Gallup poll - 40% of Americans Believe in Creationism
The percentage of America fucktards who want to throw out two centuries of evolution research is 40%, up from 38%. The other Christian assholes who want to stick the Magic Jeebus Man into evolution is at 33%.
Some good news for Idiot America: 22% of Americans are not totally fucking insane. They accept the established truth of evolution and they agree with the biologists, the magic god fairy had absolutely nothing to do with it. 22% is a new high, up from 9% in 1983.
5% of Americans said "Duh, duh, what is evolution? Duh."
100% minus the 22% who have a brain equals 78%. This means 78% of Americans are fucking morons, not to mention batshit crazy. And for Idiot America this is progress.
If you want to know who the fucktards are, I suggest click the link:
Sharp Differences by Religious Preference and Education
Uneducated morons are more likely to be anti-science, and of course, the more god-soaked people are, the more likely science makes them cry.

Gallup poll - 40% of Americans Believe in Creationism
The percentage of America fucktards who want to throw out two centuries of evolution research is 40%, up from 38%. The other Christian assholes who want to stick the Magic Jeebus Man into evolution is at 33%.
Some good news for Idiot America: 22% of Americans are not totally fucking insane. They accept the established truth of evolution and they agree with the biologists, the magic god fairy had absolutely nothing to do with it. 22% is a new high, up from 9% in 1983.
5% of Americans said "Duh, duh, what is evolution? Duh."
100% minus the 22% who have a brain equals 78%. This means 78% of Americans are fucking morons, not to mention batshit crazy. And for Idiot America this is progress.
If you want to know who the fucktards are, I suggest click the link:
Sharp Differences by Religious Preference and Education
Uneducated morons are more likely to be anti-science, and of course, the more god-soaked people are, the more likely science makes them cry.

Gallup: 40% of Americans Believe in Creationism
By Michael W. Chapman | July 26, 2019 | 1:17 PM EDT
( -- A survey released today shows that 40% of American adults believe in creationism, that "God created them in their present form within roughly the past 10,000 years," reported Gallup.
For comparison, only 22% of adults believe mankind developed over millions of years from less advanced forms of life and that God had no part in the process.
On a related note, the survey found that 33% believe human beings developed from simple life forms with God's help over millions of years.
"As many as 47% and as few as 38% of Americans have taken a creationist view of human origins throughout Gallup's 37-year trend," said the polling firm. "Likewise, between 31% and 40% of U.S. adults have attributed humans' development to a combination of evolution and divine intervention over the same period."
The survey also found that the more often one attends church, the more likely one is to believe that "God created man in [his] present form."
For instance, 68% of adults who attend church weekly said that God created man in his present form; only 3% of adults who attend church weekly said man developed over millions of years and "God had no part."
In addition, only 6% of Protestants said man developed without God, and 56% of Protestants said man was created in his present form by God.
"Those with a college degree are much more likely to believe in evolution than creationism, while the opposite is true of those without a college degree," said Gallup. "However, even among adults with a college degree, more believe God had a role in evolution than say it occurred without God."For the adults without college degrees, 48% said God created man in present form. For those with college degrees, 23% said God created man in his present form.
Jerry Coyne's website: Secularism on the rise: new Gallup poll shows that 40% of Americans are young-earth creationists, 33% are theistic evolutionists, and 22% are naturalistic evolutionists
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