Sunday, November 13, 2011

Christian tards believe their dead Jeebus became a zombie.

I wrote this comment at Why I am an atheist – Karen Locke:

Several years ago I read about this idea, which assumes there really was a Jeebus preacher man.

Jeebus worked for the government and that’s why he said Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s, and unto God the things that are God’s.

The normal procedure was to tie the criminal to the cross, not nail him to it. Jeebus was hanging on the cross, having a wonderful time, then the crowd was ordered to leave, then with the cooperation of the Roman government he was taken down, untied, and then he hid for three days. Then he appeared to his gullible friends who were impressed that he rose from the dead. Then Jeebus got out of town, never to be seen again.

Another idea is Jeebus really was the son of a Magical Master of the Universe, and he really did magically become a zombie but without the terrible smell. That’s what millions of Christian idiots believe. Cowards are willing to believe any supernatural bullshit if it makes them feel good.

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