Friday, May 22, 2015

My comment for a bullshit Wall Street Journal editorial: "Planets, Priests and a Persistent Myth The Catholic Church and scientific discovery are utterly incompatible, right? History disagrees."

What Barr and Mullan wrote does not change the fact that the Catholic Church is an anti-science cult. For example what could be more anti-science than their disgusting fantasy about a 3 day old decomposing corpse magically rising from the dead? And what could be more anti-science than their cowardly magical heaven fantasy, a belief which they share with the Islamic State?

Some time ago I was wondering how these superstitious Catholics justify their magical resurrection fantasy. Imagine the smell. So I looked it up. To explain the magical resurrection of a decomposing corpse they of course invoked more magic. They said the corpse magically did not decompose at all.

The stupidity, it burns.

Mark Fyten

That which you can't understand, you ridicule. God still loves you.

@Mark Fyten

What I can't understand is your gullibility and your total inability to think. You and a few other million superstitious people. This is the 21st century and you people still believe in magic. It's pathetic.

The "god loves you" fantasy is the wishful thinking of cowards. There's an invisible magical being in the sky who loves us and who will magically make us magically fly to a magical paradise where we will have a magical 2nd life after we drop dead. Some people are afraid to grow up and face facts. For example American Catholics and the Islamic State. So terrified of reality and willing to believe any childish nonsense that might make reality go away.

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