Monday, October 19, 2015

A question at Yahoo Answers: "Why do creationists refuse facts and evidence and constantly try to use the bible as a valid response when it holds no facts in itself?"

"Why do creationists refuse facts and evidence and constantly try to use the bible as a valid response when it holds no facts in itself?" 

The obvious answer is the science deniers are uneducated morons. They have other problems, especially their cowardly fear of reality, their refusal to educate themselves, and their breathtaking stupidity. 

Magical creationism is not just a moronic childish anti-science fantasy. It's a mental illness. And in most cases the brain damage is incurable. These Retards-For-Jeebus will waste their entire pathetic worthless lives never knowing what they are and where they came from. 

One more thing: The science that makes the god-soaked cry, evolution by natural selection and genetic drift, is the strongest fact of science. There is no other fact that has as much evidence as evolution has. The evidence from just DNA sequencing is overwhelming. The dipshits who deny the whole thing don't have any idea how much evidence they have to throw out to believe their ridiculous magical creation fantasy. 

The creationists disgrace the human race. They should not be allowed near children.

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