Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Most of the biology teachers in Idiot America don't know anything about biology. I'm not making this up.

Only 28 percent of biology teachers consistently follow the recommendations of the National Research Council to describe straightforwardly the evidence for evolution and explain the ways in which it is a unifying theme in all of biology. At the other extreme, 13 percent explicitly advocate creationism, and spend at least an hour of class time presenting it in a positive light.

That leaves what the authors call “the cautious 60 percent,” who avoid controversy by endorsing neither evolution nor its unscientific alternatives. In various ways, they compromise.


100% - 28% = 72%.

72% of American students learn nothing about evolution in public school biology classrooms.

In other words, they learn nothing.

This might explain why Americans are so fucking stupid, and why they prefer supernatural magic instead of science to explain the diversity of life.

The incompetent biology teachers who know nothing about biology never get fired because the idiot students and the idiot parents never complain.


Typical interview for biology teacher in Idiot America:

Hiring manager: What do you know about biology?

Candidate for biology teacher: I don't know anything about biology.

Hiring manager: You're hired.

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