Monday, February 25, 2019

This is an example of the stupidity of America's socialist fucktards.

These are the two stupid socialist assholes:

Schumer and Sanders: Limit Corporate Stock Buybacks

Corporate self-indulgence has become an enormous problem for workers and for the long-term strength of the economy.

By Chuck Schumer and Bernie Sanders

Mr. Schumer and Mr. Sanders are U.S. senators.


Fucktard Sanders wants to be the President of the United States. If he wins the nomination I'm going to vote for the celebrity clown, Donald Trump. Trump is a stupid fucking asshole and he's incompetent and he has mental problems, but I would still vote for the moron if the Democrats nominate a socialist asshole.


What a normal person wrote at the New York Times:

LETTER - Stock Buybacks - Representative French Hill warns against interfering in the free market.

To the Editor:

Re “Workers Before Buybacks,” by Chuck Schumer and Bernie Sanders (Op-Ed, Feb. 4), calling for the limitation of corporate stock buybacks:

The senators seem to believe that they know how best to allocate capital across our $20 trillion economy. Limiting stock buybacks disincentivizes aspiring entrepreneurs to go public and hinders individual shareholders and retirees from building equity.

Management and boards of directors for public companies have a fiduciary obligation to maximize long-term appreciation for their shareholders. This requires a thorough knowledge of the company’s growth, capital needs and stock valuation. Policymakers interfering with this fiduciary obligation undermine the free market, possibly leading to unintended consequences for the investor.

As shareholder values fall, stock returns to investors will be non-competitive, and the spotlight will shine on the leaders of the company that made poor capital allocation decisions.

Government policy has no business meddling with capital allocation. Boards should take full responsibility for the decisions that affect their shareholders.

French Hill
The writer, an Arkansas Republican, is a member of the House Financial Services Committee.

A version of this article appears in print on Feb. 24, 2019, on Page A22 of the New York edition with the headline: Stock Buybacks. Order Reprints | Today’s Paper | Subscribe


A comment at the New York Times I agree with:

Tax cuts are one way of helping the 'working class,' Chuck and Bernie. They allow us to keep more of what we earn. Why do you hate them so much? And oh, by the way, how many corporations do you invest in as part of your retirement? Because ordinary Americans invest a LOT in them; making them less profitable by raising their costs of doing business is hurting earnings and returns, thus making average Americans poorer, not more wealthy. Do us all a favor: Stop trying to "help" us so much.

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