Monday, June 24, 2019

This anti-science anti-reality god-soaked bullshit is totally ridiculous but millions of American fucktards agree with this moron for Jeebus.

I didn't 'weave' my theories into the facts: I went to God and He gave me everything I needed to clearly understand (I was 42 at the time... there were no creationist websites... He only used secular science to teach me the truth):

The word 'dinosaur' came from two Greek words that mean 'terrible lizard'... a word made up in the 1800s to describe reptile fossils.

Under the forces of EXTREME PRESSURE everything that was engulfed in mud during the world-wide flood turned into stone.

For about a year and a half silica (mostly) permiated plant and animal tissue. The mud also became stone as it compressed under the weight of billions of tons of water. Stone cannot be dated.

When a fish or an animal dies it rots, turns to dust or gets eaten... it does not turn into a fossil. Every fossil in the world is the result of the flood. Period.

Before the flood everything lived ten times longer - that's why tusks, antlers, fangs, trees and reptiles grew huge. I used to work with reptiles; among many things I learned about them was that they NEVER stop growing as long as they live.

Pre-flood the air had 50% more oxygen in it. Like a hyperbaric chamber, everything lived longer because of the air quality. We know this because we have air samples from before the flood; extracted from bubbles trapped in fossilized sap (amber). Adam lived until he was 930. Noah was 600 when he built the Ark (Google Noah's Ark Turkey - a tourist attraction since the 1970's A.D.).

Believing in lies about evolution makes you guilty of making God out to be a liar. This is spiritual treason.

You've heard of bacteria 'evolving'? No such thing: simply, the hardier bacteria were never killed off by the antibiotic in the first place. The weaker bacteria were. All that's left is 'resistant' bacteria. They were never subject to antibiotics to begin with. They never 'evolved'.

PS. If God wants to raise children for Abraham from the stones He can do it. He doesn't need any of us. He can change what is in the blink of an eye.... He doesn't need millenia.

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