a science article about evolution. As usual the anti-science bible thumpers who infest the Republican Party and the Wall Street Journal repeatedly advertised their breathtaking stupidity. I wrote these comments for the Christian fucktards. I never met a Christian who wasn't an uneducated moron.

I wrote this:

"Hobbled by poor design, humans fall short of our fellow animals in other ways." Our ancestors were fish and that's what evolution had to work with. This explains our poor design. Evolution explains why having babies is painful for the mother and it explains why I had to have surgery for a hernia. Evolution explains everything. This is why for me evolution is the most interesting branch of science. An excellent book about this subject: "Your Inner Fish, A Journey Into The 3.5-Billion-Year History of the Human Body" by Neil Shubin. Neil Shubin's team discovered the famous Tiktaalik fossils, a transitional species between fish and land animals.

An insane know-nothing asshole wrote this moronic bullshit:

How about reading a better book; the Bible. Preferably in the original Hebrew to eliminate the layers of purposeful lies and errors of translators. Makes a lot more sense than evolution—even after millions of artifacts have been found—signifying nothing!

I wrote this for the Christian fucktard:

Study your moronic bible instead of studying science? Are you joking or are you insane?

Another asshole for Jeebus, after writing some ridiculous reasons for why evolution is wrong, wrote this bullshit:

The further good news is that there has always been, and always will be, just such a force and "His spirit hovered over the face of the waters" and is with us still, despite our pride, greed, gluttony, lust...sin. Finally, we have the truly Good News of the Gospel (John 3:16). Simply accept it, Dr. Lents and you'll be trading in this flawed body for a new one some glorious day. (1 Cor 15:44).

I wrote this for the moron:

I don't understand why you would quote the Bible for an article about science.

Then another idiot for Jeebus wrote this nonsense:

"…why you would quote the Bible for an article about science." Obviously because the science-fiction of evolution has tried for many decades to undermine one's belief in a Creator. (And then the idiot wrote more stuff that was so fucking stupid I'm not putting it here because it was disgusting.)

I wrote this for the fucktard:

" science-fiction of evolution" Evolution is the strongest fact of science. Would it kill you to educate yourself?

Then another asshole for Jeebus wrote this stupidity:

Whatever else this is, it is not an article about science.

I wrote this to help the bible-thumper understand:

"It is not an article about science." Evolution is the foundation of biology. Biology is science.

Then I found something even more fucking stupid. He thinks natural selection is an "intelligence". These morons don't understand the science that makes them cry, and they prefer magical creationism.

Speaking of evolution as having the intelligence to plan is ludicrous. The truth to all of this is that humans were designed perfectly until the Fall. If one is truly honest, does it sound probable, or even possible, that life was formed by accident? If we are unable to even come close to creating any form of life in a lab, how did nature do it in a prebiotic soup?

I wrote this for the asshole:

You obviously know nothing about evolution which by the way is the strongest fact of science.


If this article was from the New York Times there would be excellent comments and zero science deniers. But at the Wall Street Journal, virtually everyone wants to throw out evolution because they prefer god-did-it. The stupid, it burns.

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