Monday, August 26, 2019

What I wrote for a god-soaked asshole. I never met a Christian who wasn't a fucking retard.

God-soaked asshole: An atheist may speak of a fantasy like "there is no God", believing it to be rational when there is no evidence to support such a claim, and therefore is irrational to make.

Me: Nice try but your childish magic god fairy fantasy is still impossible for the same reason the Easter Bunny is impossible. There is no magic in the universe.

Another moron wrote this: "Either way, there is no proof."

Me: That's bullshit. I just disproved it.

God-soaked asshole: "It's quite rational to say There is a God."

Me: That's bullshit. It not rational to say there is a god for the same reason it's not rational to say there is an Easter Bunny.

Me: Saying "there is a god" and saying "there is an Easter Bunny" is equally childish, equally ridiculous, and equally impossible.

God-soaked asshole: "Honestly? It looks like you just provided another example of struggling to tell the difference between rational philosophies and fantasies."

Me: Bullshit. There is nothing rational about your sky daddy. And only idiots use the word "philosophies" which is a bullshit subject. Philosophy is a bunch of words about nothing. It's for morons who are too lazy to get a real job.

Me: "Duh, duh, the Magic Man did it, duh." Grow up FFS.

God-soaked asshole: Well, thank you very much for providing further examples of struggling to tell the difference between rational philosophies and fantasies.

Me: What part of "There is nothing rational about your sky daddy" don't you understand? What part of "Grow up FFS" don't you understand? What part of "Philosophy is a bunch of words about nothing" don't you understand? One more time: Grow up FFS. You people are pathetic. You're trying to defend bullshit and you fail every time.

Me: You wrote this bullshit: "... evidence that leads people to find Him." You are insane. Find your fairy? Your fairy has male sex organs? What a fucking retard.

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