Sunday, January 26, 2020

From the New York Times more stuff about the next president of the United States, Mike Bloomberg.

To watch the videos click the link. The New York Times is free if you don't read more than 5 articles a month. The videos are very interesting and they show why Mike is the best candidate for president.

New York Times - Michael Bloomberg - 20 questions.

Mr. Bloomberg’s surprise entry in November shook up the Democratic race. A billionaire media executive who served three terms as mayor of New York City, Mr. Bloomberg is running as a business-minded centrist with a record of advocacy on issues like gun control and climate change.

How would you handle a general-election debate against Trump?

"No. 1, don’t waste your time criticizing him and telling everybody what he’s done wrong."

Do you think the United States is a racist country?

“I don’t think it’s fair to categorize it as a racist country, but we certainly have plenty of things that in our history that is disgraceful.”

Do you think the next administration will need to investigate President Trump or members of his family?

“There is an argument that when it’s over, we don’t need the continued chaos.”

What attributes would you look for in a running mate?

“You want somebody who if you drop dead, they could run the country.”

Who is one foreign leader you admire?

Emmanuel Macron, president of France

What is the most important thing foreign leaders should know about you?

“That Bloomberg is honest, Bloomberg is smart, Bloomberg cares and has a worldview.”

Do you see Saudi Arabia as a U.S. ally?

“We have a lot of military commitments there and a lot of allies on the military side.”

Does the United States have a role to play in Hong Kong?

“It doesn't seem that there’s any easy solution to satisfy everybody.”

What is the most urgent economic challenge facing the United States today?

“Partly it’s income inequality, but partly it’s lack of opportunity.”
Too many people are left out of this economy.

By what year do you think the U.S. needs to cut its carbon emissions to zero?

“Well, if you talk 2050, that's ridiculous.” (He explains why we can't wait that long.)

Should vaping products be legal?

“We should stop this right now, particularly the flavored kind of vaping and cigarettes that young kids like.”

Would it be important to you to get Republican support for your agenda?

“We need both sides to pass legislation.”

How would you judge whether your presidency was a success or a failure?

“I think the public does that all the time. They judge. But you know whether you did the right thing.”

How would you make sure no one in your family tries to profit off your administration?

"You could not, should not, allow your kids to, No. 1, profit from you, but, 2, even the appearance is wrong.”

What is the last book you read?

“‘Catastrophe 1914’ by Max Hastings.”

Do you have a celebrity crush?

Laura Dern and William H. Macy

Do you have a bad habit?

"Well, I like Cheez Its.”

What do you think your 18-year-old self would think of you now? 

“You know, I’m kind of proud of what we’ve done.”

What has been the most memorable moment of the campaign for you, so far?

“In Fayetteville at an Air Force Army base, where the audience was full of families whose loved ones they were worried about were going to be deployed.”

Do you think Barack Obama made any mistakes as president?

“Everybody makes mistakes all the time. I’m sure he would not say that he didn’t make mistakes.”


New York Times - Amy Klobuchar - 20 questions

A three-term senator, Ms. Klobuchar has been campaigning as a Midwestern moderate with a left-of-center agenda on issues such as health care and business regulation. Pointing to her electoral record in Minnesota, she has been making the case that she is uniquely equipped to win states like Wisconsin and Michigan.

I watched her 20 videos. I prefer Bloomberg but I would vote for her if she won the nomination.

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