Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Wall Street Journal - New Clues Emerge of Dinosaurs' Final Day

Workers loaded supplies on the platform in the Gulf of Mexico that explored the crater from an ancient asteroid. 

Some nitpicking: The Wall Street Journal fucked up. They wrote the dinosaurs were wiped out 65 million years ago but it was 66 million years ago. I looked it up.

Google: “Dinosaurs were killed by an asteroid 65 million years ago” is now an indicator of outdated understanding. For one thing, geologists have recalibrated the end of the Cretaceous Period (the final stage of the Mesozoic Era) to 66 million years ago. February 7, 2013


In the comments an American asshole wrote this bullshit: "Contemporary American scientists deliberately fudge the data to fit preconceived conclusions."

This is Idiot America. We have millions of anti-science morons. I wrote this for the stupid fucking Christian asshole: "You like to insult scientists while you provide zero evidence for your complaints. I don't think you understand how science works."

I wanted to say "Grow up you fucking retard." The fucktard is most definitely a Christian. The only way to defend the moronic Christian cult is never-ending lying about science and scientists. I never met a Christian who wasn't a stupid fucking asshole.

Another Christian asshole wrote this moronic bullshit: "You can take any set of data, and reach any conclusion you want, based on the worldview that you hold. None of it is reliable because of this. That's why most theories are in favor only for a short time...until they're not."

These stupid fucking Christian assholes don't know anything about science. They don't even know what science is.

This is the stupidest comment I ever saw in my life:

"100% speculation based on the premise that there is no God and therefore was no global flood. The crater and all that can be observed now could just as easily have been formed by an eruption from within the earth, as described in the book of Genesis. Man has a propensity to explain everything without God, no matter how far fetched the explanation."

Christians are stupid fucking assholes.

This is the Wall Street Journal which is infested with Republican assholes. At the New York Times, every comment would be well written and contribute something that's interesting. There is no god bullshit at the New York Times.


"The dinosaur-killing asteroid, estimated to have been up to 50 miles or so across, was likely an event that occurs only once every billion years, the scientists said."

If that huge space rock missed Earth and hit the much bigger Jupiter instead, we would not exist. Our small mammal ancestors would still be hiding in the trees and under the ground. But we do exist and that's a good thing for us, but not a very good thing for this planet.


Here is the whole thing:

Wall Street Journal - Scientists Discover New Evidence of the Asteroid That Killed Off the Dinosaurs

New rock samples in Mexico show how a city-sized asteroid wiped out dinosaurs 65 million years ago.

By Robert Lee Hotz

Updated September 9, 2019

Drilling into the seafloor off Mexico, scientists have extracted a unique geologic record of the single worst day in the history of life on Earth, when a city-sized asteroid smashed into the planet 65 million years ago, wiping out the dinosaurs and three-quarters of all other life.
Their analysis of these new rock samples from the Chicxulub crater, made public Monday, reveals a parfait of debris deposited in layers almost minute-by-minute at the heart of the impact during the first day of a global catastrophe. It records traces of the explosive melting, massive earthquakes, tsunamis, landslides and wildfires as the immense asteroid blasted a hole 100 miles wide and 12 miles deep, the scientists said.


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The sediments also offer chemical evidence that the cataclysm blew hundreds of billions of tons of sulfur from pulverized ocean rock into the atmosphere, triggering a global winter in which temperatures world-wide dropped by as much as 30 degrees Fahrenheit for decades, the scientists said.
“It tells us what went on inside the crater on that day of doom that killed the dinosaurs,” said Jay Melosh, a geophysicist at Purdue University who studies impact craters and wasn’t a member of the drilling team. “All of this mayhem is directly recorded in the core.”
The scientists in the drilling consortium, led by geophysicist Sean Gulick at the University of Texas in Austin, who was co-chief of the $10 million project, published their research in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The project was sponsored by the International Ocean Discovery Program and the International Continental Scientific Drilling Program.
From the platform, scientists drilled into the inner rim of the asteroid crater, buried in the seafloor of the Gulf under about 1,500 feet of limestone. PHOTO: RONALDO SCHEMIDT/AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE/GETTY IMAGES
The scientists worked aboard a drilling ship called Lifeboat Myrtle anchored offshore from the Mexican port of Progreso. In 2016, they drilled into the crater’s inner rim for the first time, buried in the seafloor under about 1,500 feet of limestone deposited in the millions of years since the impact.
Drilling Into A Dinosaur-Killing Asteroid Impact
Geologists discover new details of the asteroid that wiped out much of the life on Earth 65 million years ago.
Impact area
Within one minute after impact
An asteroid blasts a 100-kilometer-wide crater into the sulfur-rich seafloor off the Yucatan, spewing a vast plume of limestone, granite and water vapor into the atmosphere.
Within three minutes after impact
The crater collapses inward, sending an immense jet of molten rock upwards temporarily creating a peak higher than Mount Everest.
Impact melt
An hour after impact
Waves of seawater surging back and forth cover the ring of crater peaks with shards of volcanic glass and splintered rock.
By the end of the day
The backwash of waves adds more and more finely graded debris, including traces of charcoal from distant wildfires caused by the impact.
*Shattered rocks cemented together †Shards of volcanic glass and rock
Source: The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Geologists study rocks as a record of compressed time, with ticks of the geologic clock typically measured in layers that accumulate over thousands of years. In the Chicxulub crater, though, hundreds of feet of sediments built up rapidly, recording impact effects like a high-speed stop-action camera, the scientists said.
“Here we have 130 meters in a single day,” said Dr. Gulick. “We can read it on the scale of minutes and hours, which is amazing.”
The asteroid blasted a cavity between 25 and 30 miles deep in the first seconds of impact, creating a boiling cauldron of molten rocks and super-heated steam, according to the scientists’ interpretation of the rock. Rebounding from the hammer blow, a plume of molten rock splashed up into a peak higher than Mount Everest.
Within minutes, it collapsed into itself, splashing gigantic waves of lava outward that solidified into a ring of high peaks, the scientists said.
About 20 minutes or so later, sea water surged back over the newly formed peaks, covering them in a blanket of impact rocks, the scientists said. As minutes became hours, waves choked with shards of volcanic glass and splintered rock rippled back and forth, coating the peaks in a layer of impact rock called suevite, the scientists said. As the hours passed, the backwash of waves added more and more finely graded debris.
At the very top of the rock core, the scientists detected traces of organic matter and charcoal. “We think the reflected tsunami brought back these traces of land and these tiny, tiny charcoal fragments,” said Dr. Gulick. “The land was clearly on fire.”
Earth normally speeds through a cosmic rain of debris. In 2013, a relatively small meteor about 30 meters in diameter and weighing about 13,000 metric tons exploded in the air over Russia, damaging about 7,200 buildings and injuring about 1,400 people.
Inspired by the discovery of the Chicxulub crater in the 1970s, astronomers and NASA now routinely map the orbits of nearby asteroids and meteor swarms for signs of potentially lethal collisions. The space agency is planning a mission in 2021 to a nearby asteroid called Didymos to test ways to safely deflect a dangerous comet or asteroid before it strikes.
There are currently no sizeable asteroids known to be on a collision course with Earth, NASA astronomers say. The dinosaur-killing asteroid, estimated to have been up to 50 miles or so across, was likely an event that occurs only once every billion years, the scientists said.
“Impacts are a fact of life on Earth,” said Dr. Melosh. “But we know there are no big asteroids crossing Earth’s orbit.”

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