Thursday, September 5, 2019

What I wrote and what someone else wrote about Christian retards and Muslim scum.

This is what I wrote:

Muslims are terrorists. Even the "moderate" Muslims think suicide bombing is often justified.

Christian morons share many fantasies with Muslim scum, including the magic god fairy and magical creationism.


This is what someone else wrote and I agree with the whole thing which was well done:

Sometimes I get mixed up between Xianity and Islam as they have far more similarities than differences. How can we best get rid of religion?

Ponder the following:
They were each spawned from Judaism retaining none of the wisdom and settling on emotive-sentimental speculation ...

Constantine xianised Europe by ` and
Mo' mooslimised Arabia by sword...

They both believe they have all the answers to their version of morality;
They both believe only they are the only moral beings on the planet;
They both believe in an everlasting paradise and everlasting hell;
They both believe in that utterly ridiculous one-god fantasy;
They both believe that homosexuality is an abomination;
They both allow men to beat women into submission;
They both believe the woman’s place is in the home;
They’re both ruled by patriarchal misogynists;
They each 'know' they have the only truth;
They both believe in the death penalty;
They both believe abortion to be a sin;
They both crave world domination;
They both believe in end-times;

They are both nothing more than Middle Eastern pseudo Jewish religions.

The *only* differences that I can see are:
Xianity had a sort of reformation
Mooslims didn't.

Mooslims will kill you if you leave.

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