Friday, January 8, 2016

There is a lot of burning stupid in Idiot America. At the WSJ this is what an idiot wrote about evolution and my reply.

If evolution is an indisputable scientific fact based upon verifiable evidence, then why is there no evidence before our eyes of apes in various stages of evolving into people? The general explanation is that it takes millions of years but that makes no sense because that amount of time had already passed when the first ape stood upright and began the transition. If the theory is true, then there has to be thousands of living beings in various stages of transformation from ape to man yet no one can find them or point them out. Also, if men and apes have a common ancestor, then they should still be able to mate and create offspring. However, that barrier still exists. Therefore because they don't exist, evolution has to be a one time event that had a specific beginning rather than an ongoing natural process involving all life as we know it. So who started the process? Or even better, who stopped it by keeping the genetic barriers in place?

Hello Mr. Engler. You convinced me. I'm going to throw out science and praise Jesus.
Some nitpicking about what you wrote. I think you might have some misconceptions. One thing is we evolved from ancient apes and we still are apes. The human race is one of the ape species. This is scientific fact.
We have fossils that show a gradual increase in the ability to walk upright and a gradual increase in brain size. Our closest cousins, chimpanzee apes, evolved from the same ancient ape species. They evolved just as much as we have. They just evolved to fill a different niche. Instead of a larger brain they are stronger and better able to live in trees.
You ask for thousands of fossils. They are of course very rare because most dead creatures completely decompose. Fortunately, while fossils help paleantologists understand how species evolved, we don't need any fossils at all to know evolution is true thanks to powerful evidence from DNA sequencing.

Later at the same website I wrote this:

I suggest in a universe of countless trillions of solar systems a magical master of the entire universe (if it was real) might not know we are here. And if it did notice we exist then why would it care about us? And why would it magically give dead people a magical 2nd life? After a god was invented people started making all kinds of assumptions about it. It's just wild guessing.
If we wanted to throw out all of reality and pretend a magical deity is real, why worship it? What's the point? Even if it thought we were a big deal, why should we suck up to it? It never shows itself. It never makes any effort to communicate with us. There is not one shred of evidence for it. Why not just ignore it? Then we could throw out all these primitive religious cults and focus on other things.

After reading the FUCKTARD comments about what I wrote, I wrote some more stuff:

A few things I would like to add to what I wrote.
Some people either ignore or don't understand "a universe of countless trillions of solar systems". They apparently don't realize the Earth is equivalent to one grain of sand in the Sahara Desert. They think we live here therefore our planet is a big deal. We are not a big deal. Our planet and our solar system and our galaxy are not a big deal.
Another thing: The idea there's a magic god fairy hiding somewhere in the universe is ridiculous, childish, and impossible. But that's not the point for what I wrote. My point is it doesn't matter if this magical master of the entire universe is real or not. Since it has never once attempted to communicate with us, we should ignore it. We should stop using it as an excuse to not think. Stop using it as an excuse to give up trying to solve scientific problems. Stop using it as an excuse to make assumptions about what it wants to do with us. Stop pretending religious ideas have any value.

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