Saturday, November 1, 2014

Agnosticism is a mental illness.

"But, whether there is or is not a Creator God...I have no idea."

It's easy to understand why there is absolutely no chance of there being a creator god. It's not necessary to write a book about it. This is not rocket science.

What is god? It's a magical being that magically makes things happen. Is magic real? Of course not. Even children know magic is just a fantasy.

God equals Magic equals Bullshit.

There are no magical beings hiding somewhere in the universe. Period.

Same logic for the Easter Bunny, a fantasy no less childish and no less ridiculous than the moronic magical god fairy fantasy.

Agnostic is not good enough. To be normal, people have to be 100% certain magical beings are not real. To pretend a magical being might be real is a mental illness.

Another problem with being an agnostic: The terrorists and bible thumpers love agnostics.

In a world of never ending religious violence, religious stupidity, and religious brainwashing of innocent children, we need to completely eradicate the fantasy that makes this disgusting bullshit possible. Not completely ruling out the god fantasy makes people part of the problem.

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