Thursday, August 1, 2019

Here is some more extreme "Idiot America" stupid. An asshole for Jeebus wants to force biology teachers to give equal time to her childish magical creationism fantasy. Evolution makes this know-nothing bible-thumping fucktard cry. This is Idiot Oklahoma, not far from Idiot Texas.

Why restrict science teaching to one side of issue?


Published: Friday, March 4, 2011

In response to the Rev. Deborah Meinke (Your Views, Feb. 26): Education isn't about some authority deciding what is or what is not truth. Education is about presenting all sides of an issue and allowing students to think critically about the issue and decide what they believe. As a college student with minimum firsthand knowledge of the Bible, I sat in a science class and listened to the Big Bang Theory. In order to pass the course, I regurgitated this theory back to the instructor and got the needed credit for the class. It didn't hurt me, but it also didn't make sense to me. I observed my own respiratory and circulatory systems and decided Big Bang could explain neither of those magnificent systems.

Forty-five years after becoming a daily reader of the Bible and seeing its truth all around me, I'm glad to be aware of both sides of the argument over evolution vs. creationism. Why do adherents of the “evolutionary process” (who lack intermediary fossil evidence of it) want to restrict a student to one side of this issue? Is not true education the presentation of all sides of an issue? As a retired classroom teacher, restricting the argument to one side isn't the kind of critical thinking I wanted for my students.

Jean Kemp, Ardmore, Oklahoma

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