Thursday, September 5, 2019

I asked Christian fucktards a question about the Magic Jeebus Man. The answers were ridiculous but one Christian was civilized.

Christians, what would it take for you to throw out the belief that Jesus rose from the dead?


For the historical reliability of the claims to not be significant. You may dismiss this without giving it a second thought. I can't stop you from doing that.

Watch a couple YouTube videos on the historical evidence for Christ's Resurrection. William Lane Craig is very thorough on what's available to us to study and honest about what's not there.

-- Peter


I watched part of one of his videos. He quoted people who lived 2,000 years ago. That's not evidence for anything.

The resurrection never happened because it's totally impossible. Nobody can throw out reality, including magic god fairies. There is no magic in the universe. Thanks for your answer.

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