Sunday, January 31, 2016

At the Wall Street Journal a Christian Fucktard invoked the usual dead 20th century communist dictators to justify his childish ridiculous magic-god-fairy fantasy.

I never met an insane dead communist dictator. I am by the way a very conservative Republican as are a few million other atheists.
In any case if all one Billion atheists were axe murderers that would not be evidence for a magical being (aka god, allah, zeus) who hides in some other galaxy or who knows where because it has never shown itself or provided any evidence for its existence.
My point is religious insanity completely depends on a ridiculous belief in a supernatural magician. Atheism says nothing about economic systems or dictatorships. Atheism is nothing more than an acceptance of reality. The word atheist would not even be necessary if the world wasn't infested with superstitious theists.

Kansas - Dust in the wind (Lyrics) - BEST SONG ABOUT REALITY.

The New York Times - A Chance to Reset the Republican Race - Gov. John Kasich of Ohio, though a distinct underdog, is the only plausible choice for Republicans tired of the extremism and inexperience on display in this race.

From the article: From deporting Mexican immigrants and barring Muslims to slapping a 45 percent tariff on Chinese imports, Mr. Trump invents his positions as he goes along.

This is the comment I wrote there. It got 3 thumps up.

I could vote for Mr. Kasich but first there would have to be some evidence he could win the nomination. I don't see that happening.

What I like about Mr. Trump is he has made freedom of speech possible. For example millions of Americans think "barring Muslims" is a good idea. Now they can actually say this.

Friday, January 29, 2016

What I wrote at the Wall Street Journal about religious brainwashing.

"It is gut-wrenching that a 15-year-old boy, who raised his hand at evening prayers after the local imam asked who among them did not love the Prophet Muhammad—mistakenly thinking that the cleric had asked who did love the prophet—would cut off his own hand to prove his faith to the imam, who had accused him of blasphemy after the incident."
Religious brainwashing, aka child abuse, made this disgusting atrocity possible. All religious people brainwash children because they know if their victims are allowed to grow up first they will never buy the nonsense. Without these child abusers religions would go extinct in less than a century.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

At Yahoo Answers I answered this question: Christians, did you know that faith, is believing in something, without evidence?

"Christians, did you know that faith, is believing in something, without evidence?" 

All the moronic religious fantasies are bullshit. They all require faith. In other words if there is no evidence for something the god-soaked believe it anyway because they're fucking cowards, willing to believe any bullshit that makes them feel good. 

Even worse if some scientific fact supported by tons of evidence conflicts with their ridiculous no-evidence magical fantasies then the fact is denied. An example is evolution which has countless thousands of powerful evidences. Christian scum and Muslim scum realize evolution kills their death cults so of course they deny the whole thing. 

Even more worse these fucking assholes brainwash children to be just as brain-dead fucking stupid as they are. This is child abuse. The child abusers belong in prison.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

I answered a question at

What is it... the best way to improve your chess?

Capablanca answered your question.

The book that improved my chess skills the most: "Capablanca's Best Chess Endings: 60 Complete Games" by Irving Chernev. Chernev made the book easy to study because he made it interesting instead of tedious.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Idiot America is infested with full-of-crap god-soaked fucktards.

"militant atheism"
There is nothing militant about accepting reality.
"We are nowhere close to fully understanding evolution or what causes it but you tout it as settled science."
That's totally wrong. There will always be research opportunities in biology but biologists understand in extreme detail how evolution works and what causes it.
What makes evolution the strongest fact of science is evidence. Evolution has tons of it. If you didn't know this that's not my problem.
Big bang - some priest. So what? When religious scientists discover something it's not because of their religious fantasies.
"religion & science are perfectly compatible"
Nonsense. Religious fantasies like the magical resurrection of a decomposing preacher man requires throwing out virtually all of science. Religions seek the answer to why but it has never found any answers. Religions are totally worthless. They contribute nothing human progress. They just get in the way.

At the same website there was another person who actually has a brain. LESLIE KELLER
She wrote this for 3 god-soaked morons who said evolution is just a theory.

Science is an exercise in inductive reasoning. The premises are observations of nature and the particular phenomena under study, and then mathematical analysis, inference, and hypothesis generation, with more observations are made to test those inferences and hypotheses in a continuous cycle.
Evidence then accumulates in favor of:
"facts" - which could be said to be verified observations and data
"laws" - relationships observed to exist in a particular way in nature
"hypotheses" - proposed explanations for observed phenomena
and finally "theories" - the 'big ideas' that wrap all of those other things up into a coherent framework for a set of related observations and phenomena
What each of you seemed to miss is that none of those words include certainty or truth as part of their definitions. That is because all scientific knowledge is provisional, even things we otherwise consider to be facts. There are no "immutable facts" in science.

Monday, January 25, 2016

What I wrote at the Agnes comic strip on January 25, 2016.

I built snow forts, snow men, had snow ball fights, ice skating, cross country skiing, downhill skiing and sledding and tobogganing and by saucer. I shoveled snow, made snow angels, got my car stuck in the snow, I helped people dig out of the snow and people helped me do the same thing. One winter there was so much snow the roof of my garage caved in. I slipped on the ice a lot. All that never again. I live in south Florida now where the best part of winter is watching it on TV.

Friday, January 22, 2016

What I wrote at the Wall Street Journal on 1/22/2016.

Thanks for the Lewis thing. I suppose I should look him up but I can't imagine him convincing me to throw out reality. I threw out religion in 1967. I threw out the god fantasy in 1970. I was hard-core atheist not long after that. On 9/11/2001 I became anti-theist.

Religion is an interesting subject and it's difficult to ignore it, especially since religious violence is in the newspaper every day.

Religion has been good for a few things, for example the ancient religious paintings at Chicago's Art Institute and religious music like Handel's Messiah and Miserere Mei Deus. I don't have to believe these things to enjoy listening to it or looking at it.

Most religious people believe in a god of the gaps. I prefer to call gaps in human knowledge "research opportunities" or "points for future understanding".

The idea that God is real is not a big deal. What I don't understand is the idea this magical being requires worship. I will continue this at the next comment.


The idea that God is real is not a big deal. What I don't understand is the idea this magical being requires worship. People make assumptions about their deity. It's all wild guessing. Everyone guesses differently which explains the countless different cults and the constant wars between these cults.

Why not just believe God is real and leave it at that? Why add all this nonsense to it? Like the idea our species is so special a magical master of the entire universe would go out of its way to magicaly give us a magical 2nd life. I don't think people realize how vast the universe is and how totally insignificant Earth is.

Why would there be something special about us? We are just one of thousands of species on the tree of life. The other creatures evolved just as much as we have. They just evolved to fill a different niche. And most likely there is life elsewhere. This planet is not a big deal and we are not a big deal.


Mr. god-soaked then tried to sell his infinite joy bullshit. My reply:

I don't buy that infinite joy stuff. Nothing is infinite. There is no eternal magical 2nd life for dead people. That idea is too ridiculous to take seriously.

I know I was lucky to be born. I'm not greedy for something more. I accept reality. I think reality is interesting. I know I will eventually be equal to a dead cockroach, nothing more than a stinking pile of garbage. I don't have a problem with that.

People should appreciate the real heaven they already live in. It's called Earth, it's a paradise, it's not magical, and it's real.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

At a dumb question was asked: "Do you believe that after we die we move to an other life or life after life?"

My answer: A magical 2nd life after dropping dead is a fantasy for feeble-minded cowards.

A Fucktard wrote: Yes, I do believe there is a afterlife. This is why it is important to seek God and find out what He wants from us.

My reply: As if the magic fairy ever attempted to communicate with anyone.

For more burning stupid see

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Never mind.

Never mind.

After a Fucktard Muslim spread lies about Islam at the Wall Street Journal I found the asshole's blog and wrote this comment there.

Instead of being part of the problem why don't you throw out Islam, aka the world's largest terrorist organization. This is called "accepting reality". It's also called "growing up and facing facts".

Some facts: Allah is a moronic fantasy. Mohammed was a pervert. A magical life after death is a cowardly fantasy.

Of course reality make you cry so you pretend your ridiculous fantasies will make reality go away.

Islamic terrorism is completely out of control and getting worse every day. You don't care because you can't live without your magical paradise fantasy. Typical allah-soaked coward.

Of course you will never publish what I wrote. Religions can't exist without censorship. Religions also require intense brainwashing of young children. This is child abuse and you Muslims are really good at it. You're not just a coward. You're a child abuser.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Some of my best stuff was written in my younger days a long time ago, for example in 2010.

An important message for evolution deniers

First paragraph:

If you are a sensitive person, easily upset when somebody tells the truth about your mental illness (instead of sucking up to you as if that ever did any good), then you should leave right now. This post is not for wimps and crybabies.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

The young people of Iceland have thrown out the magic god fairy.

No Icelanders under 25 believe God created the universe, poll claims. MY COMMENT: Another interesting fact: More than any other country Iceland has the largest percentage of people who accept the established truth of evolution, and they don't pollute evolution with a magic god fairy. Of course the younger generations are throwing out religious stupidity. Eventually all religions will go extinct because moronic superstitions can't last forever.

America's Christian assholes want to make America a theocracy. They will never get away with it.

From the Wall Street Journal, written by Leslie Keller:

I didn't misstate their intent, because I never stated it in the first place, other than to quote from the 1st Amendment. As to states establishing religion, you are correct at the founding, but the doctrine of incorporation through the 14th Amendment has since applied most of the Bill of Rights to the states as well as the federal government. So that is a moot point now.
I was trying to make the point that the Founders weren't perfect, nor were they even of one mind on every issue over constitutional interpretation. They failed to realize the implications of some of what they wrote, and contradicted the principles of what they wrote with laws that they passed (think of the Alien and Sedition Acts).
I maintain that it is wrong and a violation of the Establishment Clause for a religious majority, or even just a large block of religious minority voters without organized opposition, to get government to promote and support their religious viewpoint.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

I wrote a comment at the Wall Street Journal. The article was about the Gideon Bibles found in every hotel room in Idiot America.

This is what I wrote:
"Two billion Bibles later, the Gideons are still at it, spreading the Gospel room by room."
To be fair they should also give hotels "Why Evolution Is True" by Jerry Coyne which has the advantage of being real instead of fantasy.
A Christian retard wrote "I wonder how many people have gained a sense of God's love and acceptance from picking up a Gideon Bible?"

After another Christian retard called Coyne's book anti-Christian a normal person wrote this:

Are you saying that evolution is an anti-Christian idea? That a book titled "Why Evolution is True" would inherently be anti-Christian and contrary to the Gideon's beliefs? If all it takes to contradict Christianity is to do science, then Christianity has been contradicted for centuries.

What I wrote at the Wall Street Journal made cowardly Christian retards cry.

"Do Christians and Muslims worship the same God?"

Every invisible friend is a bit different from the other invisible friends. The only thing they have in common is they are the childish ridiculous fantasies of feeble-minded cowards.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

What I wrote at the Wall Street Journal about investing in the stock market.

  • Stocks Sell Off Broadly; Dow Hits Lowest Level Since September

  • Market crashes are a good thing for conservative dividend investors who appreciate the buying opportunities. The idea is to buy the very best dividend aristocrats (after much research), hold for life, and watch the dividend income grow.
    The other idea, buying shares hoping for capital gains, is called gambling. It's a good way to get wiped out.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Another day, another Muslim retard blows himself up. All thanks to the fucking idiots who believe in a magical 2nd life for feeble-minded cowards. This is what I wrote at the Wall Street Journal on January 12, 2016.

"The bomber, identified by Turkish authorities as a Syrian man in his late 20s, walked up to a tour group preparing to explore the Blue Mosque and other world-renowned buildings nearby and blew himself up shortly after 10 a.m. The blast also wounded 15 people, Turkish officials said."
More Muslims will blow themselves up every day for the rest of this century. Muslims not yet born will be blowing themselves up. It will never end. The idea there is a magical 2nd life for dead people has become a dangerous weapon because it's virtually impossible to prevent it.
Christians believe in the same fantasy but of course they don't believe blowing yourself up is a good way to get there. But still I think the heaven fantasy should be thrown out because how can we convince Muslims a magical paradise is impossible if most Americans think it's real?
Just an idea I have. Virtually nobody here will agree with it. I just think it's wrong to believe in something that makes terrorism possible.

Monday, January 11, 2016

A Christian Fucktard pretends magic could be real. I wrote something about his disease at the Wall Street Journal.

Should not claim certainty? As if there might be a tiny little chance a Magic Man waves a magic wand to perform magical miracles. The fantasy is too ridiculous to take seriously. Magic is not real. Period.
You of course are unable to provide any evidence for your fairy. Your wishful thinking, your disgusting primitive "holy" book, your dead witnesses, and your idea that if there is a gap in human knowledge then the Magic Man did it, are not evidence for anything. You have nothing.
Your disease is obviously incurable. Fine with me. Nobody cares. But some day in the future you might want to consider the obvious fact you are wasting your life in the Dark Ages and you're completely wrong about everything.
What bugs me is the never-ending completely-out-of-control religious violence, and even worse the destruction of young lives who are victims of religious brainwashing. The brain damage is usually incurable. This is child abuse and there is no excuse for it.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Christian assholes have destroyed the Republican Party. I wrote this at the Wall Street Journal on January 10, 2016.

"About two-thirds of the voters will not be Republicans"
What's the reason for this problem? I suggest the problem is the "social" conservatives (Christians) as if there is something conservative about not being able to mind your own business.
Barry Goldwater, the 1964 Republican candidate for president, predicted the Christian extremists would destroy the Republican Party. Unfortunately he was right.
Another problem is the idea there's something conservative about destroying the environment if it's lucrative to do that.
The Republican Party needs to focus on the economy and foreign policy, and nothing else.
“Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them.”

Friday, January 8, 2016

There is a lot of burning stupid in Idiot America. At the WSJ this is what an idiot wrote about evolution and my reply.

If evolution is an indisputable scientific fact based upon verifiable evidence, then why is there no evidence before our eyes of apes in various stages of evolving into people? The general explanation is that it takes millions of years but that makes no sense because that amount of time had already passed when the first ape stood upright and began the transition. If the theory is true, then there has to be thousands of living beings in various stages of transformation from ape to man yet no one can find them or point them out. Also, if men and apes have a common ancestor, then they should still be able to mate and create offspring. However, that barrier still exists. Therefore because they don't exist, evolution has to be a one time event that had a specific beginning rather than an ongoing natural process involving all life as we know it. So who started the process? Or even better, who stopped it by keeping the genetic barriers in place?

Hello Mr. Engler. You convinced me. I'm going to throw out science and praise Jesus.
Some nitpicking about what you wrote. I think you might have some misconceptions. One thing is we evolved from ancient apes and we still are apes. The human race is one of the ape species. This is scientific fact.
We have fossils that show a gradual increase in the ability to walk upright and a gradual increase in brain size. Our closest cousins, chimpanzee apes, evolved from the same ancient ape species. They evolved just as much as we have. They just evolved to fill a different niche. Instead of a larger brain they are stronger and better able to live in trees.
You ask for thousands of fossils. They are of course very rare because most dead creatures completely decompose. Fortunately, while fossils help paleantologists understand how species evolved, we don't need any fossils at all to know evolution is true thanks to powerful evidence from DNA sequencing.

Later at the same website I wrote this:

I suggest in a universe of countless trillions of solar systems a magical master of the entire universe (if it was real) might not know we are here. And if it did notice we exist then why would it care about us? And why would it magically give dead people a magical 2nd life? After a god was invented people started making all kinds of assumptions about it. It's just wild guessing.
If we wanted to throw out all of reality and pretend a magical deity is real, why worship it? What's the point? Even if it thought we were a big deal, why should we suck up to it? It never shows itself. It never makes any effort to communicate with us. There is not one shred of evidence for it. Why not just ignore it? Then we could throw out all these primitive religious cults and focus on other things.

After reading the FUCKTARD comments about what I wrote, I wrote some more stuff:

A few things I would like to add to what I wrote.
Some people either ignore or don't understand "a universe of countless trillions of solar systems". They apparently don't realize the Earth is equivalent to one grain of sand in the Sahara Desert. They think we live here therefore our planet is a big deal. We are not a big deal. Our planet and our solar system and our galaxy are not a big deal.
Another thing: The idea there's a magic god fairy hiding somewhere in the universe is ridiculous, childish, and impossible. But that's not the point for what I wrote. My point is it doesn't matter if this magical master of the entire universe is real or not. Since it has never once attempted to communicate with us, we should ignore it. We should stop using it as an excuse to not think. Stop using it as an excuse to give up trying to solve scientific problems. Stop using it as an excuse to make assumptions about what it wants to do with us. Stop pretending religious ideas have any value.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

At the Wall Street Journal I explained why Darwin killed God. I then explained why I would not waste my time explaining science to the fucking morons who want to throw science out.

"The Triumph of Faith"
A more honest name for this book: "The Triumph of Believing Stuff That Has Zero Evidence"
"God is not dead."
Actually the god fantasy died in 1859 when Charles Darwin published On the Origin of Species. Not everyone got the memo but the magic god fairy is dead. Just look at the millions of evolution deniers out there. They know evolution kills their magical fantasies and that's why they want to throw it out.
By the way evolution deniers, nobody cares about your mental illness. If you want to pretend everything is magic you go ahead and do that. If you want to throw out two centuries of scientific progress, fine, whatever makes you happy. If you want to explain why the science that makes you cry is wrong, I don't care. Explaining science to you people is like teaching a dog how to play chess. You people are insane and there is no cure for it.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

I'm selling AT&T when it hits $35.00. I'm buying JNJ when price drops to $100.00. I will keep my powder dry.

1/2/2016 limit order, sell all 72 shares of AT&T at $35.00. Good until cancelled. Expires 60 days later on 3/2/2016. After fees subtracted the proceeds will be $2,511.00.

T does not have a very good credit rating which means some time in the future the dividend might not be sustainable. I want super safe investments only. Until my sell order is filled I will reinvest the T dividends into JNJ.

Only three companies have the highest possible AAA credit rating, Microsoft, Exxon Mobil, Johnson & Johnson. Microsoft sucks. The oil business sucks. That leaves only JNJ.

So fuck being diversified. Only one company meets my criteria which is extremely safe with a rapidly growing dividend. Buy only JNJ and only when price is at $100 or lower. I will keep my powder dry.

Friday, January 1, 2016

Excellent comment at the Wall Street Journal written by somebody called Tom Bradshaw.

Metaxas  should go back to writing fairy tales for children and stick with that. Anybody who takes his nonsense about religion and science seriously should Google puddle theory and read what Douglas Adams had to say about the puddle of water who intuitively just knew that the hole he was in was designed exactly for him, to fit him perfectly, and to fit only him, when, in reality, water, of which the puddle consists, simply fills whatever hole it happens to be in.  
In the very same sense that the puddle had things backwards, all this nonsense put forth by many and regurgitated by Metaxas about how the universe is fine-tuned for life is precisely backwards.  Life fine-tunes itself to its environment.
Any competent chemist or molecular biologist will tell you that it is very feasible for life just to happen where conditions allow it (Google abiogenesis), and then it continually adapts to changing conditions.  And there are forms of life that exist in very extreme conditions on this very planet, conditions that scientists thought just a short time ago were completely inhospitable to life. Also, there is no reason to believe that our carbon-based form of life is the only possible form. 
Add all that to the vastness of the universe and the likelihood that there are other planets just as hospitable as this one, and thus it is highly likely that we are not the only "intelligent" life form in the universe.

What I wrote at the Wall Street Journal, some Feynman videos, and a must see article from EDGE.


WSJ: a handful of large-brained primates on an insignificant planet have created machines that let them understand the world, at every scale, and let them change it too, for good or ill.
Another comment: "if this planet were insignificant"
Light pollution prevents people from seeing how vast the universe is. When I lived in rural Illinois I could see 1000's of stars. What I saw was a tiny fraction of the solar systems in our galaxy. There are billions of galaxies out there. Earth is equal to one grain of sand in the Sahara Desert.
"let us know when science finds intelligent life"
Scientists have found some planets in other solar systems that could support life. Because of the huge distances between stars we might never know where life is but look at the vastness of the universe and how easily life got a foothold on Earth.
"I can't believe the special stories that have been made up about our relationship to the universe at large because they seem to be too simple, too local, too provincial. The earth, he came to the earth, one of the aspects of god came to the earth mind you, and look at what's out there. It isn't in proportion."
-- Richard Feynman

From the Wall Street Journal article this just got added to my list of favorite quotes:
"The biggest news of all is that a handful of large-brained primates on an insignificant planet have created machines that let them understand the world, at every scale, and let them change it too, for good or ill."

January 1st, 2016 I sent a complaint to Amazon. I think they are making tons of money from ripping off their customers. UPDATE: THEY HAD AN EXCELLENT EXCUSE. I STILL LOVE AMAZON.

Amazon, I love you people. You will have my business for the rest of my life no matter what. Just like to point out a very minor error when you calculated the sales tax for Order #104-2799705-0090662

In Florida the sales tax is exactly 6%. 6% of $43.81 is $2.6286 and rounded up the sales tax should be $2.63 however the sales tax your computer calculated was $2.64 which is one penny too much. Please please keep the extra penny. What I'm concerned about is if you make the same mistake for all your other customers that could add up to some really big money. I'm also concerned because computers are really good at arithmetic. So I have to ask what is going on here?

No matter what, I still love you people. Very sorry about the nitpicking. Have a happy New Year.


E-mail Customer Service

Thank you! Your e-mail has been sent.

You should receive a response from one of our representatives within 12-24 hours.



I understand your concern regarding sales tax charged o your order#104-2799705-0090662.

I've forwarded your question to the Customer Service team trained to handle this issue.

You should hear back from them in the next 1-2 business days.

We hope to see you again soon.

Best regards,
Pardhasaradhi M

Thank you.

Hello, and many of our thousands of third-party merchants are able to offer you the widest possible selection and the most convenient shopping experience.  Because Amazon and each of our online merchants have different sales tax collection obligations, it is necessary to calculate sales tax separately for each individual item and upon each individual item’s shipping and gift wrap charges, rather than on the total amount charged.

Occasionally, calculating sales tax this way can result in the appearance of small rounding differences when a customer purchases multiple items in a single checkout. We understand that these small differences can be frustrating, but this process is necessary to be able to provide customers with the ability to purchase from multiple merchants and the convenience of a single checkout. 

However, we are actively looking at ways of minimizing these rare occurrences.  In the meantime, we are crediting your account for $0.02.

We'd appreciate your feedback. Please use the links below to tell us about your experience today.

Best regards,
Robin C