Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Sean B. Carroll wrote about science deniers in "The Making of the Fittest: DNA and the Ultimate Forensic Record of Evolution":

Sean B. Carroll wrote about science deniers in "The Making of the Fittest: DNA and the Ultimate Forensic Record of Evolution":

"For all of those who do see the overwhelming evidence of natural selection and life's descent from ancestors, and the immense span of time over which the story of life unfolded, it is, to put it mildly, baffling how so many still do not. It is absolutely astonishing and often infuriating that some take it so far as to deny the immense foundation of evidence and to slander all the human achievement that foundation represents."

Monday, August 29, 2016

A fucking moron at copied and pasted bullshit from Answers in stupidity.

  • "At least one of you managed to find my source."
    Answers in Genesis. "What Does the Bible Say about the Origin of Birds?
    You copied and pasted your insane nonsense from an extremely anti-science website. These people claim that the entire universe is 6,000 years old.
    Next time provide a link so we know what insane website you used to sell your anti-science fantasies.
    I'm curious. Have you ever considered the advantages of growing up, educating yourself, and facing facts? Instead of making yourself a laughing stock.
  • a few minutes ago · Quote · #3453
    It's funny how with a good dose of religion, people who would have no chance of getting on a biology PhD program suddenly regard themselves as experts who can tell real experts whose work they lack the knowledge to understand that they are wrong. Science denialist websites are full of people who are better qualified to argue about soap operas.
  • a few minutes ago · Quote · Edit · Delete · #3454
    Twpsyn, you have repeatedly shown everything you write is totally wrong. It's too late now. You can't fix your problem. Everyone now knows you copy and paste from the most insane and most ridiculous website in the entire history of the internet.

Saturday, August 27, 2016

I fear I might get in trouble for this one.

All The Reasons We Hate V3!

Where I play chess there is only one version and it works and it's totally free and there are no ads and everyone loves it.
Free stockfish analysis after the game. It's takes about one minute to see it and it's the best there is on the internet.
I can see the games I played several years ago and that's free. There is tons of other excellent stuff, all free.
But you people would rather spend money on an inferior product.
Notice I didn't say where I play chess because freedom of speech makes cry.

I was right. I just got this message from those incompetent stupid assholes:
" has a policy about not comparing our web site with our competitors: as you seem to do very little other than such comparisons, this is your first and last warning - any more such posts will result in the muting of your account here on"

See what I wrote here:

Friday, August 26, 2016

Evolution by natural selection is the strongest face of science, supported by DNA sequencing, embryology, and the other stuff listed below. This Wikipedia stuff is huge and there are numerous links to more information.

Contents [hide]
1Evidence from comparative physiology and biochemistry
1.2Specific examples from comparative physiology and biochemistry
2Evidence from comparative anatomy
2.2Evolutionary developmental biology and embryonic development
2.3Homologous structures and divergent (adaptive) evolution
2.4Nested hierarchies and classification
2.5Vestigial structures
2.6Specific examples from comparative anatomy
3Evidence from paleontology
3.1Fossil record
3.3Specific examples from paleontology
4Evidence from biogeography
4.1Continental distribution
4.2Island biogeography
4.3Rings species
4.4Specific examples from biogeography
5Evidence from selection
5.1Artificial selection and experimental evolution
5.2Specific examples from selection: invertebrates
5.3Specific examples from selection: microbes
5.4Specific examples from selection: plants and fungi
5.5Specific examples from selection: vertebrates
6Evidence from speciation
6.1Specific examples from speciation: fossils
6.2Specific examples from speciation: invertebrates
6.3Specific examples from speciation: plants
6.4Specific examples from speciation: vertebrates
7Evidence from mathematic modeling
7.1Specific examples from mathematic modeling
8See also
10Further reading
11External links

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

My Amazon review of the 8th and last Harry Potter book.

5.0 out of 5 stars If you read the 1st 7 Harry Potter books you know you have to buy this one.

August 23, 2016
Format: Hardcover|Verified Purchase
Before reading this excellent book I suggest read the 7 other books. I read those 7 books twice. I was concerned about the format, it's a play, but I quickly learned to like it. It was easy to pretend I was watching the play. J.K. Rowling has again created a masterpiece. I usually read books at a very slow pace but this book I could not put down. It was about time travel which made it like science fiction and for me that's a good thing. If you have read the 1st 7 books you have to read this one. You don't have any choice and you know it.

Monday, August 22, 2016

A comment I wrote at the WSJ that was vaporized. The WSJ censors are fucking idiots.

“Varicose veins tend to be hereditary and due to age or obesity,” he says.

I noticed there is a lot of obesity in America. This has to be the fattest country on the planet. I saw one airhead today who had to weigh at least 600 pounds. Imagine how much cake she shoves into her fat face every day.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

What somebody wrote about African Americans.

Why do black people keep acting the way they do? Don't they ever get tired?

Pull your fucking pants up and buy a $5 belt. Learn to speak English. Quit drinking and doping. Stop listening to crap music on full blast every day. Stop raping and robbing. Get rid of the cornrows, dreadlocks, bling, gold teefs, and 25" rims and don't dress in orange and purple. Quit blowing your money on toys when you need food. Do what the cop tells you, even if you don't like it. That's what respect for authority means. Pick up a book. Sit your äss down and study. Stop complaining about everything. We're all sick to death of your whining, we just don't speak up. Just try to be normal humans. Is that so hard?

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

8/9/2016: What I wrote at

"Sorry for my bad english"

You speak English better than most Americans.

"Hello, I just started playing chess, and I find this game so fascinating. I don't know where to begin studying. I play just 1. e4 e5 and I usually lose."

Welcome to the most fantastic game ever invented. And congratulations for finding, the best place on the internet for playing chess.

How to improve your game? I suggest be lazy like I am. I just play games and whether I win or lose I study the lichess computer analysis to find out what I did wrong. Using this method I have been able to improve all 3 phases of my game, the opening, the middle game, and the ending.

Another idea is you could study the games of the strongest players here. Or you could just watch their games on Lichess TV. I suggest watch the slower time controls because there will be less mistakes.

Losing is not a bad thing because that's how you learn. However for some reason I prefer winning.
One more thing. I suggest play only rated games. It's a good way to keep track of your progress.

Also, at your level I suggest never resign. Your opponent could make a mistake and you could win or get a draw, and if you lose you can learn how they finish the game.
"I'm currently playing a lot of 15+2, is that ok?"

That's perfect. I suggest stay with that.

I prefer 10/0 but I have a bit more experience. I started playing chess in 1961 when I was 12 years old.
@avonm "i'd suggest a slower time control" I know, you're probably right, I will try out also slower time controls. Thanks for the reply
@BobC Thanks for all the suggestions, man, you are awesome. I'll start playing also rated games now :D