Saturday, March 30, 2013

Why is Christianity and Islam so evil?

The question "Why is Christianity and Islam so evil?" was asked at Yahoo Answers. This was my reply:

"Why is Christianity and Islam so evil?"

Books could be written to answer your question. I will just write about their worst evil, the evil that keeps these disgusting cults from going extinct.

It's called religious indoctrination but it should be called child abuse. Christian scum and Muslim scum know their fantasies are too ridiculous for any adult to take seriously. So the brainwashing begins at the earliest possible age. The breathtaking stupidity is repeated thousands of times. They drill it into their gullible minds until the young victims have permanent brain damage.

My contempt for these child abusers (every Christian idiot and Muslim idiot in the world) is complete. They all belong in prison for ruining the lives of innocent children.

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