
Four months ago in the previous post I announced the end of this blog. I have changed my mind. I will continue to write new posts when I feel like it.
Or more likely, when I want to write something, I will just add it to the end of this post.I will probably continue to not allow comments. When I used to allow comments I would sometimes come home from work and find out my blog was polluted with excessive stupidity from a deranged Christian asshole. It wasn't worth it. I could have comment moderation, but I don't believe in that. So at least for now, visitors will not be able to write comments here. If you like to write comments, I recommend PZ's blog. Just google "PZ" to find it.
I highly recommend a radio speech by Ken Miller at
The most important posts of this blog are the 82 posts about the evidence for evolution at
82 evidence for evolution posts.
The best "evidence for evolution" post is at
Human chromosome 2 and chimpanzee chromosomes 2p & 2q.
Somebody on the internet had something nice to say about my
82 evidence for evolution posts (you know who you are, many thanks): "
Human Ape, you've got some great material on your site about evolution. ... can talk about evolution in a way that ordinary people can understand."
Here's a list of some of my favorite posts about the evidence for evolution:
An important quote from Jerry Coyne, author of Why Evolution is TrueIt's a waste of time to show a creationist evidence for evolution because stupid can't be fixed.
This is for the Christian assholes who say there are no transitional fossils.
The ancestors of modern human apes could walk upright three million years ago.
Endogenous Retroviruses make Jeebus cry.Lanugo makes Jeebus cry.Christians, meet one of your ancestors. This creature lived during the transition from fish to land animals about 375 million years ago.Even the most retarded evolution denier should be able to understand this undeniable evidence for evolution.Undeniable evidence for evolution, explained by the Encyclopedia Britannica.Why do many whales have legs and pelvic bones separated from the rest of their skeleton? These vestigial organs are powerful evidence for evolution.Some of the strongest evidence for evolution is the fossil record and the molecular evidence that describe the development of whales.Evolution deniers can't explain why their god fairy would use its magic wand to create the giraffe's laryngeal nerve 15 feet longer than necessary.Science deniers, how do you explain Dorudon?Human embryos: Why does our sequence of development mimic the order of our ancestors (fish to amphibian to reptile to mammal)?"Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution." -- Thedosius DobzhanskyEvolution deniers trust the results from paternity testing in humans. The same method is used to determine evolutionary relationships.Unneeded genes eventually get bumped off by mutations.It's amazing how much scientific evidence the science deniers have to deny to defend their dead Jeebus.The ancestor of the Chihuahua is the wolf.The evolution of the human ape's head and feetHuman chromosome 2 and chimpanzee chromosomes 2p & 2q------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Christian scum think the only possible evidence for evolution are the fossils, and of course they deny the fossils, as in "that's just an ape" or "that's just a human", and sometimes a creationist will call a fossil an ape and another creationist will call the exact same fossil a human, which shows that the fossil really is an excellent example of a species that is transitional between ancient apes and modern human apes.
Another concept Christian imbeciles don't understand is people are not just descended from ancient apes, but we are still apes. Human apes are one of the modern Great Ape species, as are chimpanzees, bonobos, gorillas, and orangutans. Even some people who accept evolution don't realize their species is an ape species. Christian tards think the whole thing is a joke and an insult. Personally I've very proud to be an ape. If cowardly Christians were able to realize what they really are (they're just apes) they would become even more mentally disturbed than they already are. Please notice, Christian scum, your dead Jeebus was an ape. You gullible morons worship a dead ape. The religious implications are interesting.
The fossil evidence is massive and powerful, but fossils are unnecessary to show the truth of evolution, because the evidence for evolution from molecular biology is many thousands of times more powerful than the fossils.
Even without fossils, we have evidence of human evolution from comparative anatomy, embryology, our vestigial traits, and even biogeography. We've learned of our fishlike embryos, our dead genes, our transitory fetal coat of hair, and our poor design, all testifying to our origins. The fossil record is really the icing on the cake.
-- from Why Evolution is True by Jerry Coyne
This blog has 23 posts about fossils at
fossils (23 posts).
The most impressive and most complete fossil record describes the transition from land animals to whales and this blog has 12 posts about it, some with diagrams, at
Whenever a Christian fucktard says there are no fossils of transitional species, I show the dishonest idiot this:
This is for the Christian assholes who say there are no transitional fossils.Not that showing a science denier scientific evidence will do any good. Cowardly Christians and their Muslim terrorist friends are not interested in evidence, they refuse to try to understand evidence, and even if they did try to understand they're too fucking stupid to be able to understand anything no matter how simple it is, no matter how much time a biologist politely and patiently explains it.
I long ago figured out creationists are a waste of time because their disease is incurable, so instead of politely trying to use evidence, logic, and reason to convince them, I just say "grow up you fucking idiot."
I have watched experienced biologists spend a massive amount of time very patiently explaining evidence for evolution, but always in the end the Christian tard says "there's no evidence for evolution". The biologists who waste their time this way are suckers. They would make the same progress explaining science to a dog.
If you're a Christian science denier and you're still reading this, get off my planet you stupid worthless piece of crap.
A common misconception evolution deniers have:
Evolution is chance, random, luck. Therefore evolution couldn't possibly work.
Jerry Coyne in one paragraph from his
Why Evolution is True explained perfectly why the creationists are wrong.
Chance alone cannot explain the marvelous fit between individuals and their environment. And it doesn't. True, the raw materials for evolution--the variations between individuals--are indeed produced by chance mutations. These mutations occur willy-nilly, regardless of whether they are good or bad for the individual. But it is the filtering of that variation by natural selection that produces adaptations, and natural selection is manifestly not random. It is a powerful molding force, accumulating genes that have a greater chance of being passed on to others, and in so doing making individuals even better able to cope with their environment. It is, then, the unique combination of mutation and selection--chance and lawfulness--that tells us how organisms become adapted.
For more quotes from Jerry Coyne's book and from his blog please see
Some stuff I stole from Jerry Coyne's Why Evolution is True.
Another common misconception evolution deniers have:
They have no problem with microevolution but they say that macroevolution is too improbable therefore a god fairy's magic wand was necessary to create new species out of nothing.
Let's forget for a moment how fucking stupid a person has to be to believe in magic. Instead let's see why macroevolution is a basic fact of nature.
Information about evidence for macroevolution is everywhere, on the internet and in books. The science denier only has to look it up. Why don't they bother to find out why they're wrong? I suggest they have no curiosity. An even more important reason for their willful ignorance is they're fucking idiots.
Anyone could figure out if artificial selection can produce so many changes (for example wolf to chihuahua) then natural selection can accomplish even more considering the fact it's had almost four billion years (for example from the hairy ARDI to a Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader in four million years). Please see
The ancestor of the Chihuahua is the wolf.By the way
The ancestor of the Chihuahua is a wolf is my most popular post because whenever somebody in Europe does a google search for
wolf they are likely to see my chihuahua post. They look at my photo of an angry wolf then they usually leave without looking at anything else in my blog.
I think one of the best evidences for macroevolution is the fossil record that describes the transition from land animals to whales. This record can be called complete (no missing links) because of several amazing discoveries recently made in Pakistan. Please see my 12 posts about whales at
Please look at the numbers at
Jeebus sure waited a long time to get himself executed, and I have to wonder how he found this place.2,000
Did you see the post? My point was this is one of the reasons it's fair to say Christians are fucking idiots. Christians are Christians because they are unable to think, unable to have an original thought, unable to be curious, and unable to ask important questions (for example: why did Jeebus wait almost 14 Billion years to perform his ridiculous magic tricks, and how did he find this planet out of 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 solar systems?).
Are you a Christian? Grow up you fucking asshole.
CHRISTIANS ARE FUCKING IDIOTS.http://www.dnj.com/article/20120327/NEWS01/303270018/Expert-Bills-creationism-off-baseHere is a comment from a Christian retard and my two replies. It's about Tennessee's war against science education.
Theo TsourdalakisThis is a good law which protects scientific freedom. It is a baloney to assert it will bring religion into the science classroom. There is a statement in the law which explicitly prohibits it.
For too long the Evolution Nazis have been harassing and intimidating anyone who questioned the Evolution myth.
There are many cases where people have been bullied and harassed for no other reason than because they questioned Evolution. (See Expelled - No intelligence allowed, or the Kansas - Evolution hearings for documentation). Questioning/scrutinizing is a key tennant of the scientific method, it should be encouraged not punished.
This law is leading the way to academic freedom which made America great.
I wrote the following comment at
Tenn. Senate OKs Bill To Allow Anti-Evolution Talk In Classrooms (a Wall Street Journal blog infested with fucking idiots):
5:03 pm March 23, 2012
Human Ape wrote:
Every educated person knows magical creationism and magical intelligent design creationism are idiotic childish fantasies. Every educated person knows evolution is the foundation of biology and the strongest fact of science.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Creationists are creationists because they are just plain stupid. There can be no other explanation for their disease.
Whenever I encounter evolution deniers, in person or on the internet, and the fucking idiots give me their dumb reasons for preferring magical creationism, this is my reply.
There is probably no other notion in any field of science that has been as extensively tested and as thoroughly corroborated as the evolutionary origin of living organisms."
-- Encyclopedia Britannica
Explain why you're right and why the best encyclopedia in the world is wrong.
Magical Bible Creationism and Magical Intelligent Design Creationism are identical fantasies. There's absolutely no difference between them. Both fantasies invoke a fairy's magic wand. Their proponents are equally stupid. "Intelligent Design" are code words which mean "the god fairy of the Bible did it". The fucking idiots who use the code word "design" instead of "bible" are dishonest retards, while the fucking idiots who admit they are invoking Genesis are honest retards.
When a Christian tard invokes the definition of Magical Intelligent Design Creationism used by the professional scum of the Christian Creationist Discovery Institute, the correct response is "Grow up asshole, everyone knows you're a fucking liar when you use code words like design for your magical fantasies. Fuck off and die retard."
Starting right now I'm going to put anything new I write near the top of this post instead of at the end of this post.
The deranged idiot who has been murdering people in France is of course a Muslim.
This morning I wrote the following comment at
Suspect in French killing spree is dead:
Human Ape · Margate, FloridaVirtually every 21st century atrocity and 100% of the suicide bombings are thanks to Muslim scum. The moderate Muslims are part of the problem because they all belong to the terrorist organization called Islam. The time for being politically correct is over with. All Muslims deserve contempt. If they don't like that they should grow up, throw out their idiotic religious fantasies, and become normal people, also known as atheists. Also, every Christian is part of the terrorism problem because they have a cowardly belief in heaven which is what makes terrorism possible. In another comment Cregg Steffler invoked his favorite dead 20th century dictators to support his fantasy about atheists being mass murderers. Mr. Steffler, grow up and stop being an idiot. Your dead insane dictators are not evidence for the magic god fairy that gullible cowards like you believe in. Also, it's for a good reason there are virtually zero atheists in America's prisons. Unlike Christian morons, atheists have strong moral values. We are civilized because that's in our best interest, and not because we fear your magical master of the universe. There's so much more I could write about the breathtaking stupidity of Christians and Muslims but then my comment would be censored.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
If you're a Christian you're probably an evolution denier. You either deny the whole thing, or even worse you stick your dead Jeebus in there, to invent evolution or use it or guide it.
The best scientists in the world belong to the National Academy of Sciences. Do you Christians think you're smarter than they are? Do you think the best scientists in the world are dishonest?
You need to read what the National Academy of Sciences wrote about evolution at
Some quotes from the National Academy of Sciences.
Here is one example:
Scientists no longer question the basic facts of evolution. The concept has withstood extensive testing by tens of thousands of specialists in biology, medicine, anthropology, geology, chemistry, and other fields. Discoveries in different fields have reinforced one another, and evidence for evolution has continued to accumulate for 150 years.
Are you a science denier? You should buy and read
Why Evolution is True by Jerry Coyne (University of Chicago biologist).
Some stuff I stole from Jerry Coyne's Why Evolution is TrueYou Christians (and your Muslim terrorist friends) need to get out of your head your idea that the world's biologists are wrong about evolution. Instead of being afraid of the religious implications of evolution you should be afraid of wasting your entire life believing in bullshit. In any case it wouldn't kill you to know something about what you're denying.
Learn something Christians. Don't worry about making your Jeebus cry because he's dead.
I think it's important to spell words correctly.
Today's spelling lesson: how to correctly spell the name of the son of god.
It's spelled Jeebus. Not Jebus. Not Jesus. It's Jeebus.
By the way Christians, your dead Jeebus was not really the son of your god fairy. Also, your god fairy idea is bullshit, and all your other Christian fantasies are bullshit. Grow up Christian retards.
Recently an American soldier massacred a large number of women and children in Afghanistan. He disgraced his country and he needs to be severely punished for it.
President Obama and the previous president (George W.) are equally responsible for this terrible atrocity. They sent this father of two children to Iraq three times, and then even though he suffered brain injuries (and part of his foot was amputated) in Iraq, they sent him into combat for a 4th year, this time to America's other never ending religious war in Afghanistan.
These two politicians (who never experienced combat) have been sacrificing the lives of Americans for more than twice as long as it took us to defeat much more powerful enemies in World War Two. What is their fucking problem? If it's going to take you cowards forever to end a war, then you're incompetent assholes.
After the never ending war in Afghanistan is finally over with, whoever is president should let this soldier go free.
U.S. Identifies Army Sergeant in Killing of 16 in AfghanistanQuestions abound 1 week after U.S. soldier kills Afghan civiliansSergeant’s Wife Kept a Blog on the Travails of Army LifeUPDATE 3/24/2012: I found out this soldier, before he joined the Army, cheated an elderly couple. Thanks to him they lost their life savings. For that alone this soldier should be hung from a rope. Also, there really can't be any excuse for murdering 17 people, most of them women and children. He disgraced the Army and he disgraced his country.
Social conservatives = idiots.
Economic conservatives = defend market capitalism.
I’m an economic conservative, and I am disgusted with the theocratic social conservatives who are unable to mind their own business. They disgrace the Republican Party. I would never vote for a social conservative politician.
Whenever I read the newspaper there are of course several atrocities to read about. What's interesting is virtually always the violence has something to do with religion. The same for child abuse, almost always some religious asshole is responsible for it.
Religion is good for nothing but violence and stupidity. Religions have no value and also they have the disadvantage of being ridiculous. Not one religious fantasy has a shred of evidence. It's all magic and it's all bullshit.
So why do people continue to believe in religions? Religious indoctrination (the worst possible kind of child abuse) is a major reason, but that's really no excuse. After a person grows up, he or she should be able to figure out what's bullshit and what's real.
The vast majority of the victims of religious indoctrination never recover from it. What's their problem? I suggest they're just plain stupid.
Frequent visitors to this blog might have noticed I'm a very conservative Republican. By conservative I don't mean, for example, somebody who likes to stick their nose into somebody else's private life, or somebody who has no problem with destroying the environment or wiping out an endangered species if it's lucrative to do that, or somebody who wants to make America a theocracy, or somebody who wants to destroy science education to defend the Christian Death Cult. The people who do those things are fake conservatives. They're stupid assholes and they disgrace the Republican Party.
By conservative I mean I'm for a government that is as small as possible. Small governments waste less money and that means taxes can be kept low. I'm in favor of letting people keep their money. Unlike liberal loons, I don't think people should be punished with higher taxes just because they are successful.
Unfortunately in Idiot America the only conservative political party (Republicans) are infested with Christian assholes who want to stick their dead Jeebus everywhere, and they want to force their disgusting fake moral values on to everyone else. An example is a politician who is now a candidate for President of the United States, Rick Santorum. It's impossible to be more stupid than this Christian asshole. He can't talk for more than one minute without invoking Jeebus or his magic god fairy.
Fortunately Santorum has no chance of winning the Republican nomination. The 2012 election will be between President Obama and Mitt Romney. Romney is very unlikeable. He bores me to death. Obama is easy to like, but even though I voted for Obama in 2008, I can't vote for him again. Too many times he has promoted the idiotic idea that rich people should be punished with higher taxes. How did they get rich? Of course some of them were born that way. But a large number of successful people worked hard for many years to earn their success. They also lived frugally so they could save for the future. For that they should be punished? Obama and other liberal loons think that's a good idea. So I'm voting for Romney.
Salvation is a bullshit word that makes religion possible.
From wikipedia:
Within religion salvation is the phenomenon of being saved from the undesirable condition of bondage or suffering experienced by the psyche or soul that has arisen as a result of unskillful or immoral actions generically referred to as sins.[1] Salvation may also be called "deliverance" or "redemption" from sin and its effects.[2] Salvation is a concept common to most of the world's great religions and is in many respects the principal goal of religious practice.According to Christian belief, salvation is made possible by the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, which in the context of salvation is referred to as the "atonement".[4] His resurrection vindicates his death and his victory is confirmed by his exaltation to God's throne. For this reason, the New Testament portrays Jesus as the only Saviour of human beings,[Acts 4:12] and the Early Church regarded his salvation as a message for everyone, Gentiles as well as Jews.[Acts 13:47] [5] However, it has been pointed out that in the words of Jesus in [John 4:22] "If there is one theological issue that both Jews and Christians should be able to agree on, it is that "salvation is from the Jews"."[6] It had been expressed in Judaism from the days of Abraham onward that the salvation of all mankind is to come from Israel, i.e. the Jews through their relationship with God. This is the primary sense in which the Jews are "the Chosen People". Christians who believe in the accuracy of the New Testament, would accept that "salvation is from the Jews", since "those are the very words that Jesus spoke to the Samaritan woman at the well".[6]
Apparently Jewish assholes are just as deranged as Christian assholes.
Another religious bullshit word is heaven, which is the point of salvation. There's no evidence for it, it's a childish idea, and only cowards believe in it.
Would religions survive without the idiotic heaven fantasy? Probably not. Who would waste their Sunday mornings at a church when there's no magical reward for it? Without the heaven bullshit and the equally insane hell bullshit, preachers would have to get real jobs. They know this so heaven and/or hell is often part of the sermon. There is nothing like threats of torture and a promise of eternal life to get cowardly gullible morons to part with their hard-earned money.
I wrote this before but it's worth repeating. Most of victims of religious brainwashing never recover from their disease because they're just plain stupid.
Santorum has embarrassingly cast himself as a vociferous defender of “Intelligent Design.” He pushed legislation instructing teachers to downplay evolution and teach that specific brand of creationism, and bragged how he angered the Biology Teachers Association and sparked years of conflict over the issue in schools across the country."
Santorum is a candidate for the
2012 Republican Party presidential nomination, and he bragged about the science teachers who were angry about his unsuccessful attempt to destroy America's science education. The asshole belongs in prison for treason. Fortunately he has no chance of winning the nomination. Even Republicans will not elect somebody as insane as Santorum.
In the video at
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HgByGm3g-xQ Santorum brags about his unsuccessful attempt to dumb down science education to accommodate his dead Jeebus.
I sent the following email to Mitt Romney who will be Obama's opponent in the 2012 election for President of the United States.
I looked at your website under issues. It says nothing about the environment and nothing about endangered species. Would you as president defend the environment, or would you, like most Republican politicians, destroy this planet if it was lucrative for your voters to do that?By the way I'm a Republican who has frequently voted for Democrats because of this issue.No need to reply. Just talk about it during your campaign. Or are you afraid Republican voters won't vote for you if you call yourself an environmentalist?
One more thing. Will you end our two religious wars now, or will you sacrifice more American lives for nothing?------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
An excellent movie called
Ferris Bueller's Day Off was filmed in Chicago where I have spent most of my life, and in Northbrook, the wealthy Chicago suburb where I was raised. I went to the high school that was in the movie. It was also filmed in nearby Glencoe, an even more wealthy suburb where I often swam in Lake Michigan.
Of course I loved this movie, especially the music that was played when Ferris and his friends visited the Chicago Art Institute, another place I've been to many times.
Here's the music with pictures of the art museum:
I recommend a new blog:
A blog about skepticism, atheism and the freedom of not believing in irrational or magical thoughts. I am not going to use this blog to attack religions, but instead talk about how throwing off the mental shackles of belief has been a freeing experience.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
WHY I BECAME AN ATHEISTAtheist means "not a superstitious idiot". How did I get from idiot to normal?
Actually it's not fair to call a brainwashed person an idiot if he or she can recover from the disease before becoming an adult. I figured out religion is bullshit at age 18, not quite as young as some people but still not bad.
The brainwashing was intense. Nine years of it from Kindergarten thru 8th grade at a Catholic school. But even at a young age I didn't buy all of it. At about 3rd grade when we were lucking enough to have a normal teacher (not an ugly insane nun), she had to leave the classroom for one hour for an appointment. The world's most batshit crazy nun replaced her. The nun figured that she had only one hour to make up for all the brainwashing we had been missing, so instead of teaching us anything, she spent the entire time talking about her favorite fantasy, eternal torture in a magical hell.
We were very young so she was able to successfully terrorize us. When our normal teacher returned and looked at us, I could tell she understood what had been going on, and I could tell she was disgusted by the asshole nun.
On the way home from school I was walking down the sidewalk with another young student who took the hell bullshit seriously. He was always getting in trouble so he figured he had good reason to be terrified of what the deranged nun was preaching. I told him, not to worry, the nun was full of shit. That reassured him so he continued to get in trouble without worrying about the magical consequences.
I continued to go to church every Sunday when I was a student at a public high school (no nuns, thank goodness). A few things happened that made me become disgusted with the Catholic death cult.
A friend who lived down the street from me came from a Catholic family but they ignored the rule against meat on Friday, and I criticized them for that. When the idiot Pope decided to throw out that rule I was angry. My entire youth up to that point was wasted believing it was a mortal sin (which means going to hell) to eat meat on Friday, and now the pope was throwing out this bullshit. Why did they have this insane rule in the first place?
Then when I was a senior in high school I was trying to schedule something with my girlfriend and I mentioned I first had to go to church Sunday morning. Then I got the shock of my life when she asked "Why do you go to church?" I never imagined anyone asking me that question, especially not my girlfriend. I was speechless so she dropped the subject.
Later I was explaining some of the Catholic versions of hell to some friends of mine, including Limbo and Purgatory. They laughed at me because they thought it was bullshit, and by now it was easy for me to quickly realize they were right.
The last straw was when our Pastor, for the 2nd Sunday in a row, spent the entire sermon talking about why we should make a special contribution to the Vatican because they needed the money. By now I was 18 and I could recognize a money-making racket when I saw one. The next Sunday morning as my family was getting ready to go to church I announced I wasn't going. I should have been a bit more gentle in breaking the news because my brainwashed mother went berserk, but her reaction convinced me the whole thing really was bullshit.
I don't know exactly when I threw out the god fairy itself. I know there was a period when I felt I couldn't be certain about it, but mostly it was something I never bothered to think about. Eventually I figured out god was just a fantasy, and many years later when I finally became interested in science my atheism became stronger. Today I'm certain there's no magical gods for the same reason I'm certain there's no magical Easter Bunnies.
What about evolution? How life developed was something I never thought about when I was young. In First Grade I knew from reading a Catholic school book that god created people but after that the nuns never much talked about it, except to repeatedly say a few million times "god made us in his own image". The Catholic school never once mentioned the word evolution and in my public school biology class (1964/1965) at one of the best high schools in America, my incompetent biology teacher never once talked about the foundation of biology. My friends never mentioned evolution. I never read about it. I somehow managed to graduate from high school without never once in my life knowing there was a word called evolution. That would be impossible today, but back in those ancient times evolution was something that was never talked about, at least not by everyone I knew.
Many years later I bought and read "
The Naked Ape" by Desmond Morris and that was the first time I heard anything about evolution. After reading that book I figured evolution was true, but until then how life developed was something I never thought about. It wasn't until many years later that I read some other books to understand the evidence and to understand how evolution works. My research made my atheism more stronger than ever.
A few years after I graduated from high school, after I had thrown out all the Catholic bullshit, I encountered someone who was in my grade at the Catholic school. I was shocked when we talked about the Catholic fantasies and I realized he still believed the whole thing. I thought that because I was able to figure out the whole thing was bullshit then everyone else must have been able to do that.
After I bought a computer and started using the internet, I was even more shocked to find out there were adults in this country who actually believed in the Noah's Ark myth, which I had thought was just a children's fairy tale, way too ridiculous for a grownup to take seriously. At first I thought these idiots were joking, but eventually I realized they really were stupid enough to believe in this atrocity.
Animal Welfare Adrift With Proposed Noah’s Ark Theme Park------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
This is what happens when a visitor to a Catholic website doesn't suck up to the dead Jeebus.
http://forums.catholic.com/ I get this message:
Your account has been locked for the following reason: anti-catholic agenda
This change will be lifted: Never
Cowardly religious assholes, no matter what cult they belong to, know their fantasies are probably bullshit, so to protect their insane religion they censor anyone who questions it.
Catholics have a lot of problems.
There's the extremely wealthy Vatican. It's fair to ask why they would want to give the Vatican their hard earned money so their worthless pope can buy nice dresses to wear.
There's the sexual child abuse. It has become so out of control thanks to decades of covering it up, whenever somebody sees a priest, even if that somebody is a Catholic, they automatically assume that priest is a pervert who abuses little boys. And they're probably right. It's fair to ask Catholics why they belong a child abuse organization.
The Catholic fantasies are batshit crazy. There's the various versions of hell (hell, purgatory, and limbo) and the various ways of going there (the mortal sin business). There is Mary, the dead mother of the dead Jeebus, who they pray to and who magically becomes visible to little children, especially where the local population needs a nice money making racket to survive.
There is so much bullshit a Catholic has to believe, it's no surprise virtually all Catholics are cowardly fucking idiots who love censorship.
I sent an email to the fucking idiots at
Medjugorje, Apparitions of Mary, Queen of Peace.
You assholes got a nice money making racket going."
I have met quite a few people who believe this incredibly insane bullshit. In a middle-of-nowhere backward town in Europe the population figured out they needed tourists to survive so they invented some magical bullshit, and thanks to the idiots of Idiot America, their dishonest business is extremely lucrative. They even got some American priests to advertise it. I know this because I went to a Catholic Mass that was completely for selling Medjugorje, and the large church was packed. (What was I doing there? It's a long story.)
The idea is the dead Mary magically appears to children, talks to them, and then the kids give this information to their employers (the local priests) who then make up what the dead Mary said, and they publish this bullshit, and Catholic retards believe it. They fly to this worthless place from America and they spend big money there. The Catholic church has no shortage of suckers.
A sample of their bullshit:
Medjugorje is a favored place chosen by God in which the Holy Virgin Mary has appeared daily for nearly 30 years."
Try to imagine a magical master of the entire universe sending a dead female human ape to a middle-of-nowhere hick-infested town on a middle-of-nowhere planet in a middle-of-nowhere galaxy. The tards who believe this bullshit are likely to believe anything, so if you want to make some easy money from gullible idiots just go to Medjugorje in Bosnia-Herzegovina.
If you're a Catholic, you're a fucking moron. Grow up or get off my planet, Catholic scum.
British Centre for Science EducationAmerican Institute of Biological SciencesThis is interesting. Please notice "
harm Tennessee's national reputation". It's a bit late to save the reputation of hick-infested Tennessee.Protect Tennessee Science EducationProtect Tennessee Science Education Write to Governor Haslam and Your State Legislators |
Individuals in Tennessee who are concerned about the quality of science education should immediately contact their elected officials in the State House and Senate to urge opposition to passage of Senate Bill 893 and House Bill 368.
These bills inaccurately describe scientific concepts and principles, and would undermine the education of Tennessee’s students. These bills define scientific topics, such as evolution and global climate change, as subjects that “may cause controversy” or “debate and disputation.” As advocates for science know, these ideas are not scientifically controversial.
By undermining the teaching of evolution and climate change, and by singling out science classes for special scrutiny, HB 368 and SB 893 would hinder student learning, harm Tennessee's national reputation, and weaken its efforts to participate in the 21st century economy.
Residents of Tennessee are encouraged to contact their State legislators immediately to encourage them to oppose passage of HB 368 and SB 893. Contact information for members of the Tennessee General Assembly may be found at http://www.capitol.tn.gov/legislators/.
It is also important that Governor Haslam hear from the citizens of Tennessee. Email the Governor at bill.haslam@tn.gov. Request that he not sign either HB 368 or SB 893 if they should reach his desk.
One of my favorite words because it accurately describes the world's Christians, Catholics, Muslims, Jews, and liberals.
SCUM: Possibly the worst word you can have your name associated with. It is hard to define the word, but it is basically used to describe someone so disgraceful that they are seen as the lowest form of life.
Why do America's liberal loons suck up to Muslim scum?
Because they're fucking idiots.
Why do America's liberal loons call contempt for Muslim scum "racism"?
It's because they're too fucking stupid to be able to understand the definition of simple words.
Please notice, wimpy American suck ups, Islam is not a human race. It's a terrorist organization.
Pat Condell on the idiocy of Islam------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Recently Richard Dawkins said something like this:
On a scale of 1 to 7, I am a 6.9 atheist, and I'm a lot closer to 7 than 6.9.Those of course were not his exact words but that was what he meant. In other words, he is virtually 100% certain there's no magical master of the universe.
Would Dawkins say the same thing about leprechauns? No, of course not. He would say "I'm 100% certain leprechauns are not real." He would not say "I'm virtually 100% certain leprechauns are not real."
Magic god fairies and leprechauns are equally ridiculous. I'm 100% certain both ideas are false (and idiotic, childish, insane, etc.). I'm not at 6.9. I'm at 7.0.
The problem with his 6.9 is it's a wimpy thing to say. Christian retards and Muslim terrorists love Dawkins for not completely ruling out their god fantasies. That makes Dawkins part of the religious insanity problem.
Politicians in backward hick-infested states like Tennessee and Louisiana are constantly trying to dumb down the teaching of evolutionary biology. They never attack algebra. They never attack chemistry. They are only afraid of evolution. Always, 100% of the time, their fear of the foundation of biology is for religious reasons.
These cowardly retards are strong evidence for the point of this blog, which is evolution has important religious implications. Anyone who is knowledgeable about how evolution works can easily figure out the development of new species is a completely natural process. Therefore the magical god of the gaps has lost its most important hiding place.
Is it possible to convince these imbeciles to grow up? No, of course not. Their disease is incurable. However there is something that can be done. Ridicule the assholes. Never let them forget they're uneducated morons. Telling them the truth about their breathtaking stupidity won't do them any good, but the younger generation will notice the ridicule and it's possible they will realize their parents, preachers, and politicians are fucking idiots. Also, by ridiculing these theocratic assholes, they will understand they will never be allowed to get away with anything, including destroying science education in America.
Organizers vowed that Saturday's rally was the first of several events planned to protest economic injustice.The news article is about the fucking idiots who are too lazy to look for a job, so they protest "
economic injustice".
What injustice? Anyone who wants to work in America can work. They might have to change careers to get a job. They might have to get an education first. They might have to move to where the jobs are, for example North Dakota. But if they really want to work, they will find a job.
These assholes would rather show off their stupidity. For example: "
a demonstrator threw a glass bottle at a bus" and "
Some boisterous protesters marched through the streets of New York's financial district, chanting 'bankers are gangsters' and cursing at police."
Bankers are gangsters? Hey tards, if you have a problem with your bank, then change banks.
Cursing at police? You fucking idiots, the police have better things to do than babysit you clowns.
Every day, probably for several more years, there is a post on PZ's blog from one PZ's minions called "
Why I am an atheist". All of these posts can be found at
Many of these posts are almost as boring as my blog. Other posts, including today's post at
Why I am an atheist – Megan Foley are excellent.
I wrote this comment at Megan's post:
humanape says: Because the universe is all the more beautiful without any gods and their magic pointing fingers poofing things into existence.
Another gem for my list of favorite quotes. Many thanks.
Theists need to understand god equals magic, and magic is a childish fantasy.
I have frequently tried to explain to Christian tards their miracle fantasies are magic tricks. I tell them they believe in magic. Always the Christian idiot says "No, miracles are not magic."
It's impossible to reason with drooling morons who don't even understand what their fantasies are.
I have seen no evidence that theists have any intelligence. They might be successful at their careers, but anyone who believes in a magical god, which is equivalent to a magical Easter Bunny, is just plain stupid.
Millions of fucking idiots in Idiot America think the entire universe was magically created 6,000 years ago. They should watch these two NASA YouTube videos:
NASA | Tour of the MoonNASA | Evolution of the MoonAlso please see
Honoring a lunar orbiter, two fantastic new NASA videos.
NASA has 435 videos at
To help pay for our two religious wars the United States is cutting NASA's budget. Perhaps it would be better to throw out the wars.
Imagine the unlimited human progress that would be possible if every idiotic religious fantasy was eradicated from this planet.
PZ's minions send him YouTube videos which often find their way to his blog. Here's some of them:
This blog has 799 posts. I wrote 23 posts about a Christian Creationist organization called the Discovery Institute. The assholes who belong to it are mostly lawyers. It has a few fake scientists who invoke magic (or what they dishonestly call
intelligent design) to solve scientific problems. They have of course discovered nothing.
Their income is from wealthy Christian science deniers. Their goal is to attack and destroy science education in America. They belong in prison for treason, and if I had my way their fate would be much worse. They are equal to terrorists, and the world will become a better place when they drop dead.
America's idiot politicians invoke the dishonest scum of the Christian Creationist Discovery Institute when they are trying to stick their dead Jeebus into biology classrooms. Always, these theocratic know-nothing assholes lose in court, but they never stop trying to dumb down science education to accommodate their Christian Death Cult.
Here are my 23 posts about the Discovery Institute scum:
Christian Creationist Discovery Institute (23 posts)One of the rare scientists who are not normal (also known as atheist) wrote this in a letter to one of the assholes who work for the Christian Creationist Discovery Institute:
Your Discovery Institute is a horrific mistake, an epic intellectual tragedy that is degrading the minds of those who consume its products and bringing dishonor to you and to the church. It is for good reason that Casey Luskin is held in such extreme contempt by your movement's critics, and there's something truly sick about the pattern of attacks that your operatives launched in the weeks after the Biola event. It's clear that you have a cadre of attack dogs that do this work for you, and some of them seem unconstrained by standards of integrity. I can't state this strongly enough: the Discovery Institute is a dangerous cancer on the Christian intellect, both because of its unyielding commitment to dishonesty and because of its creepy mission to undermine science itself. I'd like to see you do better, but I have no such hope for your institute. It needs to be destroyed, and I will do what I can to bring that about.
I love evolution.
Smithsonian Human Origins Program - Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The November 2012 election is still more than seven months away. This website (
General Election: Romney vs. Obama) will show all the polls until then. Romney currently has the best chance of defeating Obama, but right now Obama is expected to win easily. Against the other three Republican candidates Obama would win so easily he wouldn't have to bother campaigning for it.
Romney will definitely win the Republican nomination because even Republicans are not stupid enough to vote for a fucking idiot like Santorum.
In 2008 I voted for Obama but this year I'm voting for Romney. I'm not excited about Romney. He's boring, I don't like him, and I can't stand to look at him. I like Obama but I strongly disagree with Obama about some things which are important to me.
Obama is a liberal and I have a low opinion of liberals, even though I agree with them about some things. Obama's liberal idea to punish successful people with higher taxes seems like the worst possible thing to do right now. It's the rich people who own businesses who are doing most of the hiring in this country. If their taxes go up, or even if they think their taxes might go up, they are going to hire less people or fire more people to pay those taxes.
What really made me angry was Obamacare and the idea that the federal government can force people to buy something they don't want and don't need. I don't want to pay anything for health insurance because I have no need for doctors. My health has always been perfect because unlike the average American slob I don't eat junk food, I don't smoke or drink, I exercise (swimming), and I don't do dangerous things like drive cars (I walk or take the bus everywhere).
I was ignoring Obama when he was trying to get his health insurance thing passed, but then I found out he was going to force me to pay for it. That's called stealing my money and I won't tolerate it.
Obama will probably win in November because despite his "tax and spend" ideas our economy is improving and the stock market is going up. And I have to admit Obama's foreign policy is impressive. Obama killed Osama, he helped get rid of Libya's dictator, and he is more likely than Romney to get us out of Afghanistan sooner rather than later.
Idiot America is infested with idiots. Every state has them. Even Maine. The governor of Maine is an anti-science theocratic uneducated moron. As a Republican I am sorry to say the governor of Maine is of course a Republican. My favorite American political party is infested with retarded assholes.
Please see this brilliant editorial written by a fourth-year biology student at the University of Maine.
Columnist: Hard knocks to be expected for quality education if LePage reform pans outPlease notice that she calls magical intelligent design creationism a "
fundamentalist Christian" idea which is exactly what it is. For example the scum who sell intelligent design at the Christian Creationist Discovery Institute are Christian fundamentalists (also known as the Christian Taliban).
Two paragraphs from her editorial:
Gov. LePage is not without a personal agenda here. He has repeatedly expressed his support for creationism to be taught in schools and when addressing a home-school convention last year stated: “I will, yes, be pushing to have it taught [in public schools].”
Moreover, a growing number of these Christian private schools teach creationism as scientific fact, often dressing it up with an ostentatious pseudonym of intelligent design, a scientifically vacuous fundamentalist Christian claim that is anything but intelligent.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
How to be wealthy I wrote about my love for corporations that pay dividends, so I was very pleased to read today that Apple Inc. (stock symbol AAPL) has so much extra cash (they got 100 Billion dollars they don't need, Apple is taking over the world which is fine with me) they have decided to get rid of some of it by paying a quarterly dividend ($2.65 a share, annual yield about 1.8% at today's stock price).
A 1.8% yield is not very much but I expect them to raise their dividend every year. If I had any money Apple would be on my list of companies to buy. (I will have some money to invest. Eventually I will be able to spend about $30,000 a year to buy shares of my favorite companies, it's a long story.)
I used to be sort of wealthy. My value of my stock brokerage account was 341,000 dollars. My stock brokerage account is now worth exactly zero dollars. (It's another long story.) My goal is to once again have at least that much money ($341,000) invested in the stock market, this time in dividend paying shares, and I plan to never sell anything. I will just live off of my dividends and my social security check. I expect every company I plan to own will raise their dividends every year, because I will only buy corporations that have a long history of doing that. Also, I will continue to reinvest income from dividends that I don't need, which is another way of increasing my income every year.
Liberals like to criticize rich people, but I bet they would not complain if they became rich themselves. I was rich (I define rich is owning at least one third of a million dollars) and I plan to be rich again. There's no magical heaven to look forward to, so I will look forward to the real heaven I'm going to create myself.
My advice for liberals: Instead of complaining about rich pigs, become one yourself. It's easy to do and it's fun.
There was a Christian war against science education where I live in Florida. The Christian scum lost. I wrote about their stupidity here:
Theists are cowardly gullible idiots. Their moral values are fake because they do good things to please their magic fairy, and not because it's the right thing to do. Actually it's fair to say theist morons have no moral values at all. Most of them are fucking assholes who brainwash children, attack science education, and try to stick their nose into everyone else's private life. And of course there is their long history of atrocities.
Please read this comment. I copy and pasted it from
Why do Americans still dislike atheists? Why do believers hate atheists: I think it is because our very existence makes them uncomfortable by forcing them to question their beliefs. They see that most atheists are honest, well-adjusted, happy people which, if their religious beliefs were true, should not be the case.
When you're trying to convince a society to believe in nonsense, success depends on your ability to eliminate any evidence that such nonsense is untrue. Thus, when they have the power to do so, religions invariably enforce the harshest penalties against blasphemers, heretics, and apostates -- those who have the moral honesty to question belief in that which they find unbelievable.
And when such retribution is not within the power of the dominant religion, it engages in character assassination -- claiming that atheists are immoral, corrupt, and evil. One only has to look at the facts to see how false these accusations are. The prison population generally reflects the makeup of society, with percentages of religious groups in that population roughly equivalent to the percentages of those groups in society at large. With one notable exception: Atheists make up between 10-15 percent of the population as a whole, but less than 2 percent of the prison population.
And this should not be surprising, because atheists are every bit as moral and ethical as believers, with the major difference being that atheists have "internalized" those values. Atheists behave in a moral and ethical manner because they believe it is in their (and society's) best interest to do so, not because they are afraid of being caught and punished by some imaginary god.
Who would you trust more? Someone whose "fear of god" is the basis for their socially acceptable behavior, or someone who simply finds socially acceptable behavior personally rewarding? When you're trying to sell your version of "god" to a society, the biggest hurdle is not those who question that god's existence, but those whose lives show that the god is unnecessary. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
It’s interesting that the Supreme Court might throw out Obama’s mandate idea, also known as forcing people to buy what they don’t want and don’t need (to subsidize slobs who drink, smoke, eat junk food, and never exercise).
Human Ape