Thursday, November 3, 2011

The never ending Christian war against the United States constitution

If Christians kept their childish fantasies to themselves there would be no problem. But because Christians are stupid assholes they have to constantlly show off how insane they are. They have to stick their dead Jeebus everywhere. Their favorite target is America's public schools. I've already written about their war against science education in these 122 posts. This post is about their war against the Establishment Clause, which is the 1st clause of the 1st sentence of the 1st amendment to the United States constitution. The Establishment clause was written by America's Founding Fathers more than two centuries ago. The author of America's Declaration of Independence called the Establishment Clause our wall of separation between church and state.

Christians are reality deniers, science deniers, and they are constitution deniers. They deny the existence of the Establishment Clause, or they pretend they don't understand it, or more likely they're too stupid to understand it. It's also possible they understand it perfectly but because they're assholes they don't think it applies to them.

The Establishment Clause is in everyone's best interest, including Christians. But Christians are too bloody stupid to understand this obvious fact. When Christian assholes try to violate the Establishment Clause they usually accomplish nothing except sticking taxpayers with legal bills when they lose in court.

It's fair to ask Christian assholes why do they want everyone else to dislike them. Of course the answer is Christian assholes want to be assholes because they only care about themselves and their Dark Ages death cult.

What motivated me to write this post was this newspaper article in the Fort Lauderdale, Florida newspaper -- Florida Senate committee passes bill allowing student-led prayer.

The newspaper article is about how Christian politicians in Florida are trying to stick their Jeebus cult into our public schools. They don't care about the rights of non-Christians, including America's rapidly growing atheist population (also known as normal people), who would like to get thru the day without being forced to listen to idiots babbling about their dead Jeebus.

Florida's Christian assholes want to give brainwashed Christian students the right to pray out loud at school events every other student would want to participate in, including football games, school dances, and even graduation ceremonies. These drooling morons, if Christian assholes get their way, will force normal people to listen to them pray to their dead Jeebus. It's disgusting and it's stupid. I strongly encourage normal students to complain loudly about it. What works is relentless ridicule. Christians might learn how to keep their stupidity to themselves if they were ridiculed enough.

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