Saturday, September 7, 2019

Christians are too cowardly to grow up and face facts.

A question I asked: Christians, if you realized there is no afterlife, would you be very upset about it?

One of the answers: "There is an afterlife, so the question is moot. But yes, I would be."

Every other Christian fucktard would not answer the question. Instead, they said the bible says heaven is real therefore heaven is real because the bible is the word of the Magic Man. They ignored "if you realized there is no afterlife".

Christians, besides being extremely dense, are very gullible. They believe any bullshit that makes a coward feel good.

The one honest Christian ("But yes, I would be.") admitted he would very upset if he had only one life. But that's the way it is. We are born then we drop dead.

Why would this Christian be upset if reality is real? I thank goodness I have only one life instead of having an eternal 2nd life. Imagine the never-ending boredom.

Why are Christians 100% certain their ridiculous magical 2nd life fantasy is real? I think it's a stupidity problem. They are very hard of thinking. And obviously they're cowards.

Being able to think is a good thing. Christians have been brainwashed to never think. The indoctrination sucked all their curiosity out of them.

Some Christians are able to grow up and realize their brainwashers were stupid fucking know-nothing assholes. But the vast majority of Christians will waste their entire lives being completely wrong about everything.

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