Monday, September 21, 2015

My comment at a blog post called "Dr. Ben Carson – Evolution is Satan’s work? Not so fast."

Of course as you already know, just because science deniers think there's a debate about evolution, doesn't mean there's a debate. It only means the science deniers are just plain stupid. Biologists have accepted evolution as fact for more than a century.
It's true that some Christians accept the established truth of evolution but they are admitting their dead Jeebus (who was a creationist) was an uneducated moron. I suggest it would be impossible for an honest Christian to accept evolution and still belong to the Christian death cult. But these pro-science Christians are lying to themselves. They worship a dead human ape who didn't know anything about science.
Another problem is most Christians who accept evolution don't really accept it. Instead they pollute biology with their magic god fairy to magically invent, or magically use, or magically guide evolution. Biology doesn't require magic, but Christians stick magic in there anyway.
Only 19% of Idiot America accepts evolution as a totally natural process, compared to virtually 100% of biologists who accept evolution without magic.
I totally respect Mr. Carson but his ridiculous denial of the strongest and most important fact of science makes him unqualified to be president of the USA which is the job he wants. We don't need an anti-science president in the 21st century. Unfortunately the Republican Party is infested with millions of science deniers which is why it's often called the Stupid Party.
Atheist here, fiscal conservative, and a Republican who thinks Republican politicians are idiots.

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