Friday, November 22, 2019

I agree with a know-nothing Christian fucktard about the religious implications of evolution.

How can someone who believes in evolution call themselves Christian?

True Christians accept Christianity, and that includes Genesis, which is obvious. God created all life and he is able to do that by Himself, and He is very competent and can do it by Himself, He does NOT need the help of evolution to create humans. He can create humans by Himself just fine, and He designs humans intelligently, He does not need evolution to create humans instead of Him as He is more than capable for the task.

Evolution is an insult to God, He is able to do things the right way, and He doesn't need the help of theories when He does it.

How can you call yourselves Christians when you choose to believe atheists and their theories over God and His word? And Genesis is a fundamental and true part of the Bible, not just myths like these "Christians" like to say. God does NOT lie, but atheists do. Capiché?


I'm a hardcore atheist and I agree with you. It's impossible for any honest person to accept the established truth of evolution and still believe in Jeebus who by the way was an uneducated creationist moron like you.

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