Sunday, September 8, 2019

Christian fucktards think zombies are real.

"Christians say all the time evidence for God is abundant. Why can they never show real objective evidence?"

Christian fucktards don't know what evidence is. They really are that stupid. For example, they think 500 dead witnesses who were invented are evidence for the magical resurrection of the Magic Jeebus Man. It never happened because it's impossible. The 500 dead witnesses, even if they were not invented, is not evidence for anything.

Then, of course, they believe a magic god fairy is real. Zero evidence provided. All they have is their moronic bible which is obviously 100% bullshit.

I never met a Christian who wasn't a fucking retard.


"Christians, why do you refuse to critically analyze your faith, why believe what others told you without any thought, are you that owned?"

A big part of religious brainwashing is teaching the victims how to never think and never have any curiosity. And this is why they usually know virtually nothing about science. They're always looking for a hiding place for their god of the gaps. If they had any curiosity which was sucked out of them, they would try to understand the science that explains what happened.

If Christians ever took your advice and critically analyzed their faith they would have thrown out their Magic Jeebus Man a long time ago.

Their faith is part of the problem. The word "faith" is their excuse to believe in childish bullshit.

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