Saturday, April 27, 2019

American morons love their Magic Man.

What we have here is a nation of fucking idiots who believe supernatural magic is real. I live in a country where virtually everyone is insane.

The percent of American fucktards who believe in the Magic Man, magical angels, a magical heaven, a magical hell, and a magical devil. Americans live in an everything-is-magic fantasy world.

Idiot America - Gallup Poll, May 2016

79% of American fucktards believe in the Magic Man. Another 10% of Americans believe in the god fairy but they're not sure about it. Only 11% of Americans are certain magical beings are not real.

Some more bullshit American morons think is real:

Angels: 72% believe in, 12% not sure about, 11% say angels is a bullshit fantasy.

Heaven: 71% are certain a magical paradise for dead morons is real. 10% think heaven might be real. Only 16% say a magical 2nd life is bullshit.

Hell: 64% believe in, 13% not sure, 22% don't believe in.

The devil: 61% of American fucktards are certain a devil is real. 12% think a devil might be real. 27% don't believe in a magical devil.



The Magic Man was invented to explain what uneducated morons didn't understand. We know things these days so the Magic Man is not necessary. Even without the science, the Magic Man fantasy is too ridiculous and too impossible to take seriously.

Dead people don't go anywhere because they're fucking dead.

Anyone who thinks their loving god tortures people who don't suck up to it is a stupid fucking asshole.

Angels and the devil? How is it possible to believe this bullshit? Americans are fucking morons.

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