Friday, September 11, 2015

On September 11, 2015 an idiot tried to justify his faith in bullshit. I wrote a reply.

"Faith is an excuse to deny reality. Cowards have faith because reality makes them cry."
Gee, wrong answer again! Want to try for a third time? 
You might have a better chance at the correct answer if you can rise above the bad experiences you seem to have had. Contrary to what some may think, nuns have no corner on "faith". I'm sorry that they wrongfully gave you that impression.
As to faith being an excuse to deny reality, that's absurd. True faith in God does not remove someone from reality. How could you remove someone from a dimension that faith says God created? What is reality? Some relative concept of yours? Do you mean to say that if something is merely not in the realm of your experience, it does not exist? That would imply that truth is dependent on you being omniscient, which I can faithfully say, I'm certain you are not. The fact is that truth is much, much more expansive than any one person can imagine, including even you.

Thanks for your comment Mr. Nessi.
Reality is a very simple concept. For example what happens when creatures (including humans) drop dead? They become worm food. They become a worthless piece of garage, equal to a dead cockroach. This is reality. I accept reality. I think reality is interesting. I thank goodness reality is real.
The people who have faith virtually always want to throw out the reality I just described. So they are willing to have faith in any ridiculous idea that makes them feel good, for example the idea that we have a magical soul that magically flies to a magical paradise where dead people have magical 2nd lives. Magic is not reality.
A magical heaven is not a harmless fantasy. For example exactly 14 years ago 3,000 Americans were murdered because religious people sacrificed their lives to fly airplanes into buildings because they thought they would have a magical 2nd life. That's the power of faith. I prefer reality.

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