Tuesday, September 3, 2019

What I wrote for a know-nothing Christian asshole.

"How much faith do you put in human knowledge?"

ZERO. Faith is for childish ridiculous religious fantasies. Science requires evidence. If an idea has overwhelming evidence (for example evolution by natural selection) then I accept the evidence. I don't "believe" in the idea. I don't have "faith" in it. I accept the evidence for it.

"knowing that it's always changing or evolving theories are made then discarded new theories take place."

That's progress and it's a good thing. The minor details of evolution could change if and when new evidence requires it, but the basic facts of evolution are very unlikely to change. For example our close evolutionary relationship with chimpanzees. That's one of the strongest facts of science. That will never be thrown out. The evidence is way beyond overwhelming.

What someone else wrote: "You make it seem like things are thrown out wholesale and are completely replaced when in reality it's a refinement of knowledge."

"Some things are completely untestable and can only be theorized on."

BULLSHIT. For example, evolution is constantly being tested and so far it has past every test. That's why it's the strongest fact of science.

From your question, it's obvious you are a know-nothing god-soaked science denier.

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