Saturday, June 16, 2018

What are you doing here? Jerry Coyne's website is many times better than this place.

Jerry Coyne's website

I was there today as usual. He had an interesting article about a creationist fucktard who claimed evolution is wrong because biologists can't explain exactly how sex evolved. I was interested in this because I have seen it before. This is what Jerry Coyne wrote about it:

"He says, for example, that evolutionists can’t explain exactly how sex evolved. Well, that’s true: we don’t yet understand it. But this is the familiar “argument from ignorance”—that if evolution cannot explain one particular phenomenon, it must mean both that creationism is true since God must have been involved, and that the whole edifice of evolution is wrong. Well, we have lots of good theories of how sex came to be (we are also, by the way, ignorant of why sex persists given the reproductive advantage of genes producing asexual reproduction, but Smith is too witless to know about that issue). If you want to see some of the theories for how and why sexual reproduction evolved, start here, here, and especially here. Since we weren’t around when sex evolved, though, these ideas are hard to test. Likewise, we’re ignorant of why the Stegosaurus evolved those plates on its back, as we weren’t there when it happened and at any rate couldn’t do experimental tests. Does our ignorance of that also constitute severe weakness of evolution and evidence for God? LOL! This is like saying that because we don’t know what Julius Caesar ate for breakfast on the day he was assassinated, he must not have existed."

I recommend reading the rest of it at Creationism and Coyne-dissing at The Daily Caller.


Why are god-soaked morons so afraid of evolution? I think it's a stupidity problem. Evolution has something called "evidence". There is something else called "Looking things up". Why is it so fucking hard for them to look things up and learn something?

To defend their stupidity the science deniers have their favorite professional science deniers who of course don't know what they're talking about.

These assholes for Jeebus have zero curiosity. They go out of their way to know nothing. Apparently they are afraid to grow up. They would rather live in their childish everything-is-magic fantasy world.

And why do they call biologists "evolutionists"? Biologists are called "biologists".

Their stupidity and their laziness and their fear of reality is obvious to everyone. They are constantly making fools out of themselves. What a pathetic waste of a life.

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