"Darwin was the first to use data from nature to convince people that evolution is true, and his idea of natural selection was truly novel. It testifies to his genius that the concept of natural theology, accepted by most educated Westerners before 1859, was vanquished within only a few years by a single five-hundred-page book. On the Origin of Species turned the mysteries of life's diversity from mythology into genuine science." -- Jerry Coyne
Saturday, September 27, 2014
Priceless stuff written by internet name "Fiveofswords".
It's remarkable that evolution was widely accepted before DNA, which was predicted, was actually discovered.
Now that we know about DNA there simply is nothing to speak about anymore.
It's accepted that organisms pass their DNA to offspring. Its accepted that DNA does not always replicate perfectly. Its accepted (almost a tautology) that organisms more capable of surviving are also more likely to survive.
These three facts, when taken together, must logically result in the truth of evolution. If a person cannot comprehend that, then imho the only explanation is that they are either ignorant of those facts, or they are an imbecile....in fact they would ironically imho somewhat inferior to the average chimpanzee in their capacity for abstract reasoning.
any sort of subterfuge is pointless...the theoretical lack of perfect knowledge is irrelevant, the 'freedom' to have stupid ideas without facing prison time is irrelevant. The only personal choice here is whether you want to be a child or an adult...can you handle reality or not.
American evolution deniers have a lot in common with terrorists.
In backward countries like America and the Muslim theocracies there are countless millions of evolution deniers. Who cares? If they want to waste their entire lives not knowing what they are and where they came from, that's their problem.
What concerns me is the brainwashing of children. These victims of mental child abuse grow up believing our species was magically created out of nothing and we are completely separate from the rest of nature.
I was one of these victims. It was drilled into me we are people and the other creatures are animals. People are not animals. Of course that's ridiculous but millions of brainwashed children believe it.
Another serious problem is science education. For example in Mosul, Iraq, which is now controlled by the Islamic State, nobody learns a thing about evolution and the terrorists, wanting to be sure children stay ignorant, banned the teaching of evolution.
"The new Mosul curriculum, allegedly issued by al-Baghdadi himself, explicitly bans Charles Darwin's theory of evolution — although it was not previously taught in Iraqi schools."
The American evolution deniers have a lot in common with terrorists. Isn't that interesting?
In America a survey showed that only 28% of biology teachers are competent enough to properly teach evolution. These means 72% of American students are learning nothing about the most interesting branch of science. They learn how to hate science because they think it's boring.
The other 72% of teachers are worse than incompetent. Most of them are cowards. They would rather cheat their students than endure the harassment and threats they would receive if they taught evolution.
Even worse some American biology teachers illegally teach magical creationism which is an anti-science fantasy. The students don't complain so these disgusting fake teachers get away with it.
Friday, September 26, 2014
Charles Darwin, the father of modern biology, the man who killed god, my favorite atheist, the most important person in human history.
Mr. Darwin did not use this word to describe himself but obviously he became an atheist. And he most certainly knew his brilliant natural selection idea killed the ridiculous god fantasy.
Charles Darwin changed the world more than anyone else in human history.
Charles Darwin's Faith and Religious Beliefs
From the link what his future wife wrote:
"I must now tell you what I think of him, first premising that Eliz. thinks pretty nearly the same, as my opinion may not go for much with you. He is the most open, transparent man I ever saw, and every word expresses his real thoughts. He is particularly affectionate and very nice to his father and sisters, and perfectly sweet tempered, and possesses some minor qualities that add particularly to one's happiness, such as not being fastidious, and being humane to animals. We shall live in London, where he is fully occupied with being Secretary to the Geological Society and conducting a publication2 upon the animals of Australia."
Darwin had all these good qualities which his wife perfectly described.
Charles Darwin changed the world more than anyone else in human history.
Charles Darwin's Faith and Religious Beliefs
From the link what his future wife wrote:
"I must now tell you what I think of him, first premising that Eliz. thinks pretty nearly the same, as my opinion may not go for much with you. He is the most open, transparent man I ever saw, and every word expresses his real thoughts. He is particularly affectionate and very nice to his father and sisters, and perfectly sweet tempered, and possesses some minor qualities that add particularly to one's happiness, such as not being fastidious, and being humane to animals. We shall live in London, where he is fully occupied with being Secretary to the Geological Society and conducting a publication2 upon the animals of Australia."
Darwin had all these good qualities which his wife perfectly described.
Darwin was very concerned about what the reaction to his On the Origin of Species would be. He compared it to confessing a murder. And this is why it took him several years before publishing his book. He wanted to first accumulate as much evidence as he could. He was finally motivated to publish it when he found out Wallace had the same ideas.
He didn't get everything right but was totally right about his most important ideas, especially natural selection. Darwin, more than any other person who ever lived, changed the world. It's a world that is still changing because incredibly, 155 years after Origin of Species was published, there are still millions of people (mostly in backward countries like America and the Muslim theocracies) who want to throw out his lifetime of hard work.
"Darwin was the first to use data from nature to convince people that evolution is true, and his idea of natural selection was truly novel. It testifies to his genius that the concept of natural theology, accepted by most educated Westerners before 1859, was vanquished within only a few years by a single five-hundred-page book. On the Origin of Species turned the mysteries of life's diversity from mythology into genuine science."
-- Jerry Coyne
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
President Fucktard Obama is actually doing something right. And he is being brilliant about it.
Obama is usually a bit wimpy but when he gets really mad he has no problem with wiping out stupid assholes, aka the Islamic State.
He is trying to exterminate these Muslim scum who have been cutting off the heads of Americans. And he's doing everything right, including having Arab nations participate in the genocide.
I'm extremely conservative, the exact opposite of our liberal president.
But this time I stand by my president. Way to go Mr. Obama.
He is trying to exterminate these Muslim scum who have been cutting off the heads of Americans. And he's doing everything right, including having Arab nations participate in the genocide.
I'm extremely conservative, the exact opposite of our liberal president.
But this time I stand by my president. Way to go Mr. Obama.
An interesting article about Muslim scum from the Encyclopedia Britannica.
At chess.com there are two off-topic threads about evolution. One thread is anti-science. The other thread loves science.
What if the Theory of Evolution is Wrong? (Part II)
What if the basic facts of evolutionary biology are completely correct?
What if the basic facts of evolutionary biology are completely correct?
At a chess website a question was asked: How Do YOU Choose a Move?
When in doubt I grap a pawn. However I have learned the hard way, if there is a pawn to grab, there might be a reason for it and that reason could kill me.
Also, when in doubt, I choose a move that would increase the mobility of one of my pieces.
I like to look for ways to get an advantage in the ending, for example getting two bishops against one bishop and one knight, or damaging my opponent's pawn structure. I love endgames by the way. The opening and the middle game are just something I have to endure to get to the endgame.
The History Of Chess Pieces!
Also, when in doubt, I choose a move that would increase the mobility of one of my pieces.
I like to look for ways to get an advantage in the ending, for example getting two bishops against one bishop and one knight, or damaging my opponent's pawn structure. I love endgames by the way. The opening and the middle game are just something I have to endure to get to the endgame.
The History Of Chess Pieces!
At Yahoo answers somebody asked "What religion frowns on drinking and pork, but promotes beheading innocents, raping young girls, and suicide?"
"What religion frowns on drinking and pork, but promotes beheading innocents, raping young girls, and suicide?"
Both Jews and Muslims have rules against eating pigs. I don't understand why. Why would Allah or God care what we eat?
Drinking is a bad idea so the Muslims got that one right. I'm an atheist and I quit drinking beer and the other stuff a long time ago.
Cutting off heads and blowing yourself up to kill women and children, that's just plain wrong. Only Muslims do it.
Both Jews and Muslims have rules against eating pigs. I don't understand why. Why would Allah or God care what we eat?
Drinking is a bad idea so the Muslims got that one right. I'm an atheist and I quit drinking beer and the other stuff a long time ago.
Cutting off heads and blowing yourself up to kill women and children, that's just plain wrong. Only Muslims do it.
2014/09 SEPTEMBER,
Muslim scum,
religious violence
Monday, September 22, 2014
Richard Dawkins video: There are no Muslim Miracles in the Quran.
2014/09 SEPTEMBER,
Muslim scum,
religious violence
Some comments I wrote at another website about god-soaked assholes.
It's interesting that there was a thread about evolution (category off-topic) that got completely vaporized, probably by the owner of that thread. Hundreds of comments, including some very interesting comments, gone forever.
Probably partly my fault. I make the god-soaked cry.
"Atheists get a bad rap. It seems that everyone is mad at us."
By everyone I assume you mean the world's idiots. If an idiot is mad at normal people, who cares?
"Christians want to enforce prayer in their public schools"
They're theocrats and their traitors. If it was up to me they would thrown in prison. They're enemies of America, no better than terrorists.
"The fact that so many idiots in the USA believe evolution is "Godless" shows that the atheists have a long way to go in my country."
Of course evolutionary biology is godless as is every other branch of science. Also, science is EasterBunnyless. Who cares?
America is infested with countless millions of science deniers. We are equal to the Muslim theocracies. Equally uneducated and equally insane.
By "We" I mean the god-soaked. The problem is religion. Eradicate religions and kill the preachers, and the world would be a much better place.
"some woman complaining about a "moment of silence" in school"
It's wrong. It's a religious idea and it's just plain wrong. Do corporations have a moment of silence? Of course not because that would be ridiculous. It's equally idiotic to have it in schools.
Give the god-soaked a little bit of the theocracy they want, and they will think they can get away with anything.
Zero tolerance for religious stupidity in schools because it's child abuse.
Atheists get a bad rap.
"some woman complaining about a "moment of silence" in school"
It's wrong. It's a religious idea and it's just plain wrong. Do corporations have a moment of silence? Of course not because that would be ridiculous. It's equally idiotic to have it in schools.
Give the god-soaked a little bit of the theocracy they want, and they will think they can get away with anything.
Zero tolerance for religious stupidity in schools because it's child abuse.
Atheists get a bad rap.
"It is called Faith, believing in something even though we cannot see it etc..."
Faith is believing in something even though it's ridiculous and impossible. Faith is not a virtue. Faith is just an excuse to be a gullible cowardly idiot.
"But I see God all the time, the beauty that our world has, God created it!"
So lets throw out reality and all of science so "Anonymous" can have his childish god-did-it fantasy.
Faith is believing in something even though it's ridiculous and impossible. Faith is not a virtue. Faith is just an excuse to be a gullible cowardly idiot.
"But I see God all the time, the beauty that our world has, God created it!"
So lets throw out reality and all of science so "Anonymous" can have his childish god-did-it fantasy.
At Yahoo answers somebody asked a question about Muslims and their love for cutting off heads.
Where have Muslims picked up this habit of beheading people?
I have watched this jaw dropping and utterly sickening Muslim custom on YouTube. It is monstrous. Where did Muslims learn such inhuman behavior?
Excellent answer somebody wrote at https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20140921211150AALYMjh&act=aq
"This is a hideous ancient Muslim custom that the Muslim prophet was particularly fond of. He once orchestrated the beheading of 900 men in a single day and then took the beheaded men's wives as sex slaves and also enslaved their children. This massacre was performed by the Muslim "prophet". Muslims that kill in this fashion today are simply emulating their killer prophet."
Sunday, September 21, 2014
The photo is from a YouTube video. These young women are dancing to some music they like. In Iran, a Muslim theocracy, this is a terrible crime. Having fun, being happy, is totally wrong.
It should be legal to hunt down and kill Muslim scum.
From Iran Sentences Dancers for 'Happy' Video
According to reports, after 100,000 people saw the video, the six were held in prison for three days, where they were not allowed to use toilets, kept in solitary confinement, and were reportedly forced to perform squats while naked in front of female guards. The director of the video was said to have been held longer.
Meanwhile, Iranian authorities ransacked at least one of their homes and eventually forced the six to confess to their crimes on national television. What were their crimes? As the Telegraph explained:
Authorities arrested the group for contravening Iran’s strict vulgarity laws, which prohibit public displays of dancing, and paraded the six on state television, forcing them to express remorse for their behaviour.
2014/09 SEPTEMBER,
Muslim scum,
religious violence
Put this on yahoo answers at work where the computer works properly.
Category: Society & Culture > Religion & Spirituality There's always some hiding place for a god of the gaps, but what's the point?
Eventually god will be chased out of that hiding place, if not now then maybe a thousand years from now.
MY QUESTION: Why believe in a magical being that has been repeatedly shown to be unnecessary? Why invoke a god to explain what hasn't been explained yet, when that gap in human knowledge will eventually be solved?
"Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge: it is those who know little, not those who know much, who so positively assert that this or that problem will never be solved by science."
-- Charles Darwin
Category: Society & Culture > Religion & Spirituality
MY QUESTION: Why believe in a magical being that has been repeatedly shown to be unnecessary? Why invoke a god to explain what hasn't been explained yet, when that gap in human knowledge will eventually be solved?
"Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge: it is those who know little, not those who know much, who so positively assert that this or that problem will never be solved by science."
-- Charles Darwin
Category: Society & Culture > Religion & Spirituality
The evidence for evolution
Evolution deniers should not allow their children to read the Encyclopedia Britannica. From a 42 page article at http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/197367/evolution
The evidence for evolution
Darwin and other 19th-century biologists found compelling evidence for biological evolution in the comparative study of living organisms, in their geographic distribution, and in the fossil remains of extinct organisms. Since Darwin’s time, the evidence from these sources has become considerably stronger and more comprehensive, while biological disciplines that emerged more recently—genetics, biochemistry, physiology, ecology, animal behaviour (ethology), and especially molecular biology—have supplied powerful additional evidence and detailed confirmation. The amount of information about evolutionary history stored in the DNA and proteins of living things is virtually unlimited; scientists can reconstruct any detail of the evolutionary history of life by investing sufficient time and laboratory resources.
Friday, September 19, 2014
The message that never got sent because a crybaby blocked it.
FACT: The Islamic State is 100% creationists.
SIr, I would like to respectfully point out that all Muslims are evolution deniers, aka creationists. The Islamic State is 100% Muslims, therefore 100% creationists. This is fact and I have the evidence for it.
For stating a fact, you are throwing me out. Who is the bad guy here? The person who writes only the truth, or the people who don't want to hear the truth?
Please be honest. Tell me why writing the truth is wrong.
Also I suggest you should read the link from the New York Times I provided, which is strong evidence for the fact that creationists threaten biology teachers.
Again here is a fact that people don't want to hear. So they kill the messenger. Who is the bad guy? The honest person or the people who don't want to hear the truth.
I suggest publish what I just wrote on your thread. Ask for comments. The question is: Is telling the truth wrong? Should we throw out people who write honestly about facts that not everyone wants to hear?
Freedom of speech. This is one of the basic human rights I was defending when I served in the United States Army.
SIr, I would like to respectfully point out that all Muslims are evolution deniers, aka creationists. The Islamic State is 100% Muslims, therefore 100% creationists. This is fact and I have the evidence for it.
For stating a fact, you are throwing me out. Who is the bad guy here? The person who writes only the truth, or the people who don't want to hear the truth?
Please be honest. Tell me why writing the truth is wrong.
Also I suggest you should read the link from the New York Times I provided, which is strong evidence for the fact that creationists threaten biology teachers.
Again here is a fact that people don't want to hear. So they kill the messenger. Who is the bad guy? The honest person or the people who don't want to hear the truth.
I suggest publish what I just wrote on your thread. Ask for comments. The question is: Is telling the truth wrong? Should we throw out people who write honestly about facts that not everyone wants to hear?
Freedom of speech. This is one of the basic human rights I was defending when I served in the United States Army.
Thursday, September 18, 2014
A conversation with a theist I am saving here.
"What do you think of Newton? From what I've heard, he did believe in a God, and he was quite good at science. I guess simplified is this, do you think that it is impossible in this day and age to accept a God and accept science?"
You ask good questions. I'll answer right now with this message but usually I prefer the thread for this stuff (in case you want to continue it). I check that thread frequently for new comments.
Newton was extremely brilliant. However he had one unfortunate problem. It was about problems he was having with orbits. I'm betting he could have solved those problems but he gave up and invoked his magical being to explain why those orbits work. Today even religious scientists know it's totally wrong to give up. They know it's totally wrong to invoke supernatural magic to explain the natural world.
Those religious scientists are rare, especially in biology, and especially at the level of best scientists in the world. I once saw a video, a conversation between two biologists. They agreed they had met only one biologist in their lives who was a theist, it was Francis Collins.
Do I think it's impossible to be a theist and accept science? Obviously it's possible because these people exist. Do I think it's impossible to be a theist and be a scientist? Yes they exist but they have a serious problem. Scientists are suppose to demand strong evidence for every idea. And they are constantly trying to disprove scientific ideas, including their own ideas.
But if that scientist is religious, he or she has to stop demanding evidence because for anything that requires faith there is no evidence. From my point of view this is totally wrong, especially for a scientist. They shouldn't be making exceptions for anything including religious ideas. Just like they try to disprove their own scientific ideas, they should be trying to disprove their religious ideas, but they're not doing that.
One more thing. I have this idea. 21st century science has pretty much solved every problem. There will always be research opportunities in every branch of science but virtually all the basic stuff has been figured out. What remains is to test those ideas, and if they're wrong to try something else. But none of these scientists think a supernatural being had anything to do with it. Religious scientists believe in a god who never had anything to do. Sure there's always some hiding place for a god of the gaps, but what's the point? Eventually god will be chased out of that hiding place, if not now then maybe a thousand years from now. Scientific progress never ends, but the god idea just stays where it is.
See you at "Today's Hot Topics". Many thanks for making me think.
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
At Yahoo Answers: Hey folks, guess what a Christian crybaby report monkey reported. The question was about heaven.
Part of the question: "Besides the fact it does not exist."
My answer which a Christian crybaby got deleted: "Of course it doesn't exist. This is about magical souls magically flying to a magical paradise. It's as plausible as the Harry Potter stories. Magic is not real. A magical heaven is something only a coward would wish for."
Cowardly Christian crybabies defend their childish moronic fantasies with dishonesty and censorship.
My answer which a Christian crybaby got deleted: "Of course it doesn't exist. This is about magical souls magically flying to a magical paradise. It's as plausible as the Harry Potter stories. Magic is not real. A magical heaven is something only a coward would wish for."
Cowardly Christian crybabies defend their childish moronic fantasies with dishonesty and censorship.
At Yahoo I answered this question: How to become an investor?
Get a Schwab brokerage account and Schwab checking account. All this can be done on a computer. You can buy and sell shares without ever wasting your time talking to a human.
There are two ways to invest in the stock market. One way is called gambling and it almost never works. This is when you buy shares of a corporation hoping that shares increase in value so you can sell and make a profit. The idea works some of the time but if you keep doing this eventually you will be wiped out.
The 2nd way to invest in the stock market is not gambling at all. You buy shares of rock-solid corporations that have a very long history of raising the dividend every year. If the shares go up in value or go down, you don't care because you are going to own these shares for the rest of your life. You're only interested in the dividend income which will grow every year. Until and even after you retire you should use all or most of the dividend income to buy more shares, which is another way to increase your income. Every time you accumulate some cash use it to buy more safe dividend paying shares, which is the 3rd way you can increase your income.
Never touch the principle. In other words never sell any shares. The only exception is when a corporation says they're going to cut the dividend. Then immediately sell everything and never invest in that corporation again. But you will never have to do that if you are very careful about what you buy.
An excellent example of a corporation with a very long history of very generous annual increases in the dividend is Philip Morris International Inc., stock symbol PM. They raise the dividend every year and their dividend is extremely safe. An excellent investment you can keep for the rest of your life.
By never selling anything you can be sure you will have a dividend income no matter how long you live.
From another answer: "Fund managers make the decisions for you."
And those fund managers will help themselves to some of your investment income. Their customers are suckers.
There are two ways to invest in the stock market. One way is called gambling and it almost never works. This is when you buy shares of a corporation hoping that shares increase in value so you can sell and make a profit. The idea works some of the time but if you keep doing this eventually you will be wiped out.
The 2nd way to invest in the stock market is not gambling at all. You buy shares of rock-solid corporations that have a very long history of raising the dividend every year. If the shares go up in value or go down, you don't care because you are going to own these shares for the rest of your life. You're only interested in the dividend income which will grow every year. Until and even after you retire you should use all or most of the dividend income to buy more shares, which is another way to increase your income. Every time you accumulate some cash use it to buy more safe dividend paying shares, which is the 3rd way you can increase your income.
Never touch the principle. In other words never sell any shares. The only exception is when a corporation says they're going to cut the dividend. Then immediately sell everything and never invest in that corporation again. But you will never have to do that if you are very careful about what you buy.
An excellent example of a corporation with a very long history of very generous annual increases in the dividend is Philip Morris International Inc., stock symbol PM. They raise the dividend every year and their dividend is extremely safe. An excellent investment you can keep for the rest of your life.
By never selling anything you can be sure you will have a dividend income no matter how long you live.
From another answer: "Fund managers make the decisions for you."
And those fund managers will help themselves to some of your investment income. Their customers are suckers.
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
At Yahoo Answers I asked How would you define the word "god"?
Category: Society & Culture > Religion & Spirituality
Two dictionary definitions:
"the creator and ruler of the universe and source of all moral authority; the supreme being."
"a superhuman being or spirit worshiped as having power over nature or human fortunes; a deity."
My definition: A fairy with unlimited magical powers. It uses a magical wand to magically make solar systems and creatures out of nothing. It demands worship and it rewards the worshipers with a magical 2nd life. It's a fantasy for uneducated superstitious cowards.
A google search for "define god": Define god
Some of the best answers:
A very lucrative, tax free business.
I define "god" as the sum total of human ignorance, whether the honest or willful kind.
A man-made idea invented by highly superstitious people during the transformative Neolithic era when attention shifted from hunter/gatherer shamans to the celestial movements of the stars who became the new dieties responsible for the planting and harvest seasons.
Two dictionary definitions:
"the creator and ruler of the universe and source of all moral authority; the supreme being."
"a superhuman being or spirit worshiped as having power over nature or human fortunes; a deity."
My definition: A fairy with unlimited magical powers. It uses a magical wand to magically make solar systems and creatures out of nothing. It demands worship and it rewards the worshipers with a magical 2nd life. It's a fantasy for uneducated superstitious cowards.
A google search for "define god": Define god
Some of the best answers:
A very lucrative, tax free business.
I define "god" as the sum total of human ignorance, whether the honest or willful kind.
A man-made idea invented by highly superstitious people during the transformative Neolithic era when attention shifted from hunter/gatherer shamans to the celestial movements of the stars who became the new dieties responsible for the planting and harvest seasons.
Idiot America is infested with god-soaked evolution-deniers.
Evgenara wrote:
What if the Storke really does deliver babies all over the world? What if Santa really does make and deliver Toys to all children? What if the Tooth Fairy does exist? What if the Theory of Evolution is wrong? ( Are you really serious, or are you just having us all on, having a joke?? I hope so!)
In civilized countries this whole thing would be a joke. But where I live in god-soaked America, almost half the population are reality deniers. Obviously it's a religious problem. In other extremely religious countries, for example the terrorist infested Middle East, they have an even higher percentage of reality deniers. Both American Christians and Muslim terrorists want to throw out centuries of scientific progress and replace it with supernatural magic.
Also, in both America and the Muslim theocracies science education is worse than terrible. In America only 28% of high school biology teachers are qualified to competently teach evolution. My biology teacher never once talked about evolution even though it's the foundation of biology. In the Muslim theocracies it's against the law to teach evolution, even at universities.
Your comparison of evolution deniers to people who believe in the Tooth Fairy is correct. I would compare these science deniers to holocaust deniers and people who think the 9/11 religious atrocity was an inside job.
All religious terrorists (including ISIS) are evolution deniers. Isn't that interesting?
Biologists usually ignore the evolution deniers. However they are probably annoyed by the fact that the world is infested with these strange people.
"For all of those who do see the overwhelming evidence of natural selection and life's descent from ancestors, and the immense span of time over which the story of life unfolded, it is, to put it mildly, baffling how so many still do not. It is absolutely astonishing and often infuriating that some take it so far as to deny the immense foundation of evidence and to slander all the human achievement that foundation represents."
-- Sean B. Carroll, professor of molecular biology, genetics, and medical genetics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, author of The Making of the Fittest: DNA and the Ultimate Forensic Record of Evolution
-- Sean B. Carroll, professor of molecular biology, genetics, and medical genetics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, author of The Making of the Fittest: DNA and the Ultimate Forensic Record of Evolution
2014/09 SEPTEMBER,
Christian retards,
Idiot America,
Muslim scum,
Sean B. Carroll
At Yahoo I answered a good question about Christian assholes.
"If you have to threaten children with eternal damnation unless they adopt your faith, is it possible your faith isn't worth having?"
I have to ignore at least 100 idiot questions before finding a gem like what you just wrote.
Your question describes the child abuse perfectly. Religions are so obviously completely wrong they could not possibly exist without threatening small children, the younger the better. The brainwashing is relentless and lasts the victim's entire youth. Tell the gullible child: suffer terribly for eternity or believe everything I say, no matter how ridiculous it is. What chance does the victim have?
I say throw the child abusers in prison where they belong.
Look at the other answers and see how the child abusers defend their abuse of children. It won't work Christians. Everyone knows you scum have zero moral values. And that's why you have to use brainwashing and cowardly censorship to defend your moronic fantasies.
I have to ignore at least 100 idiot questions before finding a gem like what you just wrote.
Your question describes the child abuse perfectly. Religions are so obviously completely wrong they could not possibly exist without threatening small children, the younger the better. The brainwashing is relentless and lasts the victim's entire youth. Tell the gullible child: suffer terribly for eternity or believe everything I say, no matter how ridiculous it is. What chance does the victim have?
I say throw the child abusers in prison where they belong.
Look at the other answers and see how the child abusers defend their abuse of children. It won't work Christians. Everyone knows you scum have zero moral values. And that's why you have to use brainwashing and cowardly censorship to defend your moronic fantasies.
Anti-science Christian assholes have to lie about everything to defend their childish ridiculous magical creationism fantasy. What I wrote at another website.
"If he says something like the above, you can be absolutely sure that he follows it up by explaining how it's not the problem Creationists think it is."
This is called quote mining. It's extremely dishonest. And this is what the professional science deniers do all the time. Their customers copy and paste the dishonesty, never bothering to check the facts. Laziness is no excuse for lying.
Something I wrote here earlier:
"I'm especially in love with the science deniers. I worship the science deniers. They have a few minor problems, for example they're wrong about everything, they harass and threaten biology teachers, they're extremely dishonest, and they brainwash children, but still I love them all."
Why are creationists dishonest? They have to lie about everything because look at what they're defending: The ridiculous idea that a magical being waved a magical wand to magically create every creature out of nothing.
And look at what the science deniers are attacking: An entire branch of science, virtually all of biology. And who are they attacking? Every biology department of every university in the world, including Harvard and MIT.
So of course the creationists have to lie about everything. It's impossible to defend magic, so they have to lie about science.
Fortunately there are solutions for this dishonestly problem. The best solution is to completely ignore them for the same reason people ignore cockroaches. An alternative is to google their quote mining which always proves they were dishonestly leaving something out. Dishonesty doesn't work because everyone knows the liar is lying.
But still the creationists lie about everything. What to call their problem I will leave to other people.
In 2002 Saudi Arabia's religious police stopped schoolgirls from leaving a blazing building because they were not wearing correct Islamic dress.
Saudi police 'stopped' fire rescue
Saudi police 'stopped' fire rescue
2014/09 SEPTEMBER,
Muslim scum,
religious violence
Sunday, September 14, 2014
Muslim terrorists are human evolution deniers.
"While Islam recognizes the general idea of the development of life in stages, over a period of time, human beings are considered as a special act of creation. Islam teaches that human beings are a unique life form that was created by Allah in a special way, with unique gifts and abilities unlike any other: a soul and conscience, knowledge, and free will. In short, Muslims do not believe that human beings randomly evolved from apes. The life of human beings began with the creation of two people, a male and a female named Adam and Hawwa (Eve)."
Creation of Human Life Human Beings Not "Descended" From Apes
Notice the use of the word "randomly" and the failure to point out people are still apes.
Natural Selection is not random, and we are one of the Great Ape species.
For Muslims evolution is OK but not for Allah's favorite species, the people apes. We were, according to the terrorists, magically created.
Creation of Human Life Human Beings Not "Descended" From Apes
Notice the use of the word "randomly" and the failure to point out people are still apes.
Natural Selection is not random, and we are one of the Great Ape species.
For Muslims evolution is OK but not for Allah's favorite species, the people apes. We were, according to the terrorists, magically created.
I asked "Jeebus, who lived many centuries before Darwin, most certainly was a creationist. Why do pro-science Christians deny this obvious fact?"
I chose this as best answer and added this to my list of favorite quotes:
"Nobody knows if Jesus existed in the form Christians think of him. Certainly nobody knows even if he existed what he said or did not say or how much he was supposed to have said was actually made up by later writers. One thing is certain he was like most of the population at the time totally ignorant of the way the earth was formed and how life came into existence."
"Nobody knows if Jesus existed in the form Christians think of him. Certainly nobody knows even if he existed what he said or did not say or how much he was supposed to have said was actually made up by later writers. One thing is certain he was like most of the population at the time totally ignorant of the way the earth was formed and how life came into existence."
Monday, September 8, 2014
A fucking idiot wrote "I dont know whether I'm atheist or agnostic."
If you have to ask then you're not an atheist.
An atheist is normal. Everyone else is an idiot.
A real atheist: 100% certain magical beings are not real. Period.
A wimpy fake atheist: Lack of belief in magical beings.
The wimpy fake atheists are idiots. Agnostics are idiots. Theists are idiots.
An atheist is normal. Everyone else is an idiot.
A real atheist: 100% certain magical beings are not real. Period.
A wimpy fake atheist: Lack of belief in magical beings.
The wimpy fake atheists are idiots. Agnostics are idiots. Theists are idiots.
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