Bruce Rozenblit
Kansas City, MO
Of all the women running, Klobuchar is far and away the most electable. As we say, she's got it going on! She is a rock solid midwesterner. She profusely emanates midwestern culture and values. This is a really big deal, bigger than many realize. Coastal types are severely despised throughout much of middle America and of course, the deep south. She has the smarts to do the job but she does not come across like an Ivy professor. Unfortunately, when a politician throws around too much brain power, that turns far too many off. She is reachable and people can relate to her. She is like a Sherrod Brown with lots of personality and spunk. Her policies are progressive but not so much as to alienate masses of red state Americans. Change has to be incremental. The Arabs keep telling us that regarding modernity, but the same principle applies here. People fear radical, sudden change, even if they are miserable. They long for the familiarity of the status quo. She can give one heck of a speech. Rhetorical skills still do matter. Her sharp wit will be a perfect weapon against Trump's childish name calling. I can see her saying in a debate, "Looks like someone needs to time out." She has all the ingredients to soundly beat Trump. His minions are already out trolling her claiming that she is tough to work for. If she were a man, that would be called leadership. That's what we need. Someone who can put the hammer down.

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