Friday, February 21, 2020

Every Friday the Wall Street Journal has something called "Houses of Worship". I call it "Houses of Stupidity". The comments are always written by god-soaked assholes for Jeebus. They love their god of the gaps. Science makes them cry. I never met a Christian who wasn't a fucking moron.

Wall Street Journal


Thank God, American Churches Are Dying

As thousands close across the U.S., lively new congregations are taking their place.


This is what I wrote for the Republican morons:

"With a vibrant, new church landscape on the scene, there will be no shortage of options to choose from as millions of Americans again find their footing in faith."

Faith means believing in childish nonsense that has zero evidence. It's not a virtue.


A normal person wrote this:

Thank you! Too many use religion to justify murder and every other form of cruelty, suppression, control, etc.


A god-of-the-gaps asshole wrote this moronic bullshit (the fucktard got 7 thumbs up):

Wrong. There’s abundant evidence for the Biblical God. On which to build one’s faith. Ontological, cosmological, teleological, and evidentiary. What takes blind faith is believing that the universe sprang into being spontaneously out of nothing.


These anti-science anti-reality assholes for Jeebus will waste their entire pathetic life being completely wrong about everything. There is no cure. The brain damage can't be fixed.

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