Saturday, September 7, 2019

Why are Christians so fucking stupid?

"Atheists, why won't you just admit you already know that God exists but you simply despise him and want to live your own way?"

"The Bible has you figured out. According to the Bible, there is no such thing as an atheist, only people who claim to be atheists. Atheists suppress the truth in unrighteousness. You know God exists. Even babies know God exists. But if you aren't born again you will suppress that truth. But you already know that God exists and Christianity is true, all you need to do is repent."

You don't understand atheism. An atheist is 100% certain magic god fairies and Easter Bunnies are impossible.

If you're too fucking dense to understand simple English, then there's nothing I can do for you.

By the way, your disgusting bible is 100% bullshit.

Why are Christians so fucking stupid?

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