Wednesday, December 16, 2015

My comment at the Wall Street Journal was deleted. See below for what made the WSJ cry. I then wrote this comment: If Mr. Trump, the Republican candidate for president who is likely to win the nomination, wrote a comment at the Wall Street Journal about why he doesn't want to let Muslims enter America, the Wall Street Journal would delete those comments, for the same reason my comment was deleted. Censorship is wrong. Freedom of Speech is a basic human right.

Muslims and the liberals who suck up to Muslims don't like Trump's idea to keep America safe.

Do Muslims let normal people (anyone who isn't a Muslim) visit Mecca? No, only Muslims can go there, including the terrorists. Fine with me.

So what's the problem with not letting Muslims enter civilized countries? Let the Muslim crybabies and liberal crybabies cry. This is our country. We decide who can enter and who can stay out.

The most moderate Muslims (as if there's something moderate about belonging to an organization infested with terrorists) will have children and grandchildren who will be brainwashed to believe the Quran is the word of Allah. This is where the terrorists get all their ideas.

The only possible way to keep America safe is just stop letting these people get in.

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