Sunday, September 18, 2016

What I wrote for a fucking retard at the WSJ.

Mr. Crybaby, you got a lot of nerve calling Zurbay's polite comment "incredible rudeness". You should be ashamed of yourself and you should apologize for it. Of course you won't do that because you have no moral values at all.

Also, Rosa, if you're going to write about your ridiculous childish devil fantasy as if it's real then you better be able to provide strong scientific evidence for it. And if you can't do that then don't be surprised if people ridicule you and laugh at you.

Most Christians would agree you disgrace their religion.

Since you believe in the idiotic devil fantasy then most likely you're a know-nothing evolution denier. You probably think the entire universe was magically created 6,000 years ago. You probably think people lived with dinosaurs. You probably believe in the Noah's Ark genocide myth.

Some people grow up and face facts but you're too cowardly to grow up. Reality makes you cry.

Rosa, you're a gullible know-nothing uncivilized coward. You disgrace the human race.

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