Tuesday, October 16, 2018

What I wrote at the New York Times about Christian assholes who want to throw out biology and climate science.

New York Times - Donald and the Deadly Deniers


What I wrote got 6 recommends:

Maybe it's a religious problem. The human-caused global warming deniers think this planet was magically created out of nothing for humans to destroy if it's lucrative to do that.

I noticed evolution deniers are almost always global warming deniers.


What somebody else wrote got 568 recommends:

Rima Regas
Southern California
October 15, 2018

Zinke, Scott Pruitt, Andrew Wheeler, Seema Verma, Mick Mulvaney, Mike Pompeo - all are picks Mike Pence provided Trump during the transition before his inauguration. Their one job is to search out and destroy regulations so the oligarchy can profit. Trump didn't have a political operation of his own, but Pence did. This administration is a Koch Brothers operation. Talking only about Trump gives the Kochs cover.

The entire top tier of the U.S government was staffed with Koch shills, with the intent purpose of rolling back legislation, regulations, rerouting funds to the industries whose funds have sustained the lobbying industry for decades. This is payback. The fruits of their lobbying expenses is finally paying off, on the backs of the American public. The earth will pay the price? Not a problem. People will be poisoned by toxins they can release into our waters and our air? No problem! The Treasury coffers are empty because taxes aren't being levied in sufficient amounts? No problem! The middle and working classes will take care of it.

Climate denial is the pretext for the grand theft that is being perpetrated. As Steve Cohen said on MSNBC this weekend:
"This is the biggest con job ever done."

Trump is merely the face of the oligarchy and a huge distraction from what they're doing while we, collectively, aren't looking.

'Things Trump Did While You Weren’t Looking' https://wp.me/p2KJ3H-2ZW

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