"Darwin was the first to use data from nature to convince people that evolution is true, and his idea of natural selection was truly novel. It testifies to his genius that the concept of natural theology, accepted by most educated Westerners before 1859, was vanquished within only a few years by a single five-hundred-page book. On the Origin of Species turned the mysteries of life's diversity from mythology into genuine science." -- Jerry Coyne
Saturday, May 30, 2015
I wrote a comment at Pamela Geller's website.
Atheist here. I have extreme contempt for all religions but one religion stands out that needs to be completely eradicated from this planet, the terrorist organization called Islam. I have even more contempt for the wimps who suck up to these subhumans. Thank goodness for defenders of free speech like Ms. Geller.
2015/05 MAY,
Muslim scum,
My favorite blogs
Friday, May 29, 2015
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
Today I discovered a website called Christian Forums and a thread called Evolution or Creationism? I wrote this stuff there.
Evolution or Creationism?
I have read 5 books about how evolution works and the evidence for it. To give you an idea of how much evidence there is, I noticed there is virtually no overlap in any of the 5 books. They all discuss different evidences for evolution. I have also studied evolution at numerous science blogs, and at news websites about new discoveries in evolution. After all this education it would be impossible for me to deny the established truth of evolution.
The evolution deniers have no idea how much evidence they have to throw out to defend their magical creationism fantasy. There is, for example, countless thousands of evidences from DNA sequencing, and this powerful evidence is growing every day. Another example is the fossil record that describes the evolution from land animals to whales. That fossil record is complete, thanks to very many discoveries in Pakistan. I recommend if you're interested in those fossils.
An important thing to understand is the fossils are not necessary to show that evolution is how the world works. The evidence from DNA sequencing is all that's required to call evolution the strongest fact of science.
I have read 5 books about how evolution works and the evidence for it. To give you an idea of how much evidence there is, I noticed there is virtually no overlap in any of the 5 books. They all discuss different evidences for evolution. I have also studied evolution at numerous science blogs, and at news websites about new discoveries in evolution. After all this education it would be impossible for me to deny the established truth of evolution.
The evolution deniers have no idea how much evidence they have to throw out to defend their magical creationism fantasy. There is, for example, countless thousands of evidences from DNA sequencing, and this powerful evidence is growing every day. Another example is the fossil record that describes the evolution from land animals to whales. That fossil record is complete, thanks to very many discoveries in Pakistan. I recommend if you're interested in those fossils.
An important thing to understand is the fossils are not necessary to show that evolution is how the world works. The evidence from DNA sequencing is all that's required to call evolution the strongest fact of science.
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
At the Wall Street Journal I replied to an idiot who doubted most scientists are normal, aka atheist.
Here is fact for you, sir. 93% of the scientists (which include Nobel Prize winners) of the National Academy of Sciences are normal people, aka atheists. Look it up.
We normal people live here in the 21st century. Everyone else seems to stuck in the Dark Ages.
If you ever want to throw out your ancient fantasies, it's very easy. All you have to do is realize magic is not real.
One more thing. There are so few religious biologists many biologists have never met one.
Friday, May 22, 2015
Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is an English word that refers to a lung disease that is otherwise known as silicosis.
My comment for a bullshit Wall Street Journal editorial: "Planets, Priests and a Persistent Myth The Catholic Church and scientific discovery are utterly incompatible, right? History disagrees."
What Barr and Mullan wrote does not change the fact that the Catholic Church is an anti-science cult. For example what could be more anti-science than their disgusting fantasy about a 3 day old decomposing corpse magically rising from the dead? And what could be more anti-science than their cowardly magical heaven fantasy, a belief which they share with the Islamic State?
Some time ago I was wondering how these superstitious Catholics justify their magical resurrection fantasy. Imagine the smell. So I looked it up. To explain the magical resurrection of a decomposing corpse they of course invoked more magic. They said the corpse magically did not decompose at all.
The stupidity, it burns.
Mark Fyten
That which you can't understand, you ridicule. God still loves you.
@Mark Fyten
What I can't understand is your gullibility and your total inability to think. You and a few other million superstitious people. This is the 21st century and you people still believe in magic. It's pathetic.
The "god loves you" fantasy is the wishful thinking of cowards. There's an invisible magical being in the sky who loves us and who will magically make us magically fly to a magical paradise where we will have a magical 2nd life after we drop dead. Some people are afraid to grow up and face facts. For example American Catholics and the Islamic State. So terrified of reality and willing to believe any childish nonsense that might make reality go away.
Some time ago I was wondering how these superstitious Catholics justify their magical resurrection fantasy. Imagine the smell. So I looked it up. To explain the magical resurrection of a decomposing corpse they of course invoked more magic. They said the corpse magically did not decompose at all.
The stupidity, it burns.
Mark Fyten
That which you can't understand, you ridicule. God still loves you.
@Mark Fyten
What I can't understand is your gullibility and your total inability to think. You and a few other million superstitious people. This is the 21st century and you people still believe in magic. It's pathetic.
The "god loves you" fantasy is the wishful thinking of cowards. There's an invisible magical being in the sky who loves us and who will magically make us magically fly to a magical paradise where we will have a magical 2nd life after we drop dead. Some people are afraid to grow up and face facts. For example American Catholics and the Islamic State. So terrified of reality and willing to believe any childish nonsense that might make reality go away.
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
See the comments and search for "Hilo" for lots of anti-religion quotes from USA presidents. This post is about creationist asshole Bobby Jindal, governor of Louisiana.
My comment: Imagine the stupidity required to believe in magical creationism.
My comment: Imagine the stupidity required to believe in magical creationism.
"Bronstein on the King’s Indian" by David Bronstein
I made lots of mistakes in this game against Melipal and lost badly. I liked the quote on his profile, translated from Spanish using google translate. Translation not perfect but good enough.
"Appreciate our games not about winning or losing, rather by the lessons learned from the successes and mistakes."
Chess is a friendly game, which is why it was invented. The main idea of each player is to capture the chief of the opposing chess army, which according to the rules of the game leads to the surrender of the opposing forces. This rule was introduced because it was thought more beautiful for a lesser army to be able to outplay and force the surrender of a superior force. If you can understand the spirit of chess in this way, then you will see that the fewer men that are captured, the more noble is the victory, and this reflects a peculiarly human way of thinking.
So, winning or losing is not the main idea of chess at all. A chess game is in fact a friendly exchange of intentions, hidden in individual moves. You always have the choice either of putting into action your planned move, or of first calmly preventing the intended move of the friend with whom you are playing chess in this brief, finite moment of your life.
When chess is considered in this way, there is no better opening than the King's Indian Defence, for both players - White and Black, of every age, from beginners to masters. The King's Indian gives you the maximum opportunity to test your ability to make reasonable decisions in situations on the chess board that are always complex and uncertain. Now let us begin to look at the moves which introduce this beautiful chess opening.
1. d4 Sf6
Black brings out his knight to a good square, preventing the white pawn from immediately occupying the e4 square, and makes the first step in preparing a residence for his king.
2. c4 g6
While the white pawns are occupying the centre, Black prepares a post for his bishop at g7.
3. Sc3 Lg7
The bishop occupies the prepared post, and the residence is now ready for occupation by the black king.
4. e4 d6
Black is careful to forestall the advance of the white pawn to e5. He is now ready to take his king into safety by castling, and then to strike at the white centre by advancing his own pawn to e5.
This, basically, is what constitutes the King's Indian Defence! Of course, White is not obliged to choose this particular move order, but, as will be seen from the examples in the book, a King's Indian set-up can be adopted against a wide variety of opening moves.
At this point we consider it appropriate to make a brief journey into history, to see how this opening was played by some of the great players from the past.
How this book was compiled
In the course of many meetings, telephone discussions and exchanges of correspondence, David Bronstein provided me with a wealth of analyses and ideas relating to the King's Indian Defence, which I have endeavoured to arrange in a coherent and instructive form. On his suggestion I have also included a few of my own games, and although it may seem incongrous to have these appearing alongside battles between world-class players, they do have the merit of highlighting certain basic errors which one would not encounter in grandmaster games. Considerable assistance in the compilation of the material was made in Moscow by Sergey Rosenberg, and the two authors are deeply grateful to him for his contribution to the book.
Ken Neat
Durham, June 1999
Sunday, May 17, 2015
The stupidity, it burns.
"And let's not 4get....evolution is miles from a science. In fact, it's actually barely within the definition of a theory based on the lack of Consensus Reality."Take your complaints to the Nobel laureates at the National Academy of Sciences.THEORY: In science, a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world that can incorporate facts, laws, inferences, and tested hypotheses. The contention that evolution should be taught as a "theory, not as a fact" confuses the common use of these words with the scientific use. In science, theories do not turn into facts through the accumulation of evidence. Rather, theories are the end points of science. They are understandings that develop from extensive observation, experimentation, and creative reflection. They incorporate a large body of scientific facts, laws, tested hypotheses, and logical inferences. In this sense, evolution is one of the strongest and most useful scientific theories we have.-- The National Academy of Sciences
- 3 minutes ago · Quote · Edit · Delete · #559
"evolution is miles from a science"The best scientists in the world disagree. Maybe you could tell them why they're wrong.The concept of biological evolution is one of the most important ideas ever generated by the application of scientific methods to the natural world. The evolution of all the organisms that live on Earth today from ancestors that lived in the past is at the core of genetics, biochemistry, neurobiology, physiology, ecology, and other biological disciplines. It helps to explain the emergence of new infectious diseases, the development of antibiotic resistance in bacteria, the agricultural relationships among wild and domestic plants and animals, the composition of Earth's atmosphere, the molecular machinery of the cell, the similarities between human beings and other primates, and countless other features of the biological and physical world. As the great geneticist and evolutionist Theodosius Dobzhansky wrote in 1973, ‘Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution.’-- The National Academy of Sciences
- a few minutes ago · Quote · Edit · Delete · #560
There are Holocaust deniers. There are people who think the 9/11 atrocity was an inside job. There are people who deny the human race ever landed on the moon. There are evolution deniers. All of these people seem to have an incurable mental problem.
Saturday, May 16, 2015
Muslim scum are killing Christian scum. The only solution that makes sense is throw out these moronic cults.
"Can the West find a way to preserve the Christian presence in the Middle East—and stave off a ‘clash of civilizations’?"
I have a better idea. Since we now know Christianity, Islam, and Judaism are ridiculous fantasies, we should encourage these superstitious people to grow up, face facts, and throw out their childish cowardly cults. The magical god fantasy was the human race's greatest mistake. It's about time we fixed the problem. The only alternative is more violence and more stupidity.
"Can the West find a way to preserve the Christian presence in the Middle East—and stave off a ‘clash of civilizations’?"
I have a better idea. Since we now know Christianity, Islam, and Judaism are ridiculous fantasies, we should encourage these superstitious people to grow up, face facts, and throw out their childish cowardly cults. The magical god fantasy was the human race's greatest mistake. It's about time we fixed the problem. The only alternative is more violence and more stupidity.
2015/05 MAY,
religious stupidity,
religious violence
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
I wrote about global warming at a thread which was started by a science denier.
2) Overpopulation
To fully grasp how badly the “population bomb” predictions failed, you have to realize that the biggest demographic challenge today is declining population. Japan faces a demographic death spiral in which declining population and fewer workers leads to economic stagnation, which discourages people from having kids, which makes the problem worse. After decades of a “one child” policy, China’s working age population is also starting to decline, and it is conventional wisdom that the country is going to “grow old before it grows rich.”
What you wrote doesn't change the fact that the population of humans is increasing rapidly. They are crowding out other species. Some people have made wiping out entire species their career.
There are plans to drill for oil in the Artice Circle which used to be immossible. There is much less ice up there than before. People don't notice the big changes because so far it's mostly at the poles. Glaziers are disappearing. Global warming is for real. And obviously the human race is causing it, especially thanks to China where the pollution is way out of control.
The solution? I'm against wind power because the turbines are wiping out birds. Solar is OK but not useful up north in the winter. I suggest natural gas is the way to go, it's much less polluting than oil.
Sunday, May 10, 2015
Fantastic waterfalls by Cordoba, Argentina
Again I advertised LIchess at Let's hope the assholes at don't delete my account.
"I love chess, and i have since i was 10 years old, and has rekindled that flame. I wanted to renew my old diamond membership, but do I want to spend my hard earned cash if this is tolerated?"
I've been playing chess since age 12 which was in 1962.
A suggestion: People are more civilized at this place and it has the advantage of being totally free (everything is free) with no ads while offering everything offers except it does everything better.
The DNA evidence leaves us with one of the greatest surprises in biology: the wall between human, on the one hand, and ape or animal, on the other, has been breached. The human evolutionary tree is embedded within the great apes."
"Geneticists have come up with a variety of ways of calculating the percentages, which give different impressions about how similar chimpanzees and humans are. The 1.2% chimp-human distinction, for example, involves a measurement of only substitutions in the base building blocks of those genes that chimpanzees and humans share. A comparison of the entire genome, however, indicates that segments of DNA have also been deleted, duplicated over and over, or inserted from one part of the genome into another. When these differences are counted, there is an additional 4 to 5% distinction between the human and chimpanzee genomes."
"No matter how the calculation is done, the big point still holds: humans, chimpanzees, and bonobos are more closely related to one another than either is to gorillas or any other primate. From the perspective of this powerful test of biological kinship, humans are not only related to the great apes – we are one. The DNA evidence leaves us with one of the greatest surprises in biology: the wall between human, on the one hand, and ape or animal, on the other, has been breached. The human evolutionary tree is embedded within the great apes."
Take your complaints to the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History.
Now watch the science denier go running to his favorite crackpots.

Primate Family Tree
"Due to billions of years of evolution, humans share genes with all living organisms. The percentage of genes or DNA that organisms share records their similarities. We share more genes with organisms that are more closely related to us."
"Humans belong to the biological group known as Primates, and are classified with the great apes, one of the major groups of the primate evolutionary tree. Besides similarities in anatomy and behavior, our close biological kinship with other primate species is indicated by DNA evidence. It confirms that our closest living biological relatives are chimpanzees and bonobos, with whom we share many traits. But we did not evolve directly from any primates living today."
"DNA also shows that our species and chimpanzees diverged from a common ancestor species that lived between 8 and 6 million years ago. The last common ancestor of monkeys and apes lived about 25 million years ago."
A comment I wrote at the New York Times about the stupidity of most Republican politicians.
I'm very conservative but I agree the Republican Party is infested with "mad hatters". I'm for Mr. Bush but if he doesn't get the nomination I will probably vote for Hillary who at least would be a much better president than what we have now.
How Hillary Is Winning
How Hillary Is Winning
Friday, May 8, 2015
Never mind.
Never mind.
Thursday, May 7, 2015
For idiots who do it wrong: "If you look at the markets this morning you may get a churning feeling in your stomach. It's red across the board."
"If you look at the markets this morning you may get a churning feeling in your stomach. It's red across the board."
These people are doing it wrong. When the stock market is going up that means my shares will be worth more, not that I care. When the stock market goes down, that's wonderful news because it creates buying opportunities. If the stock market crashes bad that's even better because it creates excellent buying opportunities.
I buy only extremely safe dividend paying stocks which have a very long history of raising the dividend every year no matter what the stock market is doing. I will never sell any shares I own. I keep everything for life as I watch my income grow, thanks to annual or quarterly increases in the dividend, thanks to reinvesting the dividends, and thanks to me using my own money to buy more shares.
Market is crashing? Fine with me. Only people who don't know what they're doing, including the "experts", have to worry about what the stock market is doing.
"how would one go about investing in such a way without prior investing experience?"
Charles Schwab is best broker. Everything can be done on the internet, humans are not necessary but they are available if there are questions.
I suggest just buy Kinder Morgan and AT&T (stock symbols KMI & T). If you want to diversify there are many other excellent dividend paying stocks, but in my opinion KMI & T are the best.
It's all very simple. Open a brokerage account & checking account with Charles Schwab. You could use the checking account you are using now, but it's more convenient to use the Schwab checking account because you can transfer cash from checking to brokerage account in one second. The checking account is totally free (just like LIchess), there are no fees, they don't nickel and dime you like the banks do. The fee for buying shares is $8.95 no matter how many shares you buy, that's very reasonable and it's only a one time expense. If you want you can reinvest the dividends for free, just one mouse click is all you need to set that up.
When you see the screen for buying stocks it's easy to understand. Any words you don't understand you can use google to look it up.
Buy this stuff for life. Never sell no matter what. You don't care if the stock price goes way down, and that's the point, you have nothing to worry about because the dividend is safe, and you don't care if it goes up or down because you're never going to sell anything for capital gains. I love stock market crashes because I can then buy more stuff at very cheap prices. As the price goes down the dividend yield goes up and that's a good thing.
Beware of companies that have an extremely high divided yield because it's probably not safe. KMI & T dividends are rock-solid safe.
When people get started they notice they are not making very much income, but over a long period of time the income grows at a faster and faster pace. Starting at a very young age is the way to go.
These people are doing it wrong. When the stock market is going up that means my shares will be worth more, not that I care. When the stock market goes down, that's wonderful news because it creates buying opportunities. If the stock market crashes bad that's even better because it creates excellent buying opportunities.
I buy only extremely safe dividend paying stocks which have a very long history of raising the dividend every year no matter what the stock market is doing. I will never sell any shares I own. I keep everything for life as I watch my income grow, thanks to annual or quarterly increases in the dividend, thanks to reinvesting the dividends, and thanks to me using my own money to buy more shares.
Market is crashing? Fine with me. Only people who don't know what they're doing, including the "experts", have to worry about what the stock market is doing.
"how would one go about investing in such a way without prior investing experience?"
Charles Schwab is best broker. Everything can be done on the internet, humans are not necessary but they are available if there are questions.
I suggest just buy Kinder Morgan and AT&T (stock symbols KMI & T). If you want to diversify there are many other excellent dividend paying stocks, but in my opinion KMI & T are the best.
It's all very simple. Open a brokerage account & checking account with Charles Schwab. You could use the checking account you are using now, but it's more convenient to use the Schwab checking account because you can transfer cash from checking to brokerage account in one second. The checking account is totally free (just like LIchess), there are no fees, they don't nickel and dime you like the banks do. The fee for buying shares is $8.95 no matter how many shares you buy, that's very reasonable and it's only a one time expense. If you want you can reinvest the dividends for free, just one mouse click is all you need to set that up.
When you see the screen for buying stocks it's easy to understand. Any words you don't understand you can use google to look it up.
Buy this stuff for life. Never sell no matter what. You don't care if the stock price goes way down, and that's the point, you have nothing to worry about because the dividend is safe, and you don't care if it goes up or down because you're never going to sell anything for capital gains. I love stock market crashes because I can then buy more stuff at very cheap prices. As the price goes down the dividend yield goes up and that's a good thing.
Beware of companies that have an extremely high divided yield because it's probably not safe. KMI & T dividends are rock-solid safe.
When people get started they notice they are not making very much income, but over a long period of time the income grows at a faster and faster pace. Starting at a very young age is the way to go.
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
I answered a question at LIchess. "How to make money without a real job?"
"How to make money without a real job?"
It helps to first have a job which makes it possible to eventually make lots of money without having to work for it. People can live frugally and invest the money saved into the stock market. But it would be totally wrong to buy something hoping the price goes up so it could be sold for a profit. That's called gambling and it's a good way to get wiped out.
The correct way to invest is to buy extremely safe dividend paying stocks. Two examples are Kinder Morgan (oil and natural gas pipelines) and AT&T (internet). Both of these companies pay a nice dividend that for AT&T grows every year. Kinder Morgan increases the dividend every 3 months. The idea is to never sell these stocks. Keep them for the rest of your life and watch the dividend income grow. Reinvest the dividends along with more of your own money. Start at a young age and then be able to retire long before you're old enough to get social security.
"how would one go about investing in such a way without prior investing experience?"
Charles Schwab is best broker. Everything can be done on the internet, humans are not necessary but they are available if there are questions.
I suggest just buy Kinder Morgan and AT&T (stock symbols KMI & T). If you want to diversify there are many other excellent dividend paying stocks, but in my opinion KMI & T are the best.
It's all very simple. Open a brokerage account & checking account with Charles Schwab. You could use the checking account you are using now, but it's more convenient to use the Schwab checking account because you can transfer cash from checking to brokerage account in one second. The checking account is totally free (just like LIchess), there are no fees, they don't nickel and dime you like the banks do. The fee for buying shares is $8.95 no matter how many shares you buy, that's very reasonable and it's only a one time expense. If you want you can reinvest the dividends for free, just one mouse click is all you need to set that up.
When you see the screen for buying stocks it's easy to understand. Any words you don't understand you can use google to look it up.
Buy this stuff for life. Never sell no matter what. You don't care if the stock price goes way down, and that's the point, you have nothing to worry about because the dividend is safe, and you don't care if it goes up or down because you're never going to sell anything for capital gains. I love stock market crashes because I can then buy more stuff at very cheap prices. As the price goes down the dividend yield goes up and that's a good thing.
Beware of companies that have an extremely high divided yield because it's probably not safe. KMI & T dividends are rock-solid safe.
When people get started they notice they are not making very much income, but over a long period of time the income grows at a faster and faster pace. Starting at a very young age is the way to go.
The fee for buying your own shares are $8.95, a one time charge. Letting professionals invest your money, and paying a fee for it, is not necessary.
"Companies that serve out high dividends almost never see a substantial rise in stock price"
Who cares? People who know what they're doing want the income, not capital gains.
"If you are young, I would absolutely avoid dividends."
I totally disagree. To start growing your dividend income at a young age has the advantage of making it possible to retire at a young age. Hoping for capital gains instead of income is gambling. You can get wiped out.
KMI & T are excellent investments. Totally safe. A growing income. I get my advice from a very wealthy person and his career is giving stock market advice to extremely wealthy people. He said "Everyone should own Kinder Morgan and AT&T". My own research showed he was correct. Anyone can look these things up. I recommend "Seeking Alpha".
Also, I recommend this website:
The world is full of very bad advice, and most of this bad advice comes from professionals who are mostly interested in collecting fees which makes them impossible to trust.
Be conservative, never have to worry about market crashes, sleep well at night, make your own decisions instead of letting professional crooks make decisions for you, and just buy extremely safe stuff to keep the rest of your life and watch your income grow.
If young people get fired from their job (it can happen to anyone), it's nice to have that extra dividend income to live on until a new job is available.
And if you're still employed you can reinvest those dividends for free, no professional taking part of your savings.
People can look at these 2 websites for all the information they could want for KMI & T. There are numerous comments from wealthy people who make tons of money from dividends. And they started this conservative investing at a very young age.
It helps to first have a job which makes it possible to eventually make lots of money without having to work for it. People can live frugally and invest the money saved into the stock market. But it would be totally wrong to buy something hoping the price goes up so it could be sold for a profit. That's called gambling and it's a good way to get wiped out.
The correct way to invest is to buy extremely safe dividend paying stocks. Two examples are Kinder Morgan (oil and natural gas pipelines) and AT&T (internet). Both of these companies pay a nice dividend that for AT&T grows every year. Kinder Morgan increases the dividend every 3 months. The idea is to never sell these stocks. Keep them for the rest of your life and watch the dividend income grow. Reinvest the dividends along with more of your own money. Start at a young age and then be able to retire long before you're old enough to get social security.
"how would one go about investing in such a way without prior investing experience?"
Charles Schwab is best broker. Everything can be done on the internet, humans are not necessary but they are available if there are questions.
I suggest just buy Kinder Morgan and AT&T (stock symbols KMI & T). If you want to diversify there are many other excellent dividend paying stocks, but in my opinion KMI & T are the best.
It's all very simple. Open a brokerage account & checking account with Charles Schwab. You could use the checking account you are using now, but it's more convenient to use the Schwab checking account because you can transfer cash from checking to brokerage account in one second. The checking account is totally free (just like LIchess), there are no fees, they don't nickel and dime you like the banks do. The fee for buying shares is $8.95 no matter how many shares you buy, that's very reasonable and it's only a one time expense. If you want you can reinvest the dividends for free, just one mouse click is all you need to set that up.
When you see the screen for buying stocks it's easy to understand. Any words you don't understand you can use google to look it up.
Buy this stuff for life. Never sell no matter what. You don't care if the stock price goes way down, and that's the point, you have nothing to worry about because the dividend is safe, and you don't care if it goes up or down because you're never going to sell anything for capital gains. I love stock market crashes because I can then buy more stuff at very cheap prices. As the price goes down the dividend yield goes up and that's a good thing.
Beware of companies that have an extremely high divided yield because it's probably not safe. KMI & T dividends are rock-solid safe.
When people get started they notice they are not making very much income, but over a long period of time the income grows at a faster and faster pace. Starting at a very young age is the way to go.
The fee for buying your own shares are $8.95, a one time charge. Letting professionals invest your money, and paying a fee for it, is not necessary.
"Companies that serve out high dividends almost never see a substantial rise in stock price"
Who cares? People who know what they're doing want the income, not capital gains.
"If you are young, I would absolutely avoid dividends."
I totally disagree. To start growing your dividend income at a young age has the advantage of making it possible to retire at a young age. Hoping for capital gains instead of income is gambling. You can get wiped out.
KMI & T are excellent investments. Totally safe. A growing income. I get my advice from a very wealthy person and his career is giving stock market advice to extremely wealthy people. He said "Everyone should own Kinder Morgan and AT&T". My own research showed he was correct. Anyone can look these things up. I recommend "Seeking Alpha".
Also, I recommend this website:
The world is full of very bad advice, and most of this bad advice comes from professionals who are mostly interested in collecting fees which makes them impossible to trust.
Be conservative, never have to worry about market crashes, sleep well at night, make your own decisions instead of letting professional crooks make decisions for you, and just buy extremely safe stuff to keep the rest of your life and watch your income grow.
If young people get fired from their job (it can happen to anyone), it's nice to have that extra dividend income to live on until a new job is available.
And if you're still employed you can reinvest those dividends for free, no professional taking part of your savings.
People can look at these 2 websites for all the information they could want for KMI & T. There are numerous comments from wealthy people who make tons of money from dividends. And they started this conservative investing at a very young age.
At I wrote a comment about laguno, why it is evidence for evolution, and why evolution deniers are fucking morons.
There are countless thousands of evidences for evolution from DNA sequencing which is extremely powerful evidence and it grows every day. Obviously the science deniers have no idea how much science they have to throw out to justify their magical fantasies.
This is also evidence for evolution, certainly not as strong as the evidence from DNA sequencing, but it is one of the millions of facts of biology that can only make sense if evolution is true.
The human fetus (and the whale fetus) is a hairy animal before it is born. The hair drops off before birth, or a few days after birth if it was a premature baby. What's that hair doing there? Isn't the 98.6 degrees womb warm enough? Obviously to every biologist and every sane educated person, this hair is a remnant of when our very hairy ancestors lived in trees. Our close cousins, the Chimpanzees, have the same thing when they are fetuses but it never drops off. Chimps are hairy.
I have repeatedly asked the science deniers to explain why their magician would magically put hair on human and whale fetuses. They are of course unable to answer the question, instead they make up some nonsense for why this hair is not a remnant of our ancestors. Lying and looking dumb is all the science deniers have. They could of course grow up and accept reality, but they will never do that because reality makes them cry. Their solution is to pretend magic is real, which shows how hopelessly childish, insane, and cowardly these people are.
Every biologist in the world completely agrees with this famous quote: "Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution."
I write all this stuff, by the way, to save it on my blog for future use. Writing it only for here would never accomplish anything because the science deniers have an incurable mental illness which unfortunately can't be fixed.
No problem, it's their wasted life, except the science deniers should not be allowed near children, and they most certainly must not be allowed to change science curriculums to accommodate their cowardly fantasies.
From Why Evolution is True by Jerry Coyne:
One of my favorite cases of embryological evidence for evolution is the furry human fetus. We are famously known as "naked apes" because, unlike other primates, we don't have a thick coat of hair. But in fact for one brief period we do--as embryos. Around sixth months after conception, we become completely covered with a fine, downy coat of hair called lanugo. Lanugo is usually shed about a month before birth, when it's replaced by the more sparsely distributed hair with which we're born. (Premature infants, however, are sometimes born with lanugo, which soon falls off.) Now, there's no need for a human embryo to have a transitory coat of hair. After all, it's a cozy 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit in the womb. Lanugo can be explained only as a remnant of our primate ancestry: fetal monkeys also develop a coat of hair at about the same stage of development. Their hair, however, doesn't fall out, but hangs on to become the adult coat. And, like humans, fetal whales also have lanugo, a remnant of when their ancestors lived on land.
From a science webite:
• Lanugo. This little-known developmental phenomenon is an important clue to our mammalian past. Lanugo is a coat of fine, downy hair that fetuses grow while in the womb, covering the entire body except for the soles of the feet and the palms of the hands. Typically, lanugo is shed by the seventh or eighth month of pregnancy, although premature infants may retain it for several weeks after birth. The question is why we grow it at all, and the theory of evolution can easily explain this as a vestigial characteristic retained from our furry ancestors.
One of my favorite cases of embryological evidence for evolution is the furry human fetus. We are famously known as "naked apes" because, unlike other primates, we don't have a thick coat of hair. But in fact for one brief period we do--as embryos. Around sixth months after conception, we become completely covered with a fine, downy coat of hair called lanugo. Lanugo is usually shed about a month before birth, when it's replaced by the more sparsely distributed hair with which we're born. (Premature infants, however, are sometimes born with lanugo, which soon falls off.) Now, there's no need for a human embryo to have a transitory coat of hair. After all, it's a cozy 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit in the womb. Lanugo can be explained only as a remnant of our primate ancestry: fetal monkeys also develop a coat of hair at about the same stage of development. Their hair, however, doesn't fall out, but hangs on to become the adult coat. And, like humans, fetal whales also have lanugo, a remnant of when their ancestors lived on land.
From a science webite:
• Lanugo. This little-known developmental phenomenon is an important clue to our mammalian past. Lanugo is a coat of fine, downy hair that fetuses grow while in the womb, covering the entire body except for the soles of the feet and the palms of the hands. Typically, lanugo is shed by the seventh or eighth month of pregnancy, although premature infants may retain it for several weeks after birth. The question is why we grow it at all, and the theory of evolution can easily explain this as a vestigial characteristic retained from our furry ancestors.
Google Translate can translate everything. For example without knowing what language this is I found out فارسی means Persian. He was my opponent in one chess game which by the way I won.فارسی The Persian's profile on Our 30 move chess game
This is one of the very few games I made no mistakes: The Persian's profile on Our 30 move chess game
This is one of the very few games I made no mistakes:
0 | Inaccuracies |
0 | Mistakes |
0 | Blunders |
Sunday, May 3, 2015
America's god-soaked assholes and their never ending war against science.
In America there is a never ending war against science. Why? What's the problem? Why do science deniers deny the established truth of evolution by natural selection even though it's the strongest fact of science, supported by thousands of evidences from several branches of science?
The problem is the science deniers want to throw out science and replace it with their magical ideas. That's very strange because magic is just a childish fantasy and most certainly magic is not real.
There could nothing more anti-science than magic. So people who want to defend their magical ideas have to attack science, they have to attack scientists, and worst of all they have to attack science education.
Can this terrible problem be fixed? Can these people be cured, or is there some way to at least keep them from destroying science education?
So far it doesn't look good here in Idiot America. The science deniers always lose in court but that doesn't prevent them from harassing and threatening biology teachers, or trying to get laws passed to dumb down science education to accommodate their magical ideas.
Sometimes I think there is no hope for this country. We will forever be an international laughing stock.
"Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge." ― Isaac Asimov
This quote describes the science deniers perfectly:
"Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge." ― Isaac Asimov
Saturday, May 2, 2015
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I would rather win but you are correct. A person can learn more from a loss, especially if free computer analysis is used to find errors and know what moves should have been made instead.
I would rather win but you are correct. A person can learn more from a loss, especially if free computer analysis is used to find errors and know what moves should have been made instead.
Use this link a lot at to encourage those people to throw out the piece of shit and use LIchess instead, and do this without getting censored by scum.
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