Sunday, December 6, 2015

I asked a question at Yahoo Answers. Best answer did not actually answer the question but it was well done. Question: Christians, why would your God pay so much attention to this planet in a universe of countless trillions of solar systems?

 Best Answer:  Jesus is fake fake fake. 

jesus is really a mexican at walmart

allah/mohammad is cab driver in new york city

buddha is fat man at china dim sum house

kim jong un is waiter at korean noodle house. 

1. Religion impedes scientific truth. As someone who studies evolutionary science, I'm frustrated at how many religious people ignore the mountain of evidence behind the theory of evolution. Genes, point mutations, patterns in variability between closely-related genomes, artificial selection, natural selection, kin selection, allopatric/sympatric speciation, founder species, bottleneck events, reciprocal altruism, adaptive radiation... How stubborn and willfully ignorant must a person be to dismiss all of this? To me, evolutionary process is something everyone should understand. Creationism and Intelligent Design don't even fit the definition of a "theory." Science aside, though, "faith" prevents people from asking questions in general, and that's the most dangerous part.

2. Religion allows people to relinquish responsibility for their actions. I can't tell you how many times I've heard the phrase, "It's in God's hands now," or that "All we can do is pray." I went to a screening of a documentary about sex-trafficking at my university, unaware that it was made by Christians whose only advice was to pray, and then tell all of my friends to pray. You have to understand that in the mind of an atheist, prayer is slacktivism, it's useless, and it's an excuse not to do something actually helpful. It serves to make people feel better, I guess. Maybe that's good, but it's made-up.

3. Religious leaders are automatically trusted and can convince people to give money, change their behavior, start a war... Intolerance is taught by many religions. Can't tell you how many times I was told on the school bus that I was going to Hell for being Buddha (at the time).

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