Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Mike Bloomberg (the next president of the United States) was interviewed in California. This is what Mike said about the Iran thing and fucktard Trump.

The San Diego Union-Tribune

Q: The big news of the past week was obviously what happened with Iran (the killing of Iranian General Qasem Soleimani), do you believe that an airstrike was the appropriate response to ensure American safety? Also how would you approach the situation with Iran?

A: Number One, this guy was a bad guy and killed a lot of Americans. I don’t think that is in contention. Everybody understands that and the last few presidents have looked at this guy. Number Two, nobody should answer the question unless they really have the intel, which they don’t because we all know information comes in over a period of time.

But what does disturb me is that the president does not have a staff of advisers with knowledge of defense, with knowledge of diplomacy, with knowledge of economics to give him advice. And making decisions without a bunch of knowledgeable people that you work with all the time and trust is just not good policy.

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