Wednesday, March 18, 2020


29,768,178Births this year
231,767Births today
12,497,394Deaths this year
97,301Deaths today
17,270,784Net population growth this year
134,466Net population growth today
9,039,676,008Public Healthcare expenditure today
6,193,178,161Public Education expenditure today
2,830,263,263Public Military expenditure today
16,628,877Cars produced this year
31,936,484Bicycles produced this year
53,425,707Computers produced this year
567,692New book titles published this year
288,173,954Newspapers circulated today
402,903TV sets sold worldwide today
3,888,637Cellular phones sold today
174,676,677Money spent on videogames today
4,506,081,972Internet users in the world today
156,913,356,820Emails sent today
4,061,600Blog posts written today
463,964,709Tweets sent today
4,247,820,708Google searches today
1,105,057Forest loss this year (hectares)
1,487,705Land lost to soil erosion this year (ha)
7,676,593,271CO2 emissions this year (tons)
2,549,873Desertification this year (hectares)
2,080,777Toxic chemicals released
in the environment this year 
841,634,334Undernourished people in the world
1,690,563,951Overweight people in the world
752,545,331Obese people in the world
18,501People who died of hunger today
346,598,839Money spent for obesity related
diseases in the USA today
114,367,655Money spent on weight loss
programs in the USA today
922,951,417Water used this year (million L)
178,927Deaths caused by water related
diseases this year
802,637,478People with no access to
a safe drinking water source
282,371,235Energy used today (MWh), of which:
240,370,340- from non-renewable sources (MWh)
42,522,645- from renewable sources (MWh)
1,769,352,195,472Solar energy striking Earth today 
57,914,278Oil pumped today (barrels)
1,514,325,849,405Oil left (barrels)
15,792Days to the end of oil (~43 years)
1,097,022,641,432Natural Gas left (boe)
57,738Days to the end of natural gas
4,318,289,125,096Coal left (boe)
148,907Days to the end of coal
2,758,286Communicable disease deaths this year
103,261Seasonal flu deaths this year
1,615,031Deaths of children under 5 this year
9,030,362Abortions this year
65,673Deaths of mothers during birth this year
41,645,135HIV/AIDS infected people
357,183Deaths caused by HIV/AIDS this year
1,745,038Deaths caused by cancer this year
208,413Deaths caused by malaria this year
9,157,447,338Cigarettes smoked today
1,062,168Deaths caused by smoking this year
531,419Deaths caused by alcohol this year
227,847Suicides this year
85,000,240,817Money spent on illegal drugs this year
286,819Road traffic accident fatalities this year

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