Sunday, July 12, 2015

My conversation with a Muslim terrorist.

Where does it say apostates need to be killed in the Noble Quran? It mentions that apostates who FIGHT Muslims and also spread their poisonous ideology to others should be punished. Apostates who keep to themselves, don't try and argue with Muslims to spread their unbelief to others and try to harass Muslims and also, especially, those who fight Muslims with other unbelievers should be punished. That is the Law of God (swt), but they can avoid punishment by repenting and accepting faith again. The apostates who don't bother anyone and don't spread their unbelief to others should not be harmed, their punishment will be in the next life and even in this life if Allah (swt) wills it as it states Allah (swt) either punishes them or grants them respite in the Noble Quran along with other sinful wrongdoers.
Heatles · 55 secs ago 



"spread their poisonous ideology to others should be punished" In other words your disgusting cult suppresses freedom of speech. Drop dead Muslim scum.
ALEX · just now

"That is the Law of God " There is no god fairy you uneducated idiot.
ALEX · just now

It's obvious from what you wrote you're equal to a terrorist. Get off my planet asshole.
ALEX · just now

"the Noble Quran" Your holy book is 100% pure bullshit. Now punish me asshole if you don't mind getting your teeth punched out.
ALEX · just now

"The apostates who don't bother anyone and don't spread their unbelief to others should not be harmed, their punishment will be in the next life and even in this life if Allah (swt) wills it " What a fucking asshole. You are scum.

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