Saturday, September 7, 2019

Idiot America's Evangelical Christians

Evangelical Christians are evolution deniers. They are constantly attacking science education, especially evolution. Science makes these Christian assholes cry.

The Evangelicals want to make the United States a Christian theocracy. They love Fucktard Trump because he sucks up to these uneducated morons.

Recurrent themes within American Evangelical discourse include abortion, the creation–evolution controversy, secularism, and the notion of the United States as a Christian nation.

Today, evangelicals are conservative leaning, primarily Republican voting, individuals who faithfully attend church service. Evangelicals’ religious faith and biblical interpretations are often used as a tool to justify their political views. Evangelicals’ political views more so than their religious beliefs often guide their positions on social issues such as: abortion, immigration, gay marriage, gender roles, affirmative action, race, criminal justice, the death penalty, and the privatization of public education.

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