Tuesday, June 25, 2019

What I wrote for a know-nothing bible-thumping evolution-denier. This time I was nice even though the question was ridiculous. There are a lot of Christian fucktards in Idiot America.

"If evolution is true why do we only see animals give birth to the same kind?"

The transition from land animals to whales took about 10 million years.

The transition from ancient apes to today's human apes took about 6 or 7 million years.

Natural selection for what works in a changing environment is a very gradual process.

The best book about how evolution works and the overwhelming evidence for it: "Why Evolution Is True" by Jerry Coyne.

Also, Google and Wikipedia are your friends.


Another fucktard for Jeebus wrote this moronic question which I answered.

"Why do atheists lie and say that if you don’t believe in evolution, then you don’t believe in gravity? I believe in gravity without believing in evolution."

The point is anyone who denies the established truth of evolution which is supported by thousands of evidences from DNA sequencing and many other branches of science, is an uneducated moron.

Now do you understand?

One more thing: Nobody "believes" in evolution. Evolution is the strongest fact of science. Facts do not require belief. Normal people say they accept the overwhelming evidence for evolution.


Somebody else wrote this and I wrote a comment about it:

"Atheism is the disbelief in gods and has nothing to do with science. Evolution and gravity are science. Neither is a matter of belief, both are supported by overwhelming evidence which is why they are both accepted by theists and atheists alike including all the mainstream Christian churches."

Well done but I would like to point out something. Many of the morons who belong to mainstream Christian churches here in Idiot America are evolution deniers.

The Christians who accept evolution, always, 100% of the time, invoke their magic god fairy to invent or use or guide evolution, and that's bullshit. The fairy had absolutely nothing to do with the development of new species. There is nothing theistic about science.

Anyone who sticks a Magic Man into evolution is a creationist fucktard. There is no excuse for it, and there is no reason to suck up to these anti-reality assholes. They are part of the religious stupidity problem and they disgrace America.


"When will Christians understand that there is no life after death and that you will rot in the ground as worm food?"

Christians would have to grow up and stop being cowardly morons, but that's not going to happen. Cowards will always be cowards. Morons will always be morons. There is no cure for extreme stupidity.

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