Saturday, June 16, 2018

Someone else agrees with my idea that all Christians are insane and extremely dense. This whole thing is a copy and paste job.

Christians, you are retarded. every last one, without exception.

Note: This post was written back in 2008. In the intervening years none of the many commenters have made even a slight dent in my thesis. Christianity is judged to be irredeemably stupid. Comments are now (2013) closed. And your argument is not new, is not good, and don’t try to post it as a comment on some other unrelated part of this blog. — scaryreasoner

You don’t like it? Too fucking bad. Your acceptance of your beliefs means that you are being retarded, and there’s no way around it. Fuck you, you fucking retards. I’m sick of pretending your idiotic “arguments” are even remotely sensible. You’re a fucking retard, eating retarded shit and calling it ice cream.

The Christian generally believes that there is life after death. This, in light of what we currently know of neuroscience and how the brain works, and doesn’t work when it is damaged, is, no mincing words here, plainly retarded. If you believe in life after death, sorry, — er, no, not sorry — you’re fucking retarded.

The Christian generally believes that faith is a good idea, that believing things for no reason — just because — is a good idea. The Christian generally believes that being more certain of their beliefs than the evidence warrants, is somehow a virtue. The Christian generally is trained to believe that everyone uses faith, and that to point out that others use faith somehow justifies their own use of faith — the words “tu quoque” have no meaning to the average Christian.

The Christian generally believes, in my experience, that an appeal to consequences is a valid way of making an argument. The Christian typically believes that if it can be shown (or, more commonly, if it can be made to appear that it is shown) that belief in Christianity leads to some benefit, or that lack of belief leads to some undesirable consequence, that this justifies belief. This is retarded. If you can’t figure out why, it’s because you’re retarded. Hint: google “appeal to consequences,” you big retard.

Christians generally believe that Jesus was God, after he magically impregnated a virgin, and then emerged from her vagina nine months later, disappeared for 30 years, then turned up as the messiah. The evidence for this? A book which says so. What? Nothing more? No, that’s it, just a book. Are you fucking kidding me? Only a book? Nope, not kidding. They’re that fucking retarded.

Christians often accept the “lord, liar or lunatic” argument as convincing. Gee, David Koresh was either Lord, Liar, or Lunatic. Umm, I’m going to say, Lunatic. Jesus was either Lord, Liar, or Lunatic. Umm, I’m going to say, Lunatic. People who don’t think Jesus was a lunatic don’t know much about lunatics. There’s a word for such people: Retards.

The story of Christianity is just plain stupid. If you believe it, you’re a retard. Period. You have no arguments for your position which are not retarded. If there were non-retarded arguments for Christianity, they would have emerged in the last 2000 years. Every argument I’ve seen for Christianity does not only fail to be a good argument, they all fail to be remotely non-retarded. From this, I conclude that there do not exist any non-retarded arguments for Christianity, as, if there were such arguments, Christians would be all over them like white on rice. Yet, Christians persist in putting forth the most idiotic arguments for their religion in the history of arguments, and cannot come up with even a single non-retarded argument for their religion. I conclude that no non-retarded arguments for Christianity exist, and that every Christian has either retardedly accepted a retarded argument, or has been brainwashed into accepting Christianity as a child (and children are basically retarded.)

So…, Fuck you, retards. Your religion is retarded, and you’ve had 2000 years to come up with non-retarded arguments and have utterly failed.

You’re retarded.


Scary Reasoner.

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